Grafikkarten News |
Donnerstag, den 17.01.2008 |
Club 3D 8800 GT 512MB GDDR3 CGNX-G882DDF Produktvorstellung
Club 3D stellt heute ein neues High-End Grafikkarten Modell vor. Die Club 3D 8800 GT CGNX-G882DDF basiert auf dem Nvidia G92 Chipsatz und verfügt über ein spezielles Radial Heatpipe Kühlungssystem. Die Club 3D 8800GT CGNX-G882DDF bietet eine überragende Leistung zu einem ausgezeichneten Preis. Voll ...
XFX 8800 GT Alpha Dog X Edition 256MB Review
The XFX 8800 GT Alpha Dog X edition, at a low 200 USD price-point, is unarguably a fine deal, and a good purchase. It really held its own against the 512MB 8800 GT in our tests, and the 256MB of memory does seem like enough GDDR3 to deliver smooth gaming experiences.
Albatron, eVGA and XFX GeForce 8800 GTS 512MB Roundup
The XFX GeForce 8800 GTS 512MB Alpha Dog XXX Edition featured overclocked settings out of the box and is the fastest GeForce 8800 GTS 512MB card that XFX has to offer. The default settings have the core clock at 678MHz, the shader clock is 1700MHz, and the memory clock is at 986MHz. After using Riva...
ECS N8800GT-512X Accelero S1 passive cooled Review
ECS N8800GT-512X is the first NVIDIA 8800GT card that comes paired with the Accelero S1 passive cooler. Based on the G92 GPU core, this card spots a 512MB GDDR3, 128 Shader processors. The GPU is clock at 650MHz, GDDR3 at 950MHz and Shader clk runs at 2.5x of GPU CLK and clocks at 1625. In short, 65...
Notebook Grafikchip Rangliste Update
Es gibt wieder ein Update unserer mobilen 3D Chiprangliste der Notebook-Grafikchips. Es wurden 2 neue Grafikchips von NVIDIA integriert, zum Einen haben wir den GeForce 8800 GTX Go und zum Anderen den kleineren Bruder GeForce 8800 GTS Go in die Liste integriert. Sie führen aufgrund Ihrer Vergleichsl...
ATI HD 2600 Pro 256MB Review
ATI's HD 2600 XT is a pretty nice card. It plays games acceptably well, consumes a negligible amount of power, and has flawless video acceleration. It's my first choice for the mainstream. So where does that leave the HD 2600 Pro? Being a cut-down, budget version of a cool card, what, then, is missi...
Asus EAH3850 TOP overclocked Graphics Card Tested
We evaluate the features, performance, and overclockability of the Asus EAH3850 TOP Graphics Card. The Asus EAH3850 TOP is a factory overclocked version of the Radeon HD 3850 running at a 730MHz core and 950MHz memory clocks.
Gainward BLISS 8800 GT 1GB Golden Sample Review
Gainward is a world leading producer of high-quality, high-end 3D accelerators for the personal computer market. Yes for quite some time the G80 graphics chips have been ruling as kings on the high-end graphics market, and in fact they still do. Though since not so long, meaning since the last month...
BFG nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS OC2 512MB Water Cooled Edition Neuvorstellung
BFG Technologies kündigte die neue Grafikkarte BFG NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS OC2 512MB Water Cooled Edition PCI Express 2.0 mit ThermoIntelligence an. Der empfohlene Verkaufspreis liegt voraussichtlich bei ca. 360 Euro. Die BFG NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS OC2 512MB WCE mit ThermoIntelligence Kühllösung bi...
Asus EN8800GTS TOP 512MB übertaktet im Test
Kurz vor Weihnachten hat nVidia mit der GeForce 8800 GTS mit 512 MByte noch eine neue High-End Grafikkarten auf den Markt gebracht. Diese basiert wie die GeForce 8800 GT auf dem G92 Grafikchip, besitzt aber mehr Shader Einheiten und höhere Taktraten. Hartware.net hat mit der ASUS EN8800GTS TOP eine ...
nVidia GeForce 8800 GT SLI und ATi Radeon HD 3800 CrossFire Grafikkarten Vergleich
Wer es richtig schnell haben möchte, der greift derzeit zu einer GeForce 8800 Ultra. Oder gibt es Alternativen. Wir prüfen, ob günstige Multi GPU Systeme die teure Einzelkarte ersetzen können. Dazu haben wir nicht nur die schnellste Single GPU Grafikkarte von Nvidia, sondern ebenso zwei GeForce 8800...
