Grafikkarten News |
Dienstag, den 12.08.2008 |
ATi Radeon HD 4870 X2 im Test
Nach einer langen Wartepause greift ATi mit der Radeon HD 4870 X2 wieder nach der Performancekrone. Wird es der Dual GPU Karte gelingen, die Führung zu übernehmen? Um es herauszufinden, hat sich ein Modell von HIS in unser Testlabor verirrt, das gewohnt ausführlich sein Können unter Beweis stellen m...
Palit HD 4870 X2 Review
With the HD 4850, HD 4870, and now the HD 4870X2, ATI has achieved the equivalent of the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing here. This line-up really throws a challenge towards NVIDIA, and bodes well for further competition between these two companies. The only drawback to this video card is at the...
AMD ATi Radeon HD 4870 X2 Review in Spanish - chw.net (T)
Palit Radeon HD 4870 X2 1GB Review
We've just posted a review of AMD's latest dual-GPU graphics card, the ultra-powerful HD 4870 X2. It's so powerful, it puts the recently released NVIDIA GTX 280 to shame, with increases of 27 to 70 percent in our real-world benchmarks. AMD has gone too long without a real high-end graphics card to c...
Sapphire 4870 X2 Review
Today we have the opportunity to test the card in its shipping form with a driver which is much closer to the version consumers will receive. We will be running the card through a selection of the latest and greatest games at resolutions up to 2560x1600 as well as testing Blu-Ray acceleration and Cr...
ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 Evaluation
The Radeon HD 4800 series didn't exactly overwhelm NVIDIA's GTX 200 series with raw performance. In fact, the GeForce GTX 280 and 9800 GX2 were more powerful than the Radeon HD 4870. The Radeon HD 4800 series cards, however, were still excellent cards and they were offered at extremely competitive p...
Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 X2 in Crossfire Tested
Fast forward a few months and we've got a new card that sits at around the same price of the GTX 280. It's packing two HD 4870 cores on a single PCB, the same core speed and memory speed as its single card brethren and hopefully a whole bunch of extra performance. It's hard to turn around and say th...
nVidia GeForce Boost und AMD K8 CPU Bericht
Vor einiger Zeit haben wir uns in einem Artikel mit Hybrid SLI bzw. vor allem GeForce Boost beschäftigt. Das Fazit fiel damals eher verhalten aus, GeForce Boost machte zwar einen etwas ausgereifteren Eindruck als AMDs Hybrid CrossFire, so wirklich brauchbar ist aber auch nVidias Technologie noch nic...
Sapphire HD 4870 X2 2048 MB Tested
Today AMD released their new HD 4870 X2 graphics cards. They are based on two RV770 GPUs on one PCB. With a total of 1600 shaders and 2 GB GDDR5 memory the card has excellent chances to achieve the goal fastest graphics card in the world.
ATI HD4870X2 vs NVIDIA GTX 280 Compared
ATI launches their high end single VGA card today, the HD4870X2 is compared to NVIDIA top offering in this review using 8 different games to see which ones comes out on top.
Gigabyte Radeon HD 4850 Review
"The HD 4850 is the card that has put AMD ATI back on the graphics card map over the past month. While the HD 3850 and HD 3870 were both good cards, a constant line-up of NVIDIA cards along with price drops meant that the aging technology was having trouble keeping up with cards not only in a s...
SPDIF Video Card connector Tutorial
Some nVidia GeForce video cards have an SPDIF connector. Learn when and how to use it. Some video cards based on graphics chips from nVidia have an SPDIF input connector. In this tutorial we will teach you when this connector should be used and how to use it.
Zotac GeForce GTX 280 AMP Testbericht
Zotac hält mit der GeForce GTX 280 AMP! eine Grafikkarte im Portfolio, die noch schneller als das ohnehin schon schnelle Referenzdesign von Nvidia arbeitet. Doch wie schnell ist schneller? Das werden wir in einem Kurztest herausfinden, in dem sich das Produkt gegen die Konkurrenz beweisen muss.
Palit GeForce 9800 GT 1 GB Video Card Review
GeForce 9800 GT is currently the simplest model inside nVidia's GeForce 9800 family. But in reality it is a GeForce 8800 GT with a new sticker. In this review we will compare the performance of this 1 GB model from Palit with current high-end video cards and also with the original GeForce 8800 GT wi...
