Review of the G.Skill Ripjaws MX780 Laser Gaming Mouse. The gaming peripherals market at least the PC one may be overflowing with a huge number of devices ranging from keyboards, mice and mats and up to headsets, chairs and controllers but for the largest part the ones really worth owning bear the names of the well-known, established and respected manufacturers. This of course is not always the case but the sheer number of new and average companies making their debut on a daily basis doesn't help things. Luckily between old gaming peripheral manufacturers and very new ones there are also some manufacturers from others parts of the industry who expand their product lines to also include gaming peripherals and although that's not always a recipe for success still the ones that have done so have released decent products. Recently one of the largest and most popular memory module manufacturers in the world, G.SKILL also decided to expand their product line to include gaming peripherals and today we're taking a look at their RIPJAWS MX780 Laser Gaming Mouse.
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