Mainboard News |
Donnerstag, den 20.03.2008 |
MSI P35 Platinum Combo Intel P35 Motherboard Review
We evaluate the features and performance of MSI's P35 Platinum Combo motherboard. As its name implies, this board is based on the P35 chipset for the Intel platform. But what makes it interesting is its somewhat unique ability to work with both DDR3 and DDR2 memory types and its funky Circu-Pipe coo...
ABIT IP35 Mainboard Test
Wer sich die die teuren Platinen der jeweiligen Hersteller nicht leisten kann, wird Ausschau nach abgespeckten Versionen halten, die deutlich weniger kosten und trotzdem einiges an Performance und Ausstattung bieten. Wie auch das Abit IP35 welches unter 90 Euro kostet und trotzdem ein solides Sockel...
MSI X48 Platinum Motherboard Review
Overclocking the old fashioned way was actually very easy, despite the E6750's 333MHz FSB. With little effort, we were able to reach 490Mhz on air, which is the exact same result we hit on the MSI P35 earlier this year. Default voltage wasn't enough for this though and we were required to increase t...
EVGA nVidia 790i SLI Ultra and 9800GX2 1GB Review
The new 790i motherboard brings NVIDIA up to speed on many of the features that have left them a bit dragging behind Intel for the last two quarters and makes a strong comeback on the new 790i. DDR3 was one of the most lacking features in the 780i series and is addressed well in the 790i as it can h...
Asus Strike II Extreme und Evga nForce 790i Ultra SLI im Test
Passend zur 9800 GX2 haben wir uns Nvidias neuen Chipsatz, den 790i Ultra SLI angeschaut, jeweils auf einer Platine von Evga Referenz Design und Asus Strike II Extreme.
Abit AX78 Socket AM2 Motherboard Video Review
The Abit AX78 Socket AM2 Motherboard is based on the AMD 770 SB600 chipset and supports the AMD Dual and Quad Core processors. It accepts up to 8GBs of Dual channel DDR2 1066, 800, 667 un-buffered non-ECC memory. This motherboard also comes with passive cooling using just heatsinks and a heatpipe, s...
ASRock Penryn1600SLIX3-WiFi Announcement
Designed for enthusiasts with over clocking desire and SLI hard-core users, Penryn1600SLIX3-WiFi is powered by NVIDIA nForce 680i SLI Chipset, supports Intel Penryn Quad Core Yorkfield CPU and 3-Way SLI. Featuring FSB1600MHz, all solid capacitors design for over-clockers, ALC890 audio codec with DTS...
nVidia nForce 790i Ultra SLI Chipset Preview
Nvidia is pushing hard on the platform front with its technology portfolio ESA, EPP 2.0 and SLI are all core Nvidia products associated with the nForce 790i Ultra SLI motherboard and this launch. While some are open standards, so no royalties are claimed when using them, it doesn't mean all is well ...
DFI LanParty UT ICFX3200-T2R-G Intel LGA775 Motherboard Review
Today we will be looking at the DFI LanParty UT IFCX3200-T2R/G. It is an LGA775 motherboard powered by the ATI RD600 chipset, and featuring ATI CrossFire Xpress 3200 IE. This board has been around for some time but is still available, and at an excellent price, I might add. So rather than spend time...
XFX nVidia nForce 790i Ultra SLI Mainboard Test
Mit dem nForce 790i Ultra SLI greift Nvidia nicht nur Intels X38-Chipsatz an, auch der in Kürze erhältliche X48 soll auf Distanz gehalten werden. Ob dies gelingen wird? Dies werden wir anhand eines nForce-790i-Mainboards von XFX herausfinden. Als Konkurrent stellt sich die Platine einem Asus-Mainboa...
EVGA nForce 790i Ultra SLI Review
We took a quick look on this new high-end socket 775 motherboard from EVGA, based on the new nForce 790i chipset, supporting DDR3 memories and three PCI Express x16 slots supporting 3-way SLI, Quad SLI and other high-end features. As its name implies, EVGA nForce 790i Ultra SLI motherboard is based ...
