For that amount, the entry-level Classic-SA will afford users a Core i7-9750H processor, GTX 1660 Ti graphics and a 144Hz FHD display. Moving through the stack, the 1999 GBP Classic-WA upgrades the GPU to RTX 2060, the 2299 GBP Classic-XA takes things further by pairing an RTX 2070 Max-Q to a 240Hz FHD display, and at the upper end of the pile, the 3099 GBP Classic-YA touts a Core i9-9980HK processor, RTX 2080 Max-Q graphics and the 240Hz panel. If you're feeling flush, the latter can also be configured with more RAM, more storage, plus a 4K UHD display, bringing total cost up to 4600 GBP.
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