Budget Graphics Card Roundup
Comparison of the HIS Radeon HD3450 256MB Silence edition, Sapphire Radeon HD3450 512MB, Point of View Nvidia 8500GT 256MB, XFX Nvidia 8600GT 512MB, HIS Radeon HD3650 IceQ Turbo 512MB, Sapphire Radeon HD3650 OC edition 512MB and XFX Nvidia 9600GSO 384MB. In the real world not everyone can afford the...
PC Graphics Cards Compared
We have already researched into the most balanced PC configuration, but it seems this problem has no ends. Today our objective is to increase game resolutions to 1680x1050 and add the most resource-consuming modern games.
MSI GeForce GTX 280 OC Graphics Card Review
Today we're going to take the time to see what MSI have done to the card. We know they've decided to overclock the card, but we wonder if they've done anything else with it to let it stand out from the pack. While we haven't fallen head over heels for the GTX 280, there's no denying that it's a very...
Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 Tested
Just a few weeks ago, the Radeon HD 4850 was released and with it came a huge boost of performance for the price. The 4870 is the highend version of the RV770 series of GPU released from AMD. Sapphire provided a card for this review and the Radeon HD 4870 is here.
EVGA GTX 280 Superclocked Evaluation
As it stands though, the EVGA GeForce GTX 280 Superclocked, while offering a superb warranty and Step-up program, is going to struggle in the already congested market. EVGA can want its brand to carry a premium but at the end of the day the overclock on the card is minor and only translates to a one...
Sapphire HD 4850 Toxic in Crossfire Tested
Sapphire has not only chosen to include aftermarket cooling on the card, but also to take it a step further by overclocking the bad boy. With two in hand today, we will be looking at both single and Crossfire performance. Before we get into that, though, let's have a quick look at the package and th...
Nvidia PhysX Physikberechnung in Spielen Bericht
Nvidia will mit Geforce Physx die Physikberechnung in Spielen verbessern. Alle Geforce Karten ab G80 sind theoretisch in der Lage, die Physikberechnungen, die bisher von einer Ageia-Physx Karte erledigt wurden, zu übernehmen. Wir prüfen, wie sich dies auf die Performance auswirkt und testen auch, ob...
Nvidia Cuda und PhysX Bericht
Moderne Grafikkarten kann man mittlerweile auch abseits des 3D Renderings sinnvoll verwenden. GPU Computing lautet das Zauberwort. Was ist heutzutage schon möglich? Unser Artikel dreht sich primär um CUDA und PhysX, zwei von Nvidia angebotene Schnittstellen, um allgemeine GPU Computing Berechnungen ...
nVidia GeForce GTX 260, 280 und ATi Radeon HD 4850, 4870 Vergleich
Wie sich PowerColor Radeon HD 4850 und 4870 sowie die ab Werk übertakteten Zotac GeForce GTX 260 AMP Edition, ASUS ENGTX280 TOP und XFX GeForce GTX 280 670M X im Vergleich schlagen, klärt der neue Test. Die Grafikkarten der neuen Generation von AMD und Nvidia sind nun etwas mehr als einen Monat auf ...
ASUS GeForce 9800 GTX+ TOP Tested
Today we're not only looking at a standard GTX+, but the overclocked model from ASUS that comes in under the TOP naming scheme. Let's have a quick look at the package and the ASUS GeForce 9800 GTX+ TOP card along with what ASUS has done with the core, shader and memory clock. We saw the 9800 GTX+ la...
BFG 9800 GX2 1GB Video Card Review
It would be very, very hard not to covet this video card. I know I recently said that the 9800 GTX was the sexy card, but this one might actually look nicer, eye of the beholder and all. And it's not just skin-deep, it's faaast, and because of that, we can overlook its frightening heat production an...
ATi Catalyst Beta Treiber und Powerplay 2.0 Artikel
Der Powerplay 2.0 Modus der HD 4870 ist ein umstrittenes Thema im Netz. Mit jeder neuen Treiberversion hoffen die User auf Besserung. Wir haben den Catalyst 8.8 Beta auf seinen Stromverbrauch hin überprüft uns siehe da: die Leistungsaufnahme sinkt zwar nicht im Idle-Betrieb, dafür unter Last - zu ko...