ASUS Striker II Formula nForce 780i SLI Testbericht
Das ASUS Striker II Formula basiert auf dem nForce 780i SLI Chipset von nVidia und unterstützt u.a. DDR2-Hauptspeicher sowie natürlich den Dual-Betrieb von GeForce Grafikkarten.
ASRock 4Core1600P35-WiFi+ Motherboard Review
ASRock continues to produce products that will tempt the enthusiast and power user crowds to consider using them for their upgrade path. This time, ASRock takes a mature Intel P35 Express chipset and adds the latest features to it to make a feature rich motherboard. The ASRock 4Core1600P35-WiFi+ mot...
Palit N78S nVidia GeForce 8200 Motherboard Tested
We are going to examine a motherboard on GeForce 8200, previously known as MCP78. As this motherboard is an engineering sample, this is actually a preview of the new chipset by the example of this motherboard.
Asus Striker II Formula nForce 780i SLI Review
We evaluate the features, overclockability, and performance of the Asus Striker II Formula nForce 780i SLI-based motherboard for Intel processors. The Striker II Formula is a member of ASUS' high-end Republic of Gamers, or ROG, series of motherboards. As such, the board is loaded with features and i...
Gigabyte MA-78GM-S2H AMD 780G Motherboard Tested
The AMD 780G chipset is the first new chipset that was designed by AMD after the AMD/ATI merger and it performs like a winner. Usually when a company designs a chipset with integrated graphics they just take half of a desktop GPU and stick it inside the chipset, but the 780G is the first chipset gen...
Sonstige News |
Mittwoch, den 19.03.2008 |
Asus Xonar D2X im Test
In unserem Shortcut versprachen wir, einen ausführlichen Test der Asus Xonar D2X Soundkarte nachzuliefern. Dieses Versprechen wollen wir nun einlösen.
AutumnWave OnAir GT USB HDTV Tuner Review
HDTV broadcast becomes more accessible in many cities AutumnWave is bringing to the notebook/laptop users an easy way to capture the high quality must watch sports or your favorite TV programs on-the-go.
TuneUp Utilities 2008 Software Testbericht
Auch dieses Jahr wurde eine neue Version der wohl bekanntesten Windows Tuningsuite TuneUp Utilities veröffentlicht. Was die 2008er Version an Neuerungen bietet und ob sich ein Upgrade bzw. Neukauf lohnt, wollen wir in diesem Bericht klären.
Sleek-Audio SA6 Earphones Tested
Sleek-Audio SA6 is the name of a brand new pair of earphones with customizable performance. The earphones feature both a treble and bass tuning system that allows the user to alter the audio performance according to their needs and preferences. This is not done via electronics as one might expect, b...
LCD Buying Guide
Before the LCD displays arrived, the choice of a monitor has been fairly easy. With CRTs you had screen size, refresh rates and price and you could be fairly sure that you did not have to worry about anything more. With LCDs, it is a different matter and this guide aims at helping you understand wha...
Samsung SGH-i617 PDA Smartphone Tested
The Samsung SGH-i617 BlackJack II offers the best of the original, the power of a PDA with the ease of a basic Smartphone.
WinFast Leadtek PxDTV2300H TV-card Review
To be able to watch TV on or through a computer we of course need a TV-card and Leadtek were kind enough to send over one of their premium TV-cards, the WinFast Leadtek PxDTV2300H. In addition to the support for analogue broadcasts this card also supports the DVB-T standard for digital Terrestial br...
Grafikkarten News |
Dienstag, den 18.03.2008 |
nVidia Geforce 9800 GX2 im Test
Wir haben Nvidias neues High-End-Modell, die Geforce 9800 GX2, einem ausführlichen Test unterzogen. Dabei musste sie sich nicht nur der 8800 Ultra stellen, sondern auch zwei 8800 GT bzw. 9600 GT Karten.
XFX 9800 GX2 Review
This dual GPU 9800 GX2 from XFX is an absolutely massive card that should tickle the interest of any extreme gaming enthusiast. The XFX 9800 GX2 isn't for everyone, but for the small amount of people that this card is for, well, they are some very lucky gamers. This video card truly is a monster, an...
