Grafikkarten News |
Samstag, den 25.05.2013 |
AMD Radeon HD 7990 Testbericht
Die AMD Radeon HD 7990 hat es nun endlich in unser Testlabor geschafft. Wir klären, ob es AMD gelungen ist, die Nvidia Geforce GTX 690 zu schlagen und sich den Grafik-Thron zurück zu holen. Denn bei der Entwicklung hat sich der Hersteller ja ordentlich Zeit gelassen. Dafür macht die Grafikkarte mit ...
EVGA GTX 660 Ti Superclocked Testbericht
Getestet wurde die EVGA GTX 660 Ti Superclocked Grafikkarte. Die EVGA GTX 660 Ti SC ist eine ab Werk übertaktete GeForce GTX 660 Ti mit Dual-Slot-Kühler und Standardausstattung. Dafür ist der Aufpreis zu den günstigsten Grafikkarten dieser Art sehr gering.
Asus GeForce GTX 670 DirectCU Mini Testbericht
Mit der GeForce GTX 670 DirectCU Mini präsentiert Asus die erste GeForce GTX 670 im Kleinformat. Wir testen das kompakte Kraftpaket und werfen einen Blick auf die Kompatibilität.
Diamond BizView 750 Review
When it comes to options for upgrading some of today's small PC's from manufacturers like Dell to be able to handle even the most basic games can sometimes be difficult. It's one thing if your pc supports a full height video card, but if you need half height the options are limited. That problem is ...
MSI GTX 650Ti Boost Review
Review of the MSI GTX 650Ti Boost Video Card. If you look at the GTX 650Ti Boost product offerings you have two basic choices. You can either go with a reference designed card as released by NVidia or select one of the hot-clocked editions like the MSI N650Ti Boost. Of course the second of these pro...
EVGA GTX 650 Ti Boost SC 2GB Review
EVGA's GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost SuperClocked comes with a large overclock of 92 MHz out of the box which gives it a significant performance boost over the reference design. Since it's only 10 USD more expensive than the reference GTX 650 Ti Boost, the card actually offers a better price/performance ...
Grafikkarten News |
Donnerstag, den 23.05.2013 |
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Grafikkarten Neuvorstellung
Heute wurde die nVidia GeForce GTX 780 3GB Grafikkarte vorgestellt und umfangreich getestet.
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 3GB Video Card Announcement
Today, the nVidia GeForce GTX 780 3GB video card is announced and extensively tested.
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Grafikkarte im Test
Am heutigen Donnerstag startet NVIDIA seine neue Grafikkarten-Serie mit der Vorstellung der GeForce GTX 780. Die GTX-700-Serie soll dabei nach und nach die bisherigen Modelle der GTX-600-Serie ablösen. Was es für Neuerungen gibt und wie sich die GTX 780 in der Praxis schlägt, dass verrät unser Testb...
nVidia Geforce GTX 780 Testbericht
Die Nvidia Geforce GTX 780 soll nicht nur für konkurrenzlose Gaming-Performance, sondern auch für qualitativ hochwertige Wiedergabe stehen. Wir haben das brandneue Flaggschiff mit der Titan-GPU im Test und decken die Stärken und Schwächen der Grafikkarte auf.
nVidia Geforce GTX 780 Grafikkarten Testbericht
Getestet wurde die nVidia Geforce GTX 780 Grafikkarte. Wie viel Titan steckt in der 649-Euro-Grafikkarte? Was einst unter dem Codenamen Titan LE durch das Internet geisterte, manifestiert sich nun in Form der Geforce GTX 780. Wie viel der 900 Euro teuren GTX Titan in der 649-Euro-Karte Geforce GTX 7...
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 im Test
Getestet wurde die nVidia GeForce GTX 780. Nvidia erteilt den Startschuss für die GeForce-GTX-700-Serie. Den Anfang macht das Flaggschiff GeForce GTX 780, ein Ableger der außerordentlich erfolgreichen GTX Titan.
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 SLI Tested
In this review, we explore how a 2-card SLI setup of GeForce GTX 780s fares against the four-figure league of the GeForce GTX TITAN, GeForce GTX 690, and Radeon HD 7990. NVIDIA's new GeForce GTX 780 delivers impressive performance. We put two of them in an SLI configuration to see what you can expec...
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 3GB Graphics Card Review
Its that time of year again where NVIDIA have a new series of cards in the pipelines and as we have seen running up to today, the number of rumours and leaks that have been flying about are as profound as ever. For some this leads to pure confusion as to what is to be seen and what is complete rubbi...
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Video Card Review
With the GTX Titan Nvidia showed just how much more complex and powerful their current generation 28nm GPU could be without putting the TDP rating through the roof. It also meant that Nvidia could move to the next generation mainstream GPUs without having to completely redesign their architecture fo...
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Tested
Review of the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780. When Titan released in February, it seemed likely that NVIDIA's GeForce 700 series would be held off on for some time. Well, with today's launch of the company's mini-Titan - ahem, GTX 780, we've been proven wrong. Compared to the GTX 680, it offers a lot of +50...
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Reviewed
When NVIDIA introduced the GeForce GTX Titan a few months back, the company created a huge gap in its single-GPU product line-up. With its GK110 GPU and massive 6GB frame buffer, the GeForce GTX Titan was easily able to outrun the GK104-based GeForce GTX 680 and it hung with the dual-GPU powered GeF...
