This Samsung LD190 LapFit is a 19 inch LCD that offers connectivity on both VGA and USB interfaces. This allows you to hook up the LD190 to a system that doesn't support a second VGA display - or perhaps you want three displays on your laptop. It's not a bad unit at all and it is certainly worth checking out if you need more screen space on your system. The Samsung Lapfit LD190 is a very unique display that is marketed at a unique demographic. It offers basic LCD functions with a very basic resolution. It doesn't have an adjustable stand, nor does it support DVI, HDMI or HDCP content. What it does bring to the table is display connectivity via a USB cable. This allows you to put additional displays on your laptop. While most laptops support dual screens, the Lapfit gives you the ability to take things up a notch and add even more displays.
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