Club 3D 9800 GX2 1024MB Neuvorstellung
Club 3D stellt heute mit der GeForce 9800GX2 eine brandneue High-End Grafikkarte vor. Die Club 3D 9800GX2 basiert auf zwei Grafikprozessoren mit dem NVIDIA G92 Chipsatz. Die Club 3D 9800GX2 Dual GPU Grafikkarte setzt neue Maßstäbe und bietet eine enorme Leistungssteigerung in 3D Anwendungen. Entwick...
Nvidia GeForce 9800 GX2 Testbericht
Mit der Dual-GPU-Karte GeForce 9800 GX2 greift Nvidia nicht nur die ATi Radeon HD 3870 X2 an, es geht endlich auch wieder Richtung neue Rekordwerte. Beides mit Erfolg? Wir untersuchen es auf unserem neu eingerichteten Testsystem und prüfen, ob Nvidia tatsächlich die schnellste auf dem Markt befindli...
Zotac 9800 GX2 Grafikkarten Test
NVIDIA gibt das NDA auf und zeigt der Öffentlichkeit Ihre neue High-End Grafikkarte, die GeForce 9800GX2. Bereits im Vorfeld machte sie durch diverse Terminverschiebungensich auf sich aufmerksam, denen die Gerüchte über unzureichende Performance im Vergleich zur HD3870X2 folgten. Technic3D schaut si...
nVidia GeForce 9800 GX2 Benchmarks
Heute stellt nVidia mit der GeForce 9800 GX2 sein neues Flaggschiff vor. Die GeForce 9800 GX2 ist der Nachfolger der GeForce 8800 Ultra und setzt auf zwei G92 Grafikchips GeForce 8800 GTS 512MB. Es handelt sich also um eine ähnliche Lösung wie schon bei der Radeon HD 3870 X2 von AMD, die auf zwei Ra...
nVidia GeForce 9800 GX2 im Test
nVidia möchte die durch die ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 verloren gegangenen Marktanteile zurückgewinnen und die Performance-Krone zurückerobern. Die Leistung der aktuell verfügbaren High-End-GPU reicht dazu aber nicht aus, und die Nachfolgergeneration lässt noch einige Wochen oder Monate auf sich warten -...
Gainward 9800 GX2 Grafikkarten Test
Nvidias Vormachtstellung im High-End-Sektor war über die letzten Monate hinweg gesichert. Noch heuer ist der im November 2006 debütierende G80 schneller als AMDs High-End-Lösung RV670. Doch plötzlich ist AMD Inhaber des schnellsten Grafikchips, nämlich der HD 3870 X2. Was ist falsch gelaufen?
Zotac GeForce 9800 GX2 Review
Today nVidia launches their GeForce 9800 GX2 dual GPU card. It comes with two G92 GPUs and uses a new cooling design where a single cooler sits in the middle and cools both GPUs. We have the card from Zotac on our testbench today which follows the reference design specification. Unlike many other pu...
XFX Geforce 9800 GX2 1GB and XFX Nforce 790i Ultra SLI Tested
Today we have the XFX Nforce 790i Ultra SLI Motherboard in for review and we are pairing it with a 9800 GX2 video card, also from XFX. Is this is the fastest hardware currently available? We aim to show you, in our 29 page indepth analysis.
Foxconn GeForce 9800GX2-1024 Grafikkarten Neuvorstellung
Foxconn stellt mit der GeForce 9800GX2-1024 heute sein neues Grafik-Flaggschiff vor. Die Grafikkarte wurde für Spieler entwickelt und liefert daher beeindruckende Grafikleistung. Foxconns 9800GX2 ist mit nVidias Quad SLI Technologie ausgestattet und die perfekte Wahl für Spieler. Foxconn folgt bei d...