Sonstige News |
Donnerstag, den 17.01.2008 |
Zykon H2 Gaming Headset im Test
Wir haben von ZYKON das H2 Gaming Headset bekommen und dieses ausgiebig getestet. Gaming Headsets gibt es derzeit in Hülle und Fülle und deren Preise variieren von günstig bis unglaublich teuer. Doch muss ein gutes Heaset immer gleich viel Geld kosten?
Samsung SyncMaster 245T 24" LCD Monitor Review
Overall the 245T brings much more to the table than any standard computer monitor on the market and this is directly apparent in its premium price. With industry leading color reproduction, excellent contrast and clarity to take advantage of with a literally a buffet of video connections, the 245T w...
CarTFT CTF-700-H Touchscreen Test
Es gibt sie in allen Größen und Bauarten. In Kaufhäusern und an vielen Bahnsteigen gehören sie schon lange zum Eingabestandard und auch PDAs sowie mobile Navigationssysteme setzen auf sie. Die Rede ist hier von berührungssensitiven Monitoren, sogenannten Touchscreens.
Thecus N5200 Pro NAS Review
Now on to the latest iteration of the 5200. The Thecus N5200BR Pro. This is basically the original X2, twice the ram, twice the flash and more than twice the CPU. It has all the features of the older model, and then adds a batch of new ones. Externally, they are completely identical, and it's almost...
Razer Piranha Gaming Headset Review
While attending a local LAN party, I've noticed one brand of gaming gear that dominates among the hard-core and that brand is Razer. They make gaming mice, keyboards, and headsets with features that PC gamers are looking for with a high degree of quality and a decent price point. A good gaming heads...
Gateway Notebook P-171XL FX Edition Tested
The Gateway P-171 XL FX laptop is a mean gaming machine that goes head-to-head with the best out there.
Kühler News |
Mittwoch, den 16.01.2008 |
OCZ Vendetta im Test
Der durch Speichermodule bekannt gewordene Hersteller OCZ versucht seit kurzer Zeit auch neben der Netzteil- und Grafikkartenbranche im Luftkühlungssektor Fuß zu fassen. Anhand des aus der Kooperation mit Xigmatek entstandenen CPU-Kühlers namens Vendetta wollen wir heute sehen, ob die ersten Schritt...
Asus Arctic Square Cooler Review
While Asus have enjoyed success, they have not stood still, they have been diversifying into more PC components and peripherals. Today they produce everything; from servers, notebooks and cellular phones to routers, monitors and computer cases. If Asus could make their own processors and hard disk d...
Vizo Ninja II Notebook Cooler Review
The Vizo Ninja II features an aluminum housing and is advertised as a silent and efficient laptop cooler. Today is the first time I'm taking a closer look at a product from Vizo, this firm focuses on external storage solutions, cooling products and accessories. The subject of this review is their Ni...
Thermaltake Big Water 760i Review
At stock the Big Water 760i was impressive and completely overtook the stock cooler without a problem. I fear adding a GPU block with more heat would more than likely start to push this system further than it can really go. For 150 US dollare it's a great starter kit, a great alternative to air cool...
Arctic Cooling Accelero X2 und Accelero S1 mit Turbo Module im Test
Günstige Kühler herzustellen ist nicht weiter schwer – man spart an Material und Produktionskosten und fertig ist der Standard-Kühler aus Alu. Schwierig wird es allerdings, wenn der Kühler günstig sein soll und gleichzeitig konkurrenzfähige Kühlleistungen erbringen muss. Kühler, die diese Anforderun...
