Grafikkarten News |
Montag, den 19.01.2009 |
Sapphire HD 4830 und BFG 9800 GTX OC im Test
Nachdem wir uns zuletzt mit Einsteigergrafikkarten der Preisklasse um 50 Euro beschäftigt haben, möchten wir heute eine Preisklasse höher umschauen und eine BFG GeForce 9800 GTX sowie eine Sapphire Radeon HD 4830 testen.
Matrox TripleHead2Go Digital Review
While many are satisfied with having a single screen, imagine gaming across 3 displays with 180 degree vision. The Matrox TripleHead2Go Digital overcomes the shortcoming of a single or dual display setup and gives you the possiblity to connect up to three DVI based LCD screens with a total resolutio...
ASUS ENGTX285 GeForce GTX 285 Grafikkarte im Test
Getestet wurde die ASUS ENGTX285 GeForce GTX 285 Grafikkarte. Mit der Einführung der GeForce GTX 295 wurde sie bereits angekündigt, ab heute ist sie offiziell erhältlich die GeForce GTX 285. Diese löst im Preissegment um 350 Euro die GeForce GTX 280 ab. Neu ist die Fertigung des Grafikchips in 55 st...
Nvidia GeForce GTX 285 Graphics Card Review
From Nvidia's side of the fence, the GeForce GTX 280 is the obvious competition and while the GTX 285 is faster, you have to ask if it's worth the additional outlay over the few GTX 280s that are still available. Obviously, we've tested the standard clocked version here, but there's an XFX GeForce G...
nVidia GeForce GTX 285 Unveiled
Today NVIDIA is launching yet another high-end 3D graphics offering, an optimized version of their top shelf GeForce GTX 280 single GPU card, dubbed the GeForce GTX 285. This new GeForce is a die-shrunk version of the legacy GTX 280 with lower power consumption characteristics that don't require an ...
MSI N285GTX T2D1G-OC nVidia GeForce GTX285 Grafikkarten Test
Getestet wurde die MSI N285GTX T2D1G-OC nVidia GeForce GTX285 Grafikkarte.
nVidia Geforce GTX 285 im Test
Die Karte mit der 55nm GPU GT200b soll den Vorgänger GTX 280 ablösen und besonders preislich besser mit den Radeon Grafikkarten konkurrieren können. Der Benchmark Test mit 9 aktuellen Spielen wie Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Race Driver Grid, Crysis Warhead oder Stalker Clear Sky zeigt, ob das genügt, um...
Inno3D GeForce GTX 285 Overclock Graphics Card Tested
Inno3D tend to send us some special cards, be it a good overclock or a nice new heatsink that helps keep the card nice and cool. While it doesn't come as any surprise that this Inno3D card carries with it the reference heatsink, it's good to know it carries their overclock trait. Having just had a l...
Sapphire Radeon HD 4850 X2 2GB Grafikkarten Test
Mittlerweile befindet sich auch eine Dual GPU Version der Radeon 4850 im Portfolio von Sapphire, die Radeon HD 4850 X2. Diese lang erwarete Karte liegt nun in der Variante der Sapphire Radeon HD 4850 X2 bei uns in der Redaktion vor und wartete darauf unter Lupe genommen zu werden.
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 285 Graphics Card Review
The card we're looking at today comes from Gigabyte, so with everything said and done let's have a quick look at the package before having a closer look at the card and its specifications. From there we will check out the performance and see how it compares to the older cards like the GTX 280 which ...
HIS Ice4 TurboX Radeon HD4850 Videocard Review
Review of the HIS Ice4 TurboX Radeon HD4850 videocard. As with all HIS videocards I have reviewed in the past, this product pulls through and does exactly what HIS intended it to do. HIS intended to bring a videocard that is overclocked right out of the box while providing a very stable gaming exper...
Zotac GTX285 AMP Edition Review
The GTX285 is basically a GTX280 with the same number of Shaders and the same memory interface that has been moved from 65nm to 55nm manufacturing process with clock speeds increased on the memory, Shaders and core- something many manufacturers have already done with their GTX280 GPU powered cards e...
Palit Revolution 700 Radeon HD 4870 X2 Graphics Card Review
The final stumbling block for the Revolution 700 is its price. Despite offering little in game performance advantage over a stock 4870 X2, which can be picked up for around 340 GBP following aggressive price cuts in anticipation of the launch of Nvidia's GeForce GTX 295, the Revolution 700 retails f...