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GX2 and nForce 790i SLI Tested
NVIDIA has finally taken the wraps of their latest desktop chipset, the nForce 790i SLI Ultra, and a brand new flagship graphics card dubbed the GeForce 9800 GX2. We've taken a look at a pair of motherboards, one from ASUS and the other from EVGA, built around the new nForce 790i SLI Ultra chipset a...
XFX 9800GX2 Review
Well today NVIDIA and its board partners are introducing NVIDIA's new high-end GPU the 9800GX2. We should actually just call this NVIDIA's new card since like AMD/ATI's 3870X2 this is a card using 2 GPU's. NVIDIA has been down this road before with the 7950GX2 of 2 years ago.
XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 1GB GDDR3 Video Card Review
NVIDIA just launched the GeForce 9800 GX2 video card with a pair of 600MHz G92 GPUs, 256 stream processors running at 1.5GHz and 1GB GDDR3 memory operating at 2GHz. We have a couple XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 cards on hand and the performance numbers are very impressive. It's been nearly two years since N...
Leadtek WinFast PX8800 GTS 512MB im Test
Getestet wurde die Leadtek WinFast PX8800 GTS 512MB. Was machen wenn man wenig Geld in der Tasche hat und trotzdem eine neue Grafikkarte braucht? Ausschau halten nach einen guten Preis/Leistungs-Modell. Dafür kommt derzeit die Geforce 8800 GTS 512 in Frage.
ASUS 8800 GT 512MB TOP Edition Review
The regular 8800 GTS, GTX, and Ultras are still quite a bit more with the GTX and Ultra still costing the most. The ASUS 8800 GT TOP Edition may cost a little more than the stock frequency versions, but the card packs a bigger punch thanks to its factory overclocked settings and the card is very qui...
nVidia GeForce 9800 GX2 with ForceWare 174.51 Tested
We said we would test the GX2 again once we obtained some updated drivers, and that's exactly what we're about to do right now. From a hotmail account this morning, we received the 174.51 Vista drivers. The difference between these drivers and the last batch of 174 drivers we tried is that these one...
ATi Radeon HD 3850 und HD 3870 im CrossFireX Betrieb
Mit dem Catalyst 8.3 hat AMD offiziell bestätigt, dass es möglich ist, zwei verschiedene Grafikkarten im CrossFire-Modus zu betreiben. Wir sehen uns diese technische Möglichkeit einmal genauer an und wollen wissen, wieviel Power im CrossFire-Verbund einer Radeon HD 3850 mit 256 MB und einer Radeon H...
MSI 8800 GT Silent 512MB and MSI HD 3650 512MB Tested
MSI 8800 GT That we review today belongs to the most popular group of slightly overclocked 8800 GT cards. The RADEON HD 3650, in its turn, is basically a RADEON HD 2600 made using a finer process technology. Its clock rates are lower than, but close to those of 2600 XT.
Club 3D Radeon HD 3870 Overclocked Edition im Test
In Zeiten, wo viele Hersteller auf das Referenzdesign der Grafikkarten setzten ist es für einen Hersteller schwer sich noch hervorzuheben. Möglich ist dies eigentlich nicht durch einen möglichst geringen Preis oder einen möglichst großen Lieferumfang, wobei zweites fast erstes ausschließt. Dies hat ...
nVidia GeForce 9800 GX2 Overclocked and Tested
We've moved our trusty Intel quad-core Q6600 processor up to 3.75GHz but at the same time we thought that we may as well see what we can do with the clocks on the GeForce 9800 GX2. The increases clock speeds will be what most consumers can achieve without spending a truck load of cash on extreme coo...
Sapphire HD3870 X2 CrossFireX Testbericht
Nachdem AMD mit der HD 3870 X2 Grafikkarte wieder im High-End Segment zu finden ist, kommt nun nach etwas Wartezeit endlich der CrossfireX Treiber mit dem Namen Catalyst 8.3, der es erlaubt, zwei solcher Grafikkarten in einem Verbund von vier GPUs laufen zu lassen. Natürlich kurz vor dem Launch des ...