Sapphire HD 4850 Toxic 512 MB Tested
Sapphire's new HD 4850 Toxic graphics card comes with a preinstalled Zalman VF-900 GPU cooler that greatly reduces the operating temperature of the card. Also the operating frequencies have been bumped quite a bit, with some additional overclocking potential left in the card.
Grafikkarten News |
Montag, den 11.08.2008 |
ECS N9800GTX+ 512MX W GeForce 9800 GTX+ Hydra Pack Neuvorstellung
Elitegroup Computer Systems, ECS hat das neueste GeForce 9800 GTX+ Hydra Pack enthüllt, um die Forderungen von leistungshungrigen Spielern zu erfüllen. Mit zwei N9800GTX+ 512MX W Grafikkarten, dem ECS Hydra Kühlungssystem, und einer Vielzahl von Zubehör, alles in einem Paket, ist nun über das Leistu...
Leadtek Winfast PX9500 GT and Galaxy OC 9500GT Compared
We test two 9500 GT cards, the Leadtek Winfast PX9500 GT and the Galaxy OC 9500GT. We share with you our preliminary findings with these two sub 100 USD video cards who aim to take the performance/price crown at the entry level. Can these cards impress? How do they stack up to the 9600 GT and 8600 G...
Zotac GeForce 9800 GTX Plus Amp Edition Tested
NVIDIA's new GeForce 9800 GTX+ comes with a 55 nm CPU that runs at higher clock speeds, yet consumes less power than the original 65 nm chip. Zotac's Amp Edition further increases the operating frequencies. Even though the higher clocks make the card faster than the ATI HD 4850, the difference is ve...
ECS 9500GT Graphics Card Review
NVIDIA launches it's new GPU, the 9500GT. As you are already aware, the 9500GT is to replace the entry level 8600GT card. The 9500GT spots a 65nm G96 GPU and supports a PCIe 2.0 interface. The previous generation 8600GT does not support PCIe 2.0. Performing exceptional visual computing ability, the ...
ASUS EAH 4870 TOP Videocard Review
The ASUS EAH 4870 TOP card costs a bit more than the others on the market so the main question is does the card really perform so well that it's worth putting the money into it. We are going to compare it vs a few other Asus cards that have proven to perform quite well and we will also see if we can...
Galaxy GeForce 9500 GT Overclocked 512 MB Tested
NVIDIA recently launched the GeForce 9500 GT. This low-end card in the GeForce 9 Series is designed to offer acceptable gaming performance for the small wallet. Galaxy has created an overclocked edition which runs at higher clocks and comes with a quiet heatpipe cooling solution. In our testing we s...
BFG GTX 280 H2OC Review - bjorn3d.com (E)
Zotac GeForce 9800 GT Amp Edition Tested
NVIDIA's new GeForce 9800 GT Series is not really new. The performance, specification and GPU are identical to that of the GeForce 8800 GT. Only a few minor features like Purevideo HD and Hybrid Power are present. At least Zotac showed a bit of creativity and added a bright orange PCB and higher clo...
Palit GeForce 9800 GT Sonic 512MB Review
NVIDIA has just launched the new 9800 GT which is basically the old 8800 GT. So, they haven't really launched a new product, rather, a new name. The renaming of cards is becoming a bit of a pain in the ass, but really there isn't a whole lot we can do about it. The best thing we can do is help keep ...
Zotac GeForce 9800 GT AMP Edition im Test
Getestet wurde die Zotac GeForce 9800 GT AMP Edition. Mit der GeForce 9800 GT baut Nvidia seine GeForce 9 Reihe weiter aus und ersetzt das 8800 GT Modell. Die Frage die wir uns jetzt stellen ist, ob die 9800 GT mehr zu bieten hat, als ihr Pendant aus der GeForce 8 Serie oder steckt hinter all dem ta...
Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT Testbericht
Mit der GeForce 9500 GT zeigt Nvidia eine gute und mit unter 50 Watt Leistungsaufnahme sparsame Einsteigerkarte. Neben durchaus vorhandener Spieletauglichkeit, wenn Sie es mit Auflösung und AA/AF-Stufen nicht übertreiben, können Sie die Karte auch für andere Aufgaben gebrauchen. CUDA Anwendungen ode...
Zotac 9500 GT AMP Edition im Test
Getestet wurde das neue nVidia GeForce 9500 GT Modell anhand der Zotac 9500 GT AMP Edition getestet, einer übertakteten Version, die durch ihre höheren Frequenzen auch die 8600 GTS übertrumpfen will.
Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT und 9800 GT Test
Mit der GeForce 9500 GT stellt Nvidia einen Nachfolger der GeForce-8500-Serie vor, der durch eine deutlich gesteigerte Performance punkten soll. Ebenso feiert die 9800 GT Premiere. Wir haben von beiden Varianten ein AMP!-Exemplar von Zotac getestet, die beide mit höheren Taktraten als das Referenzde...
Zotac Geforce 9500 GT AMP Edition im Test
In diesem Test werden uns nun die Unterschiede zwischen der neuen Zotac GeForce 9500 GT AMP und der HIS Radeon HD 3650 iSilence III ansehen. Beide Grafikkarten besitzen 512 MB GDDR 3 Speicher. Zotac hat uns ein bereits übertaktetes Modell mit der AMP Ausstattung für diesen Test bereitgestellt.
Grafikkarten News |
Donnerstag, den 31.07.2008 |
ATI HD 4870 Grafikkarten Stromverbrauch optimieren Anleitung
AMDs neue GPU Generation konnte bisher in Sachen Leistungsaufnahme nicht punkten, geschweige denn auch nur annähernd das Niveau der HD 3000 erreichen. PCGH prüft verschiedene Treiber sowie Optimierungen auf ihr Stromsparpotential.
EVGA UV Plus+ UV16 USB 2.0 Video Adapter Tested
In recent months EVGA introduced the EVGA UV Plus UV-16 USB 2.0 video adapter. This device allows you to take any available USB port on your Desktop or Notebook computer and turn it into an additional video output for use with another display. For under 75 USD the UV Plus+ UV-16 can handle up to 160...
Visiontek HD4870 VGA Review
Aside from competition, it shows that ATi and NVidia are starting to recognize that of the 100 percent of us who would like to buy a 600 USD card, only about 1 percent actually can and do. Cutting that price premium in half opens these products up to a significantly larger audience.
Inno3D 9600 GSO, BFG 9600 GT and BFG 8800 GT Compared
RoundUp of the Inno3D 9600 GSO, BFG 9600 GT and BFG 8800 GT. Everyone would love to have the best graphics card available but to most people they are non-essential luxuries. For this reason the average consumer looks more to the midrange or budget market and so today in the first of a two part artic...
ATi Catalyst 8.7 Treiber Test
Catalyst 8.7 heißt der neueste Treiber aus dem Hause ATi, der die hauseigenen Grafikkarten verbessern und beschleunigen soll. Wie schlägt sich der Treiber gegen den Vorgänger? Wir testen ihn auf einer Radeon HD 4870 mit Hilfe unseres ausführlichen Testparcours. Dabei achten wir nicht nur auf die Per...
EVGA nVidia GeForce GTX 260 Review
Today I have for review the EVGA GTX 260 video card, one of the latest in graphic card designs. EVGA is no stranger to video card enthusiasts, in fact they are celebrating their ninth anniversary this month. They have been leaders in innovation and customer service, with excellent features such as a...
Leadtek WinFast PX9600 GSO Extreme 384MB
We're not quite sure what makes this 9600 GSO so Extreme, but we intend to find out today. Not unlike its 8800 GS twin brother, the 9600 GSO hasn't really had much attention due to AMD offering two new cards, the 9600GT already being excellent value and of course NVIDIA offering two new high-end mod...
Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 Grafikkarte im Test
Heute muss sich kurz vor dem Launch der 4870X2 Dual-Grafikkarte, die Single Variante HD4870 aus dem Hause Sapphire unter Beweis stellen. Auch wenn die Stromsparfunktion noch nicht zur Zufriedenheit funktioniert, sollte doch in den Benchmarks überragendes zu erwarten sein.
XFX GeForce GTX 260 640M X Video Card Review
GeForce GTX 260 is the most affordable solution from the most high-end GPU family from nVidia, GeForce GTX 200, especially now that nVidia is promoting a massive price cut. XFX GeForce GTX 260 640M X is an overclocked version of GeForce GTX 260. How does it compare to the standard GTX 260 and to its...
ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 Benchmark Test
Wir haben AMDs neue High-End-Karte, die Radeon HD 4870 X2 mit zwei RV770-Chip, einem Benchmark-Test unterzogen. Getestet wurden dabei 3DMark 06, 3DMark Vantage, Crysis, NFS Carbon, Oblivion sowie das Custom Filter Anti Aliasing unter UT3. Ebenfalls geprüft wurde der Stromverbrauch unter Last und im ...
ASUS EN9800GTX TOP Graphics Card Review
As its TOP branding implies, the EN9800GTX TOP is overclocked from the factory. It's overclocked to 755 MHz for the core reference speed is 675 MHz, 1175 MHz for the memory reference speed is 1100 MHz, and 1840 MHz for the shader clock reference speed is 1688 MHz. One interesting note is that this c...
ASUS Radeon HD 4870 TOP im Test
Asus schickt mit der Radeon HD 4870 TOP eine der ersten von Haus aus übertakteten Versionen des ATi Flaggschiffs ins Rennen. Wie schlägt sich der 3D Beschleuniger gegen die Konkurrenz? Wie testen es in unserem neuesten Artikel, in dem wir das Asus-Modell nicht nur dem Referenzdesign, sondern auch de...
Sapphire HD 4870 Video Card Review
AMD ATI has released two new high-end graphics chips recently, Radeon HD 4870 and Radeon HD 4850, known by the codenames RV770 XT and RV770 PRO, respectively. As you can guess by the numbers, HD 4870 provides a higher performance compared to HD 4850 and currently is the fastest GPU provided by AMD/A...
ATI Radeon und nVidia Geforce Texturfilter Vergleich
ATIs RV770 aka Radeon 4800 schlug sich in unserem großen Benchmarktest beachtlich. Doch wo Licht scheint, fallen Schatten. Die Qualität der anisotropen Texturfilterung ist so manchem Radeon-Nutzer ein Dorn im Auge. Wir haben die Texturfilter-Qualität der Radeon mit aktuellen Geforce-Karten vergliche...
Palit HD 4870 512MB Video Card Review
The real win is having a 300 USD card NVIDIA made a lot of money with the 9800 GTX before the 4850 forced them to sell it for 200 USD. Now that bracket belongs to ATI, who, for the first time in years, is dictating hardware costs, not following prices set by NVIDIA. We'll have to wait for board part...
Zotac 9600 GSO 384MB Graphics Card Review
We all know that the 9600 GSO is nothing more than an 8800 GS with a new name, but how does the card sit in the current market? Is it something worth considering or should we just opt for the slightly more expensive 9600GT? The 9600 GSO has been out for a while now, but we haven't really seen many o...
ATI Catalyst 8.7 Windows Vista 64 Bit Treibertest
Wir haben den neuen Catalyst 8.7 einem ersten Test unter Windows Vista 64Bit unterzogen und einige Benchmarks erstellt, die Aufschluss über die Veränderungen mit dem neuen Treiber geben. In unseren Benchmarks gibt es keine großen Verbesserungen in den Fps im Vergleich zum Catalyst 8.6 - auch wenn es...
VisionTek HD 4870 512MB Video Card Tested
Picking out a video card should be a little more exciting than finding the cheapest one on the, er, shelf and going about your build. Unfortunately for now, the available 4870s are all stock. Performance and profiles being identical, you gotta check out boring stuff like warranties. VisionTek goes f...
HIS HD 3650 512MB IceQ Turbo Videocard Review
When we last looked ATI's HD 3650 architecture in Asus trim, we found the home theater-centric videocard wanting when it came to gaming. And while not geared towards the hardcore gamer, we expected a little more oomph than what we got. This time around we're getting down and dirty with HIS's HD 3650...
Nvidia GeForce GTX 280 and 260 pre overclocked Review
We have just published a review of Pre-Overclocked Nvidia GeForce GTX 280 and 260. Claiming performance increases of up to 12 percent, we decided to put these warranty covered overclocks to the test, and see just how much extra performance you get by paying extra for that bit more juice. Today we'll...
Asus GeForce GTX 280 TOP Test
Asus legt die Messlatte bei der 3D-Geschwindigkeit mit der GeForce GTX 280 TOP noch ein Stückchen höher. Wie hoch und zu welchen Kosten fällt der Leistungsvorsprung aus? Wir haben die Karte in einem Kurztest, in dem wir die Grafikkarte gegen die aktuellen Top-Probanden von ATi und Nvidia haben antre...
Empfehlung |