CPU News |
Mittwoch, den 06.04.2011 |
Intel Core i5-2500K und Intel Core i7-2600K im Test
Wir haben uns die beiden Prozessor-Modelle Core i5-2500K und Core i7-2600K in einem Praxistest genau angesehen. Intel stellte zu Beginn des Jahres im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz auf der CES die zweite Generation seiner erfolgreichen Core-Prozessorfamilie Sandy Bridge offiziell vor. Die neuen CPUs b...
Intel 10-Core Xeon Unveiled
Intel announced its new E-series of Xeon processors today, claiming that the new processors will deliver nearly unparalleled advances in CPU performance and power efficiency. It's been just over a year since Santa Clara released its Nehalem-based octal-core Beckton processors. Whereas Beckton was fo...
Intel Core i5-2300 CPU Review
Today we'll be taking a look at the Core i5 2300, which fills the lowest slot in the i5 range for this generation. When it comes to performance, Intel has been the one to beat for quite some time. The Core i series Nehalem CPUs provided a fantastic boost in performance over the Core 2 line. The new ...
Intel Core i3-2100 Processor Review
Processors like Core i3-2100 are in their right places in terms of both price and performance. In due time, we liked the Core i3-500 lineup very much. Now we like the Core i3-2000 one even more. We wish was bigger, however. But the noticeable price gap between Core i3-2120 and Core i3-2300 gives us ...
CPU News |
Dienstag, den 15.03.2011 |
Intel Core i5-2400S CPU Testbericht
Mit Sandy Bridge hat Intel nicht nur klassiche Desktop-PCs im Blick, auch stromsparende Kleinst-PCs sollen möglich sein. Wir sehen uns den Core i5-2400S genauer an. Dabei gehen wir auf die reine Performance und darüber hinaus insbesondere auch auf den Verbrauch im Verhältnis zum Preis und zur Leistu...
Intel Core i7 990X Extreme Edition Tested
Intel recently launched a speed bump of their flagship Extreme Edition Core i7 processor, known as the Core i7 990X. It's unlocked and clocked at 3.45GHz stock speed with a Turbo Boost top-end speed of 3.73GHz. Intel claims its the fastest desktop chip on the planet; like geek tiger blood for your P...
Intel Celeron Dual Core E3300 CPU Review
Almost by accident, I was recently shopping online and found the Intel E3300 45nm Dual-Core Celeron processor. Looking at the E3300 SLGU4 specifications, I noticed that it offers 1Mb of Level 2 cache and an impressive 2.5Ghz clock speed. Since this Intel Socket 775 CPU uses Core 2 Duo technology tha...
AMD E-350 Review
Those who thought the Brazos platform would be revolutionary might be disappointed because it's not. The new solution is, without a doubt, slightly faster than Pine Trail, but it belongs to the same class in terms of processor performance. Neither solution can compete with three-year-old low-end des...
Intel I7-2600K Sandybridge Processor Review
After several weeks testing and trying out Intel's Core i7-2600k Sandybridge processor, there isn't a whole lot to say other than it's relatively cheap, it's fast and it's extremely overclockable. When a processor comes in just over 300 USD and is this fast, NO ONE can complain.
CPU News |
Dienstag, den 01.03.2011 |
Intel Core i7-990X Prozessor Test
Still und leise hat Intel das neue Topmodell Core i7-990X in seine Preisliste aufgenommen und in den Handel geschickt. Im Test klärt PC Games Hardware, wie sich der Gulftown-Prozessor im Vergleich zu Sandy Bridge und AMDs Phenom II X6 schlägt.
Intel Core i7-990X im Test
Getestet wurde die Intel Core i7-990X CPU. Fast ein Jahr nach dem ersten Desktop-Prozessor mit sechs Kernen, dem Core i7-980X, hat Intel in dieser Woche ein neues Flaggschiff eingeführt: den Core i7-990X. Die Basis dieser CPU-Modelle Gulftown ist identisch, aber die Taktfrequenz des neuen Modells is...
Intel Itanium Poulson 32nm Processor Preview
This week, at ISSCC - International Solid-State Circuits Conference Intel unveiled its next-generation Itanium processor, codenamed Poulson. This new octal-core processor is easily the most significant update to Itanium Intel has ever built and could upset the current balance of power at the highest...
Intel Core i5-2500K Processor Review
When we reviewed the Intel Core i5-750 quad core desktop processor last year, its performance easily eclipsed the king of the hill 1000 USD Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 released just a couple of years before. For 200 USD. More than a year after the release of Lynnfield Core i5 and i7 processors, Inte...
AMD Phenom II X4 840 CPU Review
The new Phenom II X4 840 3.2 GHz, is a very affordable quad-core CPU. If fact, it is the best CPU on the USD 100 price range.
Intel E1400 Celeron Dual-Core CPU Review
Scrapping the bottom of Intel's processor line, we discover the E1400 2.0Ghz Dual Core product. Looking at the E1400 specifications can be quite confusing since it seems that the dual cores all you really need to run Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
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