CPU News |
Donnerstag, den 06.05.2010 |
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T CPU Test
Nachdem Intel mit dem ersten Hexa-Core Prozessor vorpreschte, folgt nun Heute AMD ihrerseits mit einer Sechskern CPU. Mit an Board ist Turbo Core, ähnlich Intels Turbo Boost. Zudem möchte AMD mit sehr aggressiven Preisen die Kunden für sich gewinnen. Ob es AMD gelingt mit einem Sixpack die CPU Bühne...
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Reviewed
AMD has a new flagship processor labeled the Phenom II X6 1090T. The 1090T is the most powerful and vestal ever from AMD. The new Phenom T II X6 1090T processor runs at 3.2GHz natively across all six cores, but when the processor detects that three or more cores are idle, the processor auto boost th...
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Testbericht
Im Desktop-Bereich hat sich AMD in der Vergangenheit darauf beschränkt, den Phenom II X4 in diversen Varianten am Markt anzubieten: Mal mit einer etwas schneller getakteten Variante, mal mit einem niedrig getakteten und energiesparenden Modell. So richtig Paroli bieten konnte man Intel aber seit der...
AMD Phenom II X6 Thuban Test
Bei gleichbleibender Thermal Design Power von 125 Watt bietet Thuban ganze sechs Rechenkerne - 50 Prozent mehr als beim Deneb. Hinzu kommt die dynamische Anpassung der Taktrate an die Prozessorauslastung in Form von Turbo CORE. Das alles schafft AMD bei gleichbleibender Fertigungsgröße in 45 nm - de...
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T and ASUS Crosshair IV Formula Review
In addition to releasing the the AMD PhenomT II X6, AMD also today is releasing the new flagship chipset: the AMD 890FX. With support for USB3, SATA6 as well as 4 PCI-E-slots and great overclockability the chipset is aimed at the enthusiasts. In this article we also are doing a short review of the A...
AMD Phenom-II X6-1090T CPU Review
AMD's Turbo CORE technology is now available in Thuban Phenom-II AM3 desktop processors, beginning with the 2.8GHz X6-1055T and 3.2GHz X6-1090T CPUs. Turbo CORE senses when three of the six processor cores are not in use, and automatically boosts the clock speed up to 500MHz. Paired with the AMD 890...
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T and 1055T Review
For the better part of the last year, there had been rumors of an AMD 6-core processor family that would soon be introduced. Well, that day has come and in this review we focus upon two products from AMD's Phenom X6 family: the 1090T Black Edition and the slightly more pedestrian 1055T. Are they eno...
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T and 1055T Six-Core Processor Review
The new AMD Phenom II X6 processors, AMD 8-series chipsets and ATI Radeon HD 5800 series cards make up what is called the 'Leo' platform and is said to be the ultimate AMD platform for power users. Today, our focus will be on the new AMD Phenom II X6 processors as we have the AMD Phenom II X6 1090T ...
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T und 1055T im Test
Was leisten der Phenom II X6 1090T und der X6 1055T im Test? Mit dem Thuban schickt AMD seine ersten Sechskerner ins Desktop-Rennen.
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T im Test
Mit dem Phenom II X6 hat AMD seinen ersten mainstream Sechskerner im Programm, der mit einem ordentlichen Plus an Performance auftrumpfen können soll. Weiter setzt nun auch AMD auf eine Turbo-Funktion, die bei single-Threaded Applikationen mehr Leistung verspricht.
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T and 1090T Processor Review
We test the AMD Phenom II X6 series processors today. A 289 USD Phenom II X6 1095T Black Edition processor all of the sudden can compete with say a quad-core Core i7 950 and 965 when it comes to multi-threaded applications. But AMD releases two six-core processors, the AMD Phenom II X6 1090T clocked...
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition 3.2GHz Six Core CPU Review
Well, all that is changing today. AMD has just lifted the lid on a 6-core Phenom II CPU. This 3.2GHz many cored monster could rearrange the playing field for CPUs. Along with the Phenom II X6 we are also seeing the 890FX chipset for the first time. This gives a high-end CPU the needed chipset to ope...
