Sonstige News |
Samstag, den 16.02.2008 |
Juzt Reboot JR-PCI-VT im Test
Sicherheitslösungen gibt es heutzutage wie Sand am Meer. Wir haben uns eine näher angeschaut: JR-PCI-VT von Juzt-Reboot. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine PCI-Karte die das gesamte System vor unerwünschten Änderungen schützen soll. Anders wie Softwarelösungen, soll dieses Produkt den PC besser schütze...
Razer Lachesis 4000 dpi Lasermaus im Test
Nachdem wir bereits die Razer Diamondback 3G erfolgreich testen durften, wollen wir uns nun den neuesten Nager aus dem Hause Razer zur Brust nehmen. Die Rede ist von der neuen Razer Lachesis, welche mit einem atemberaubenden 4000 dpi Infrarot Sensor arbeiten soll.
Klipsch Image Earbuds Review
Klipsch's first entry into the headphone market is in the new Image earbuds which are branded as the worlds smallest and lightest.
SteelSeries Ikari Laser Mouse Review
The SteelSeries Ikari Series mice, just being released not too long ago, are a perfect gaming addition for anyone looking to improve their gaming. With 15 months of research and development SteelSeries has been able to closely perfect the art of gaming mice for FPS as well as MMO/RTS gamers. This mo...
Asus Xonar D2 Sound Card Review
Xonar D2 is the first sound card from ASUS designed mostly for Home Entertainment. Nevertheless, the card has software EAX2.0 support and full-size MIDI connectors on an additional bracket, as well as Ableton Live and SONAR LE in the bundle.
Able Planet Noise Canceling Headphones Duo Tested
The Able Planet NC500LC and NC500SC headphones are pretty sweet. Both sets provide the same level of noise cancellation, but the Sound Clarity series does in fact provide better sound quality. That is not to say that the NC500LC set doesn't sound good though. The LoSt CaUzE set was the best set of h...
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Samstag, den 16.02.2008 |
Folgende Neuheiten und Angebote gibt es jetzt bei OC-Card.de im Onlineshop
Neu im OC-Card Shop sind von innovatek das IX38 Mainboardkühler Kit, das innovatek 780i (SLI) Mainboardkühler Kit, das Wasserthermometer mit Band-Anzeige, der Coolermaster COSMO 1000 - DUAL Wasserkühlung und das be quiet Dark Power Pro BQT P7 mit 550 Watt und mit 650 Watt.
Kühler News |
Freitag, den 15.02.2008 |
Xigmatek Battle-Axe VGA Kühler Test
Xigmatek hat sich bei den Prozessorkühlern Dank Heatpipe-Direct-Touch Technologie zur echten Alternative gemausert. Nun will der Hersteller auch den Grafikkartenkühlermarkt für sich erobern und präsentiert mit der Battle-Axe einen großformatigen HDT Kühler mit Doppel 92 mm Belüftung und erstklassige...
Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 LP im Test
Unser aktueller Testbericht widmet sich diesmal dem Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 LP. Mit seinen zwei seitlich angebrachten Lüftern ist er nicht nur ein besonders kleiner Zeitgenosse, sondern auch ein wahres Kühlwunder. Gerade für den Einsatz in Barebones oder Media-Gehäusen ist der Lüfter optimal geeig...
Thermaltake MaxOrb CPU Cooler Review
Today I'll be taking a look at another of their latest products, the Max Orb. Following the progression of orb coolers, from the Golden Orb II through the Blue Orb and Ruby Orb, the Max Orb represents yet another level of advancement in design for Thermaltake.
Scythe Zipang CPU Kühler im Test
High-End Kühler von Scythe sorgen immer wieder für Wirbel. Mit dem Zipang präsentieren die Japaner nun einen imposanten Top-Flow Prozessorkühler im 140 mm Gewand, dessen Performance der bärenstarken Tower Konkurrenz nicht nachstehen soll. Überdies wird dem erstklassig verarbeiteten Kühlkörper ein ex...