Sapphire HD 4850 X2 Tested
Though only sold exclusively by Sapphire, HD 4850 X2 nonetheless plays a pivotal role in ATI's current line-up. Quite simply, a small segment of customers might want something a step above the substantial power offered from a sole HD 4870 - but this same segment might see the HD 4870 X2 as overkill....
ATi Catalyst 8.561.3 Betatreiber Test
Wir testen AMDs neuen Beta Grafikkartentreiber ATi Catalyst 8.561.3 auf den zwei Grafikkarten ATi Radeon HD 4870 und ATi Radeon HD 4870 X2 im Vergleich zu seinen hausinternen Vorgängern Catalyst 8.10, Catalyst 8.11 sowie Catalyst 8.12.
Palit GeForce 9800 GTX+ Video Card Tested
Currently fourth in nvidias lineup of single GPU cards, the Geforce 9800 GTX+ is a card for the mainstream gamer and offers refinements on an already proven design, specifically the wildly popular and powerful G92 core. With a die shrink to 55nm speeds are up and temps are down. We will focus specif...
nVidia GeForce GTX 295 Overclocked
While some would say why bother overclocking something so fast? - We reply with why not? - The particular card of choice is the Gainward card we've already looked at. The overclocking software of choice? - Well, we thought we would try out the Expertool software that Gainward offered on their utilit...
Grafikkarten News |
Sonntag, den 18.01.2009 |
Nvidia GeForce GTX 295 Testbericht
Für Nvidia war es richtig ungemütlich, als ATi mit der Radeon HD 4870 X2 doch recht deutlich an der GeForce GTX 280 vorbeigezogen ist. Nun kommt der Gegenschlag. Mit der GeForce GTX 295 vertraut auch Nvidias auf zwei GPUs, um die Konurrenz alt aussehen zu lassen.
EVGA GeForce GTX 295 SLI Video Card Review
The EVGA GeForce GTX 295 graphics card has solid performance numbers and was hands down the faster card after the benchmark numbers were averaged out and the wins added up. If that wasn't enough the GeForce GTX 295 is also more energy efficient! Since the GeForce GTX 295 takes up the same number of ...
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 295 Graphics Card Tested
Now we're looking at the Gigabyte offering and we will follow the same formula we normally do; first we will have a look at their package before having a closer look at the card. From there we will check out the specifications and then get stuck into the benchmarks. What we're going to do this time ...
ASUS ENGTX295 Grafikkarten Test
Getestet wurde die ASUS ENGTX295 nVidia GeForce GTX 295 Grafikkkarte. Mit zwei in 55nm Technik gefertigten Grafikchips, die jeweils einem Spezifikationsmix aus GeForce GTX 260 und 280 entsprechen, soll die Radeon HD 4870 X2 von der Spitze der Desktop Karten verdrängt werden.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 295 1792MB Quad SLI Review
Nvidia's GeForce GTX 295 retakes the title of the fastest graphics card in the world, but it doesn't do it in the emphatic fashion that many were hoping for. We didn't expect Nvidia to leave the Radeon HD 4870 X2 for dead and it hasn't done that, but what it has done is deliver higher performance in...
Zotac nVidia GTX295 Grafikkarten Test
Diesmal stecken in der Sandwich Konstruktion zwei GTX260 GPUs. Wie sich die Zotac GTX295 in 19 Spielen gegen die HD4870X2 oder GTX280 SLI Grafikkarten schlägt und was die Leistungsaufnahme abverlangt, zeigt der nachstehende Test.
Gainward GeForce GTX 295 Review
The GTX 295, where do we start? - I have to say this is one card that I find myself getting quite excited about. The main reason for that is because I know it's going to be the fastest graphics card on the market. How do I know this, though? It's not actually because we know what the specifications ...
Sapphire HD4870 Toxic 1GB Graphics Card Review
Today were looking at a new offering from Sapphire based on the original 4870 Toxic. This edition now brings 1GB of memory to the table to combine with the pre-overclocked frequencies.
Sapphire Radeon HD 4850 X2 2GB Review
If you game at ultra-high resolutions and want to know where the best bang for the buck can be found in graphics cards, look no further than Sapphire's dual-GPU HD 4850 X2. At 300 USD, it's priced-right and offers incredible performance regardless of whether you prefer high anti-aliasing settings or...
