Speicher News |
Samstag, den 22.03.2008 |
Mushkin 4GB SP Serie USB Flash Speicherstick im Test
Mushkin hat sein Sortiment unlängst um Netzteile, Grafikkarten und Flash-Speicher erweitert. Bei allen Geräten setzt die Firma auf ein eigenständiges Design sowie durchdachte Detaillösungen. Inwiefern dies auch für die USB-Flashspeichersticks gilt, erfahrt ihr im Mushkin 4GB SP USB Flash Speichersti...
Kingston HyperX 2GB PC3-14400 DDR3-1800 Review
Even though my previous reviews on Kingston Technology products were about their flash division, Kingston still is very much an enthusiast RAM company. Their HyperX series now comes in DDR3 at very high speeds. While DDR3 is still very new, Kingston offers the KHX14400D3K2 kit that runs at a scathin...
OCZ PC3-16000 2GHz DDR3 NVIDA SLI-Ready Edition Announcement
OCZ Technology unveils ultra-fast two Gigahertz DDR3 modules optimized for the new NVIDIA nForce 790i Ultra SLI Platform. OCZ unveiled blistering fast PC3-16000 DDR3 modules that are also NVIDIA SLI certified to run at an extreme 2GHz on the next generation NVIDIA nForce 790i Ultra SLI motherboards ...
Crucial Ballistix DDR3 2GHz Speicher für Gamer Neuankündigung
Lexar Media hat heute angekündigt, dass die Crucial Ballistix PC3-16000 DDR3 2000MHz Hochleistungsspeichermodule ab sofort lieferbar sind. Die Crucial Ballistix DDR3 2000MHz Speichermodule besitzen Enhanced Performance Profiles EPP 2.0 und sind SLI-Ready zertifiziert, was bedeutet, dass sie mit den ...
Corsair 2GHz High-Speed 2GB DDR3 Memory Announcement
Corsair Announces 2GHz High-Speed DDR3 Memory for NVIDIA 790i Ultra SLI Gaming Platform. After extensive partnership efforts between NVIDIA and Corsair, the NVIDIA 790i Ultra SLI platform was found to exhibit extreme overclocking capabilities with the latest in DDR3 memory architectures. All Corsair...
Crucial Ballistix Tracer Red PC-6400 4GB kit Tested
While the market has moved in such a way that makes the red version we've reviewed here a premium just not worth paying, the standard Ballistix Tracer 4GB in black competes with a few of the funkier OCZ modules shown above, that have a similar set of enhanced timings for around the same price. Overa...
Kingston 8GB Hyper-X Data Traveler USB Drive Review
The Kingston Hyper-X 8GB Data Traveler is one good option among the droves of lesser on the market. It's nice to see the Kingston Hyper-X 8GB Data Traveler with its larger capacity and its 33MB/s transfer rate. This is basically just as fast as many of the pricier USB 2.0 external drives. Granted it...
OCZ Platinum PC2-8000 2x2GB Tested
Going from 2GB to 4GB was like bringing my over-powered, under-performing system out of its shell. There were no nagging little delays jumping through menus. Switching between tasks was no longer annoying. The network latency which was new to me in Vista all but vanished. Photoshop and Excel became ...
Crucial Ballistix 2GB PC3-12800 Kit Review
These modules are rated for operation at DDR3-1600 which is PC3-12800 at 1.8V. The modules have SPD values for lower speeds DDR3-1066 at JEDEC specs to provide boards the needed initial boot to provide the RAM with the proper voltage and timings. The stock timings at DDR3-1600 are 8-8-8-24. DDR3 lat...
Kingston HyperX DDR3-1625 2GB Memory Kit Review
Today I will be looking at the PC3-13000 HyperX 2 gig kit, which at present, is considered the sweet spot of DDR3 memory by some. Kingston is one of the oldest names in the PC world, and they are the largest manufacturer of system memory purchased by third party buyers. I remember hearing of Kingsto...
Corsair Dominator Twin3X2048 DDR3 Speicher Test
In wie weit unser Mainboard Asus P5E3 Deluxe WiFi dem Corsair Dominator Twin3X2048 1800C7DFIN DDR3 Speicher gerecht wird, zeigt der Artikel. In diesem Jahr wird DDR3 Speicher sicherlich in bezahlbare Regionen rutschen und es naht die Zeit umzusteigen. Grund genug, eine Reihe Tests mit dem kommenden ...
Sonstige News |
Freitag, den 21.03.2008 |
Samsung 2493HM LCD Monitor Tested
Despite my searing criticism of Samsung's decision to use touch sensitive buttons for the On Screen Display controls. I wholly and entirely did enjoy my time with this display. As a zealous advocate of dual monitors, I will admit defeat, my time with Samsung's SyncMaster 2493HM has crumbled my resen...
Toshiba Portege R500 Notebook Test
Was bringt eigentlich ein flaches Notebook? Sollte ein mobiler Rechner nicht besser klein, stromsparend und leicht sein? Am besten gleich das leichteste Notebook der Welt. Wie das Toshiba Portégé R500.
E-TEN Glofiish X800 Smartphone Review
A little while ago we took a look at the Glofiish X650 from E-TEN and although it had a wide range of good features, the package as a whole had us feeling it was a bit overpriced. The reason for this is the X800, the bigger brother to the X6x0-series, as it's not much more expensive than the X650 an...
ESA, Enthusiast System Architecture Bedeutung
Bereits seit längerer Zeit kann man die Temperaturen und/oder Lüfterdrehzahlen von CPUs, Grafikkarten und Mainboards überwachen. Was bietet der neue Standard ESA? Enthusiast System Architecture lässt ab sofort auch das Gehäuse, das Netzteil sowie eine Wasserkühlung in den Überwachungskreislauf einbi...
Razer Lachesis 4000dpi Gming Mouse Review
Any true gamer is always seeking to gain the advantage over their opponent. Razer seeks to give you that edge in the form of their new Lachesis mouse which boasts an amazing 4000dpi sensitivity.
Seagate Momentus 5400.4 250GB Tested
Seagate blessed Bjorn3D this week with their newest and largest 2.5 inch hard drive, the Momentus 5400.4 RPM 250GB (3.0Gb/s). First impressions out of the box left me thinking it was going to be much slower than a 7200 RPM hard drive. Boy was I wrong. Way wrong. I noticed that the interface was fast...
LG KS20 WM6 HSDPA Phone Video Review
Designed to provide an enriched mobile internet experience in a slim and stylish device, the LG KS20 smartphone features a full complement of multi messaging and multimedia functionality including push email, instant messaging, video calling and even an inbuilt FM radio. The LG KS20 also provides un...
Panasonic Toughbook R7 Tested
Panasonic Toughbook R7 is not your typical notebook. In fact, there is only one place you can find it in the U.S.
Cyber Snipa GamePad V2 Review
There are enough keys on the gamepad to provide everything you need to frag your opponent. They enlarged the standard movement keys to help with the cramping you can get in your hand. This new version has changed the color of some of the keys to help you recognize your options.
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