Asus Triton 77 CPU Cooler Review
Asustek needs no introduction when it comes to the field of high end hardware. They've been delivering the good stuff before some of us even knew what a CPU was. With a massive market catering to nearly every inch of the enthusiast sprawl, if there's a niche where Asus hasn't proven their mettle, yo...
Zerotherm Hurricane HC92 Cu 8800 VGA Kühler Test
Mit dem Apack Zerotherm Hurricane HC92 Cu 8800 Grafikkartenkühler möchte man an vergangene Erfolge anknüpfen und für die aktuelle Grafikkartengeneration gerüstet sein. Kein leichtes Unterfangen, zumal bereits der Standardkühler mit einem geringen Betriebsgeräusch aufwarten kann. Aber da wären ja auc...
Thermaltake BigWater 760i Liquid Cooling Kit Review
Thermaltake Big Water 760i proves that a liquid cooling system is still a rational choice. Given the performance is a bit higher and the pump quieter, we would have got an absolute must have.
Arctic Cooling MX-2 and Noctua NT-H1 Thermal Paste Compared
We have just put a couple of high-end thermal pastes in a head-to-head battle to find out which is better. Noctua's NT-H1 or the MX-2 from Arctic Cooling. Both of these pastes have come a long way since early silicon thermal grease, and it will be interesting to see how they compare. Well I was hopi...
Asus Silent Square EVO CPU Cooler Review
Asus has put yet another sexy, quiet CPU cooler on the street. Once you have this monstrous heatsink sitting in your rig, invite your friends over to gawk at its size and seductive design. The blue LED light emitting from the center makes it look like an alien power generator of some kind. Installat...
Scythe Zipang Testbericht
Bei einem Rundgang auf den letzten Messen dürfte sicherlich auch der neue Hybridkühler von Scythe aufgefallen sein, der Zipang getauft wurde. Dieser Kühler sollte auf grund seiner schieren Größe und Konzeptionierung ein gehöriges Wörtchen mitreden, wenn es darum geht, dem doch etwas festgefahren Hyb...
Thermaltake Bigwater 760i Review
Presenting the Thermaltake Bigwater 760i, an internal, all-in-one water cooling solution for the masses. It has an adjustable LED fan, easy to read reservoir, quick disconnect fittings and a whole lot more. But does it have what it takes to supplant air cooling as the choice of cooling for millions ...
Coolink GFXChilla VGA Kühler Neuvorstellung
Coolink stellt seinen neuen GFXChilla VGA Kühler vor. Mit 4 high performance Heatpipes und zwei großformatigen 80mm Lüftern sorgt der GFXChilla für hervorragende Kühlung bei minimalem Geräuschniveau. Der GFXChilla bietet breite Kompatibilität, ist leicht zu installieren und kann einfach aufgerüstet ...
Scythe Ninja and Ninja Mini CPU Coolers Tested
Scythe has taken an unusual approach to heatsink design and combined outside the cube thinking with traditional design to come up with a heatsink that performs well but has issues.
Asus Silent Knight II CPU Cooler Review
Today we get medieval with the Asus Silent Knight II. Just as there are two basic types of people, the enthusiast peripheral market is made up of leaders and followers. Not content to mingle among the latter, Asus often leads the pack with innovative designs, and this week we're focusing exclusively...
Noctua NH-U12P CPU Cooler Review
Noctua derived its name from the Greek mythology. The little owl, Athene Noctua, is the symbol of the Greek goddess Athene, who represents wisdom, science and strategy. She has a marked preference for the most clever among the Greek heroes, like Odysseus, who endure their adventures by the use of sa...
Thermalright IFX-14 CPU Cooler Review
CPU coolers keep growing in size, this monster from Thermalright is proof of that. The Inferno Fire eXtinguisher is a heatsink large enough to accommodate up to three 140mm fans! Furthermore it comes with a separate smaller heatsink which sole purpose is to keep the backside of the CPU socket cool.