Auras LPT-700 Review
The Auras LPT-700 is an Intel-only socket 775 heatsink designed for quiet cooling. The LPT-700 is equipped with a 92mm PWM fan that scales in speed from 700-2100RPM with compatible motherboards, and at its fastest speed is moderately audible. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) compatible fans are noted by...
Thermalright Ultima 90I CPU Cooler Review
Ever finding ways to stick more pipes on smaller surfaces, Thermalright has presented us with it's new Ultima-90I tower cooler. Featuring two more heatpipes then it's big daddy the Ultra-120 and a compact physique, the Ultima may just be what enthusiasts are asking for in a high quality and performa...
Zerotherm Hurricane HC92 CU 8800 VGA Cooler Review
In the final analysis, ZEROtherm's Hurricane HC92 Cu 8800 VGA cooler showed a marked improvement over the OEM solution while adding some style and bling into the mix. The inclusion of a fan speed controller, along with the three configuration options, gives the user some control over cooling perform...
ASUS Triton 75 CPU Cooler Review
Asus offers a myriad of CPU coolers, ranging from fanned, to fans with LED's, to the silent fan-less models. Most of the coolers are universally compatible with AMD and Intel processors. So, with this many options, what type of cooler will we have in this review? Well, I'm sure you already have a pr...
Danger Den MC-TDX 775 CPU Waterblock Review
With all the new dual core and quad core processors in the market now a days using more and more power and producing more and more heat, many people need to upgrade their cooling, as well. For many, stock coolers work just fine, but what if you have a water-cooling system? I`ve been running the Dang...
Thermaltake Bigwater 760i Water Cooling Kit Review
Thermaltake's Bigwater 760i water cooling kit is an all in one kit that brings a nice balance of raw cooling performance, sound levels and expandability to the table at the 150 USD price point. The pump is rated at moving 500 liters per hour of fluid. This is a far cry from the older 90 L/hr pumps w...
Asus Silent Knight II CPU Cooler Review
The most promising physical technological improvements have been, and still are, the implementation of heat pipes. Manufacturers have designed heat pipe specific CPU coolers using various numbers of pipes. Some makers design theirs with only a couple heat pipes while others seem to add as many as th...
Glacialtech Igloo 5750 Silent CPU Kühlertest
In Ihrem PC werkelt noch ein lauter Prozessor-Kühler? Das muß heutzutage nicht mehr sein. Ein Austausch des Standard Kühlers ist bereits mit wenigen Schritten erledigt und dürfte selbst für PC Neulinge keine große Hürde mehr darstellen. Wer ein Optimum in Sachen Lautstärke und Leistung erreichen möc...
Zalman ZM-VFC2 Multi Fan Controller Review
Zalman computer products have been advertising the silencing factor of their products for many years. Most of their heatsinks are even packaged with their "Fanmate" to let the user adjust the fan's RPMs, thereby reducing the noise the fan produces. To achieve a virtually silent computer, s...
Glacialtech Igloo 5750 PWM Review
In this review Frostytech is testing out Glacialtech's new Igloo 5750 PWM heatsink - a versatile CPU cooler with twin Pulse Width Modulation controlled 92mm fans and a single power cord for the sake of convenience. The Igloo 5750 PWM heatsink and previously reviewed Igloo 5750 Silent are identical m...
Noctua NF-P12 120mm Lüftertest
Der Noctua NF-P12 120mm Lüfter ist nicht der Nachfolger des bereits bekannten NF-S12, sondern vielmehr dient er als Ergänzung für all diejenigen, die mehr Förderleistung benötigen, ohne übermäßig mehr den Geräuschpegel nach oben hin zu öffnen. Noctua selbst bietet ihn als optimalen Lüfter für CPU Kü...
Thermalright Ultima 90 Review
Thermalright has basically taken the Ultra-120 Extreme and given it to us in a smaller scale with the Ultima-90. By using a 90mm body, space should not be an issue in most cases aside from perhaps SFF PC's. The Ultima-90 actually surpassed my expectations and it's quite obvious the 6 heatpipes make ...
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