Gigabyte GTX 780 WindForce OC 3GB Review
Review of the Gigabyte GTX 780 WindForce OC 3 GB video card. Gigabyte's GTX 780 WindForce OC introduces a brand-new triple slot cooler design that uses improved heatpipe technology. Thanks a large overclock out of the box and clever thermal engineering, the cards ends up faster than GeForce GTX Tita...
nVidia GTX 780 Review
It almost feels like we have been seeing the 600 series of cards from Nvidia for a few years now. At a year and two months we are a little past due to see a new generation of cards and today we can finally take the wraps off of NVidia's latest card, the GTX 780. Rumors have been going around for a w...
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 3GB Tested
Today, NVIDIA released their new GeForce GTX 780, which is based on the GK110 GPU - just like the GTX Titan. The new card not only inherits the fantastic looks of the Titan, but is also very close to it in overall performance. NVIDIA's pricing is certainly not cheap at 649 USD.
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Video Card Reviewed
Review of the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Video Card. The GeForce GTX 780 is based on the 7.1 Billion transistor behemoth GK110 GPU used by the GTX TITAN. The GTX 780 delivers a massive 70 percent performance upgrade compared to the GTX 580, equipped with 2,304 CUDA cores and 3GB of memory across a 384-b...
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 3GB Video Card Review
NVIDIA released a new high-end GPU model today in the form of the GeForce GTX 780. We check it out to see how it performs under our gaming tests. Today we're seeing NVIDIA do refresh when it comes to the high-end single GPU segment with the release of the new GTX 700 series. The first piece to that ...
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Review
With the GTX 600-series slightly more than a year old, NVIDIA is now ready to start refreshing their GeForce lineup once again. The first card out of the gate is their GTX 780, a 649 USD GK110-based flagship which boasts performance that's within spitting distance of the ultra expensive GTX TITAN.
Zotac GeForce GTX 780 Review
Today NVIDIA launch the GTX 780 graphics card and we have the ZOTAC branded version on our test bench. We'll be putting it through a selection of real world tests against overclocked 680 and 7970 cards to see how it does in titles like Crysis 3, Metro Last Light and GRID 2.
nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Graphics Card Review
Review of the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Graphics Card. NVIDIA's GeForce GTX TITAN allowed gamers to challenge any video game they choose with the highest quality settings possible, but in limited supply and high price tag. For many players, their games really only needed half as much power and memory f...
Grafikkarten News |
Dienstag, den 14.05.2013 |
nVidia GTX 680 und AMD HD 7970 GHz im Vergleich
Bereits im Dezember 2011 erblickte AMDs aktuelle HD-7000-Serie das Licht der Öffentlichkeit. Die Radeon HD 7970 konnte ohne große Anstrengungen den Thron der Single-GPU-Grafikkarten erobern und dort blieb die Karte bis zum Release der Geforce GTX 680. Mit dem Erscheinen von Kepler im März 2012 überr...
AMD HD 7750, Gigabyte HD 7790, HIS HD 7870 GHz und PNY GeForce GTX 660TI Vergleichstest
Getestet wurde die AMD Radeon HD 7750, Gigabyte Radeon HD 7790 OC, HIS Radeon HD 7870 GHz OC und PNY GeForce GTX 660TI Grafikkarte. Trinity als Spieleplattform - Vier Grafikkarten zeigen das Mögliche. Vier Grafikkarten von Radeon HD 7750 über HD 7790 bis hin zur Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition und deren ...
Zotac GeForce GTX Titan 6GB Grafikkarten Testbericht
Wir haben das neue Nvidia-Flaggschiffs in Form der ZOTAC GeForce GTX Titan für Sie im Praxistest genau beleuchtet und unter anderem mit AMDs Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition verglichen. Nvidia hat vor wenigen Wochen offiziell die neue GeForce GTX Titan präsentiert, die mit der derzeit schnellsten verfügba...
nVidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost SLI Tested
With GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost just released last week, at amazing pricing, we were curious how two of these cards in SLI handle our test suite of 17 games. Scaling worked very well and performance easily matched GTX 680 and HD 7970 GHz Edition, with much better price/performance.
PowerColor HD 7850 PCS+ Review
Review of the PowerColor PCS+ AX7850 2GBD5-2DHPP Radeon HD 7850 2GB. The PowerColor HD 7850 PCS+ is the fastest factory overclocked HD 7850 on the market. The card features PowerColor's own custom cooler with 5+1+1 phase power design, DrMos and IR Digital PWM that allows enthusiasts to push it even ...
MSI GeForce GTX 680 Lightning 2GB Video Card Review
Review of the MSI GeForce GTX 680 Lightning 2GB video card. MSI is a well known Hardware Manufacturer. In this review we look at the MSI GeForce GTX 680 Lightning Graphics Cards with 2GB GDDR5 Memory. Let the fun begin.
MSI GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST 2GB Twin Frozr Review
Review of the MSI GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST 2GB Twin Frozr Edition. The MSI 650 Ti Boost Twin Frozr edition is a factory overclocked edition featuring the newest offering in the NVIDIA lineup. MSI has coupled the 650 Ti Boost with their custom Twin Frozr III design that has two 8cm PWN fans and 8mm h...
PowerColor 7790 TurboDuo OC Review
e test and review the PowerColor Radeon HD 7790 TurboDuo OC edition incl FCAT Frametimes. The new graphics card is intended to boost a little more performance into entry-level gaming. The PowerColor TurboDuo HD7790 OC clocks in at 7.5 percent overclocking speed on boost engine, packed with dual-fan ...
Gigabyte HD 7790 1GB OC Review
We have a second HD 7790 in hand but this time from Gigabyte. With this being an overclocked card as well with its own unique cooling I am curious how they compare against each other as well as how the Gigabyte HD 7790 1Gb OC holds up against a collection of other cards in our new up to date benchma...
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