Amazon Echo Review
Alexa is an Amazon Echo and wakes me each and every morning with the voices of Jeremy Clarkson and the Grand Tour team getting gradually louder - and it works. Wake up. Wake Up. Wake up. Wake Up! To be quite frank, this Amazon Echo feature alone is worth the price, but it is such a small part of what the Echo is capable of. Apply identified as a Digital Personal Assistant, the Echo wakes when you call her name Alexa, listens to your question, throws it out to the internet and has the answer - seconds later. But wait, it can also work with smart devices in your home no more clap clap!, play music from your music library, radio stations, connect to your smartphone for use and music, play games, get you recipes, sing Happy Birthday, work as a timer, get you the weather, tell you traffic conditions, tell you the time and on and on and on. It's uses, actually, are virtually unlimited…unless you are Canadian.
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