Foxconn GeForce 8800GT OC Graphics Card Review
With the 8800GT Standard OC in hand from Foxconn, we thought it was time to see how it faired against the overclocked 9600GT from Galaxy and the ASUS HD 3870 which carries with it stock clocks.
Sapphire HD 3870 Toxic Tested
Sapphire's new HD 3870 Toxic is built on the same Vapor-X cooling technology that the HD 3870 Atomic uses. This means that the card comes with a single slot cooling solution making it a premier choice for Quad CrossFire systems. The accessory package also includes an HDMI cable, PowerDVD and a 3DMar...
Diamond Viper 3870PE4512 ATI Radeon HD 3870 512MB Review
Today we'll be looking at one card responsible for the exceptional mid-range offering we are enjoying, the Diamond VIPER 3870PE4512 ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 PCIE 2.0 512MB GDDR4 Video Card; ATI/AMD's mid-range card that curiously happens to be their top performing single GPU card.
VVIKOO GeForce 8800 GT Max 1024 MB Review
Even though the GeForce 8800 GT has already been out for a while, it still has the punch to play all the latest games. The VVIKOO 8800 GT Max 1 GB comes with the Zalman VF1000 pre-installed and also features double the video memory. But is there any performance to be gained by going from 512 MB to 1...
ATi Catalyst 8.3 im Test
Wir haben den AMD ATi Catalyst 8.3 Grafikkarten Treiber einem Test unterzogen und mit älteren Catalyst Versionen verglichen.
ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 CrossfireX Testbericht
Seit etwas mehr als einem Monat nun ist ATIs neues Flagschiff, die Radeon HD 3870 X2, auf dem Markt. Entsprechend unterstützt diese auch Crossfire. Leider war es bis zum 5. März nicht möglich zwei dieser Kraftpakete im Crossfire zu betreiben, sprich insgesamt vier GPUs parallel zu nutzen. Seit dem R...
ATi Radeon HD 3650, 3850, 3870 Overclocked Graphics Cards Tested
Like most people neither wear designer clothes nor live in villas, most users cannot afford expensive powerful graphics cards like GeForce 8800GTX or RADEON HD 3870 X2 and choose cheaper solutions instead. So, this time we are going to review three Mid-End graphics cards of the 100-180 USD price ran...
Sapphire HD3850 Ultimate im Test
Sapphire hat nun mit ihrer HD3850 Ultimate eine passive Karte am Start, die wir mit Freuden ein paar Tests unterzogen haben. Von Haus aus passiv gekühlte Grafikkarten sind in letzter Zeit immer häufiger zu sehen. Bedingt dadurch, dass die Hersteller sich in letzter Zeit immer mehr um die Verkleineru...
Club3D and HIS AMD HD3870 512MB Compared
The HD3800 series have been available for nearly three months now, but it's only until NVIDIA recently decided to launch their 9600GT that we decided to have another look at ATI's current mainstream video card. Our article includes two samples, one standard clocked HD3870 branded Club3D, and one sup...
Asus 8800GS TOP Videocard Review
Today we take a look at a relatively inexpensive videocard from Asus. We recieved a sample of their 8800GS card that cost around 200 USD. This card is cheaper than the 8800GT card but can it compete with it at all or will it fall behind in every test we put it through? How does it perform and is it ...
Sapphire Radeon HD 3870 X2 und Gainward 8800 GTS 1024 Vergleich
Im Wettrennen um die schnellste Grafikkarte hat ATI nach 14 Monaten erstmals wieder Oberwasser gegenüber Nvidia. Die auf den Namen HD 3870 X2 getaufte Karte beherbergt zwei RV670-Chips, die bei den Performance-Karten HD 3870 sowie HD 3850 eingesetzt werden, und erreicht so eine Performance, die ober...
HIS Radeon HD 3850 IceQ 3 TurboX 512MB graphics card Tested
The HIS Radeon HD 3850 IceQ 3 TurboX 512MB is an interesting card that improves on the ATI reference design in many areas. In particular, the clock speed increase is an impressive one that takes the card's performance characteristics up to a level where it's not too far behind the Radeon HD 3870 ref...
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