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T und AMD Phenom II X6 1090T BE im Test
Sechs Kerne für nicht einmal 200 bzw. 300 Euro - klingt fast zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Doch was genau diese leisten können und noch vieles mehr, zeigt unser umfangreicher Test. Dabei gehen wir natürlich der Frage nach, was die neuen Flaggschiffe in Sachen Performance an den Tag legen. Wichtige Punk...
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T CPU Review
AMD is launching today their first six-core CPUs: Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8 GHz and Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz. Let's see what kind of performance level the fastest CPU from AMD can deliver and compare it to competitors from Intel.
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 6-Core Processor Review
If you recall AMD's platform roll-out plans for the last few years, the new Leo platform we'll be showing you in this article may not come as a total surprise. After all, we have already shown you the 890GX chipset, the first in the 800-series. And we've almost lost cound of how many Radeon HD 5000-...
Intel Core i5 661 übertakten Anleitung
Nach dem Core i5 661 Testbericht haben wir uns Tage später etwas mit dem Thema Overclocking befasst. Immerhin konnten wir schon gute 4,5 GHz erreichen, ohne dass es besonderer Einstellungen benötigte. So haben wir mit besserer Kühlung versucht, die die 5,5 GHz zu knacken. Natürlich findet man im Art...
CPU News |
Montag, den 19.04.2010 |
Intel Core i7-930 CPU Testbericht
Seit Intel vor vielen Monaten die ersten Core i7-Prozessoren vorgestellt hat, wurde die Nehalem-Familie stetig um neue Modelle erweitert. Dazu zählt auch der Core i7-930, der wie viele andere Modelle während der letzten Wochen ohne offizielle Produktvorstellung eingeführt wurde. Mit 2,80 GHz Taktfre...
AMD Sempron 140 Extreme Overclocking
Belgium has got very few active OCers left, luckily for OC Team Be we got some support from PC-overware team. Stage 5 had Wprime32 as chosen benchmark and the main hardware limitation it had to be run on a single core CPU.
AMD Phenom II Liquid Nitrogen Overclocking
We'll have our tame race driver OldScarface, a Dutch overclocker, tryout the latest revision of the Phenom II 965BE - the latest stepping with a lower TDP. The objective is to pass 5 or maybe even 6 GHz on this processor. To do so, all he'll need is a couple of litres of Liquid Nitrogen, the right e...
AMD Athlon-II X2-255 AM3 Processor Review
Review of the newly released AMD Athlon-II X2-255 AM3 ADX255OCGQBOX processor. Based on the Regor core, the Athlon-II X2-255 has a 3.1GHz clock speed, up 100Mhz from the Athlon-II X2-250 at 3.0GHz which was released last summer. The Athlon-II X2-255 is at the very low end of the newly released proce...
CPU News |
Freitag, den 26.03.2010 |
Intel Core i7 980X Gulftown im Test
Mit dem Core i7 980X haben wir den ersten Hexa-Core Prozessor in unserer Redaktion. Ob und wo die beiden zusätzlichen Kerne zu spüren sind und welche Neuerungen sonst noch vorhanden sind, ist in folgendem Review zu lesen. Zudem haben wir den neuen Boxed Kühler einem detaillierten Test unterzogen.
AMD Phenom II X2 555 Black Edition Review
Today we are looking at one of the processors from AMD's 2010 line up, designed to go up against Intel's Pentium dual cores at the important 75 GBP inc. VAT price point. Intel would no doubt prefer us to pitch this chip against its Core i3 530, but as that processor costs 20 percent more that wouldn...
Intel Xeon X5680 Processor Review
The transition to the 32nm process technology let Intel painlessly increase the number of cores. The updated Xeon 5600 series is either better or at least not worse than the Xeon 5500 one. The performance of dual-socket machines has been elevated to a new level, which is great. What's even better, t...
Intel Core i7 980X LN2 Overclocking
Instead of following the flock of hardware reviewing websites and using a series of at least one hundred benchmarks to come the exact same conclusion, we decided to put Intel's latest, codenamed Gulftown, to a series of extreme tests. Inside, you will find pictures, benchmark results and info on an ...
59 AMD and Intel CPUs Compared
It's high time to stop and look back at what we have done in over six months, to give the once-over to the diverse variety of modern and older processors.
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