Scythe Shuriken Kühlertest
Scythe hat mit den Fans von flachen Media-PCs oder kompakten Gehäusen ein Einsehen und bringt einen richtig niedrigen Kühler auf den Markt. Nur 64mm inklusive Lüfter sind wirklich rekordverdächtig. Die Hersteller von moderner Kühlhardware schieben dieses Marktsegment leider zu oft in die Nische der ...
Thermaltake DuOrb VGA Cooler Review
The foot print of the DuOrb is much smaller and lighter than the stock heat sink which is always a nice result. And, the DuOrb does look better adding a bit more flash to a pricey graphics card with a somewhat boring stock cooler. Unfortunately, the included video memory sinks are plain gray, alumin...
Cooler Master Hyper 212 CPU Cooler Tested
Cooler Master does have a vast distribution system and getting your hands on a Hyper 212 is going to be a lot easier than finding the Rosewill Z5. A big plus for consumers is that they can walk into many retail locations and pull a Cooler Master product right off of the shelf.
CoolIT PURE Silent Liquid CPU Cooler Review
Having the ability to overclock a Quad-Core processor while keeping your machine quiet used to be a pipe-dream, until CoolIT's latest CPU cooler came into the picture. With the PURE, we managed a nice 3.67GHz clock on our QX6850, all while being able to hear our hard drives over the cooler.
Noctua NP-U12 Review
In this test, we are going to look on a product from the Austrian manufacturer, Noctua. We've previously looked at four other products from Noctua that have all performed quite well. The Noctua NP-U12 is their newest CPU cooler edition.
CoolIT Systems PURE Wasserkühler Neuvorstellung
Das All-In-One Wasserkühler System PURE ist ausgelegt für bis zu 150 Watt CPU Abwärme bei einer Lautstärke von 20-24 dBA. Der Stromverbrauch beträgt 10-15 Watt, die Stromversorgung erfolgt über einen 12V 4-Pin Molexstecker. Das wartungsfreie System mit 120mm Single Radiator kommt komplett fertig vor...
Tuniq Tower 120 Ultra Silent CPU Cooler Review
One thing that is common with most CPU coolers that use air cooling is that they typically include a fan. We've seen all kinds of fan mounts- either horizontal or vertical, and on all sides of the cooler. But what about sticking the fan in the middle of the cooler? Tuniq, makers of a wide variety of...
Noctua NF-B9 92mm Lüfter Neuvorstellung
Nach der Einführung des NF-P12 120mm Lüfters im November präsentiert Noctua nun seinen ersten NF-B9 92mm Retail-Lüfter. Die hochoptimierte Blattgeometrie des Noctua NF-B9 ermöglicht eine außergewöhnliche Druck und Airflow Performance. So erzielt der NF-B9 bei 1600rpm einen Volumenstrom von 64,3m3/h ...
NZXT Cryo LX Aluminum Notebook Cooler Tested
Anyone who owns a laptop knows how hot they can get. To help remedy that problem manufacturers are now coming out with some well made and thought out solutions. The NZXT Cryo LX Aluminum Notebook Cooler is touted as the first notebook cooler to feature triple 120mm adjustable fans and a full 3mm alu...
Thermalright XWB-01 Waterblock Review
The XWB-01 is a rather small waterblock and measuring no larger than 2.5 inches on its longest side. In terms of size it is comparable to the Danger Den TDX. The block is plumbed for 1/2" ID hoses in a 2 barb configuration with the center inlet directly over the processor core.
NZXT Cryo LX Aluminum Notebook Cooler Review
This isn't something you'd expect to see under the notebook of some guy in a dress shirt and tie sitting next to you on a plane, or of someone in a business suit at Starbucks. More likely, you'd see this under an Alienware gaming laptop at a LAN party. I have no problem believing this is something f...
Arctic Cooling Accelero Xtreme 8800 Video Card Cooler Review
Arctic Cooling is known for their highly efficient and affordable CPU and VGA heatsinks, when they offered us their latest high end Geforce 8800 / ATI HD 2900 cooler for test we jumped at the opportunity. The Accelero Xtreme is the biggest VGA cooler we have tested yet and promises to gives the best...
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