Grafikkarten News |
Mittwoch, den 07.01.2009 |
ATi und Nvidia Anti-Aliasing im Test
Getestet wurden ATi und Nvidia Anti Aliasing Einstellungen MSAA gegen TMSAA, TSSAA, AAA, Edge-Detection, CSAA, Hybrid-SSAA und SSAA. Es gibt mehr als nur MSAA. Das versuchen viele Auskenner den Käufern neuer 3D Beschleuniger klar zu machen. Doch in wie weit bieten diese Modi tatsächlich einen Vortei...
Leadtek WinFast PX9800GTX+ 512MB Graphics Card Review
The latest 9800 GTX+ offering to make its way into our testbed comes from Leadtek and today we'll take the time to see if the card manages to do anything for us. It's been a while since we've looked at one and some newer drivers have been released for both ATI and NVIDIA cards since then. Recently A...
Nvidia Ambient Occlusion Test
Mit dem brandneuen Geforce 185.20 Treiber präsentierte Nvidia nicht nur einen Treiber, der die die Spieleperformance deutlich steigert und ganz nebenbei noch den vollen Support für die GT21x Reihe 40nm mit sich bringt, sondern wirft auch mit dem interessanten Feature Ambient Occlusion einen ganz neu...
Zotac GTX280 und EVGA GTX260 2 Grafikkarten Vergleich
Sie haben sich die derzeit beliebtesten Grafikkarten von nVidia angesehen, die GTX280 und GTX260 2 mit 216 Stream Prozessoren. Zwischen diesen beiden Grafikkarten liegt ein doch großer Preisunterschied von 90 bis 100 Euro.
nVidia Geforce Treiber 177.34 bis 185.20 Vergleichstest
Die neuen Treiber der 180er Generation locken nicht nur mit diversen Neuerungen wie etwa SLI Unterstützung auf Intel X58 Platinen, Multi Monitor Support auf SLI Systemen, der Möglichkeit, eine zweite Nvidia Karte zur PhysX Berechnung zu verwenden und allgemein stark erweiterten GPGPU Computing Fähig...
MSI Radeon HD 4830 512MB OC Edition Graphics Card Tested
I have to admit that until the HD 4830 arrived on my door step I really hadn't heard of it - a bit like what happened to NVIDIA a while back when everyone was more interested in seeing what ATI was doing with the new HD 4800 series. Now the tables have turned and everyone is paying more attention to...
WinFast PX9800 GTX+ Leadtek Limited Video Card Review
While the GTX 260-280 cards have taken over nVidia's top slots for video card gaming hardware, their 9 series continues to flush out the bulk of their product lineup, and the 9800 GTX+ reigns as top dog among the 9 series family. The WinFast PX9800 GTX+ Leadtek Limited appears to have identical spec...
Gainward Rampage 700 GS GLH The Beast Grafikkartentest
Gainward präsentiert mit der Rampage 700 GS GLH Goes Like Hell eine Grafikkarte der Superlative. Verfügt die Dual-GPU-Karte doch über einen Triple-Slot-Kühler sowie eine werksseitige Uebertaktung. Liebevoll nennen wir dieses Glanzstück Hardware - The Beast und was dieses Monster zu leisten im Stande...
Zotac Nitro Overclocking Unit Review
We're going to look at the Zotac Nitro, an overclocking tool unlike anything we've seen before. This USB device allows you to overclock your video card on the fly, setup profiles and monitor fan speed and temperature. Overclocking is very much an enthusiast hobby, but Zotac hope the Nitro will encou...
Sapphire Radeon HD 4830 im Test
Unser letzter Artikel über die Sapphire Radeon HD 4830 hat gezeigt, wie sich diese Karte etwa gegen die doppelt so teure Radeon HD 4870 schlägt. Nun gesellt sich ein zweites baugleiches Modell zu einem HD 4830 CrossFire-System, welches für knapp 190 Euro in der gleichen Preisklasse wie die HD 4870 s...
MSI R4830 T2D512-OC Grafikkarten Test
Getestet wurde die MSI R4830 T2D512-OC mit AMD ATi Radeon HD 4830. Wir haben uns natürlich das OC-Potential dieser Karte etwas genauer angesehen und müssen zugeben, dass sie die Bezeichnung OC am Ende ihres Namens wirklich verdient! Zusätzlich zur Hauseigenen Übertaktung durch MSI schafften wir weit...
Empfehlung |