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Dienstag, den 02.12.2008 |
AeroCool V12, AeroCool V14 und AeroCool Light-Wave Lüfter bei Caseking
Die Caseking GmbH, offizieller deutscher Distributor des taiwanesischen Kühler- und Gehäusespezialisten AeroCool, bereichert sein üppiges Lüfterangebot mit den auf maximale Laufruhe abgestimmten AeroCool V12 und V14 Serien sowie den einzigartigen Light-Wave Fans um ein ausgezeichnetes Ventilatorense...
Sonstige News |
Dienstag, den 02.12.2008 |
11 SATA Festplatten von 640 bis 1500 GB im Vergleichstest
Getestet wurde die Samsung Spinpoint F1 640 GB, Samsung Spinpoint F1 750 GB, Samsung Spinpoint F1 1000 GB, Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 640 GB, Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 750 GB, Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 1000 GB, Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 1500 GB, WD Caviar Blue 640 GB, WD Caviar Blue 750 GB, WD Caviar...
Sennheiser HD 595 Headphones Tested
I've been covering in-ear monitors lately, but it's time to change pace for a set of full-fledged, open, over-the-ear cans. This time around I'll be jamming with Sennheiser's HD 595, which sits in the middle of their audiophile headphone line. Ah, the classic scene of powering on your Hi-Fi system i...
Asus N10J Netbook Testbericht
Wenn Sie die Intel Grafikeinheiten aller erhältlichen 7- bis 10-Zöller vom Kauf eines solchen Geräts abhielten, ist das Asus N10J einen Blick wert. Hier bekommen Sie eine Geforce 9300M GS.
Silent Computer Article
These days everyone wants a quiet computer, it doesnt matter if its a stationary, laptop or HTPC they are all supposed to perform at all times with the smallest amount cooling possible. That equation does not really go together that well, todays computer parts put out a amazing amount of heat so the...
Dymo DiscPainter Review and Giveaway
DYMO's DiscPainter is a dedicated CD/DVD printer. The mini printer about the size of two jewel cases features a patented RadialPrint Technology which prints your discs from the inner-hub to the outer-edge as they spin! It also boasts great quality and speed - it prints 600 dpi in about a minute. Mac...
Vodafone und T-Mobile UMTS Tages Flatrate Vergleich
Lange Zeit war ein mobiler Internetzugang sehr teuer, doch in den letzten Jahren ist das mobile Internet dank dem Vormarsch von UMTS und HSDPA immer erschwinglicher für den Privatanwender geworden. Aktuell bieten Vodafone und T-Mobile nun auch so genannte Tages-Flatrates an, die einen Tag volumen- u...
Razer Boomslang Collectors Edition Gaming Mouse Tested
To be at the top of your game you need hardware that works as hard as you do for every frag. Razer is well known in the gaming industry for providing serious gaming equipment. Take a ride with Ruffy as he straps in for some gaming experience old school style with the Razer Boomslang Collectors Editi...
Patriot 128GB Warp v2 SATA2 SSD PE128GS25SSDR Review
Solid State Drives are rapidly changing the computing landscape, and many enthusiasts are using SSD technology in their primary systems to help boost performance. Benchmark Reviews has tested nearly all of the products available to the retail market in this sector, and several do well while other co...
CPU News |
Dienstag, den 02.12.2008 |
Intel Core i7 920 2.67GHz to 3.8GHz Overclocking
When a new processor makes its way into my testbed, I like to take the time to see what kind of performance increase the overclock we use day in and day out gives us when compared to its stock speed. Being the optimist I am, I thought I would go straight to 4.2GHz and while it got into Windows witho...
Intel Core i7 und Intel Core 2 VGA Skalierung Test
Nach dem ursprünglichen Test des neuen Intel Core i7 kam die Frage auf, ob dieser Prozessor seine Vorteile eventuell nur mit besonders schnellen Grafikkarten ausspielen kann. Dieser Sache ist Hartware.net nachgegangen und hat bei drei unterschiedlichen CPUs nachgeprüft, wie sehr sie von einem Upgrad...
Intel Pentium E5200 Processor Review
The Intel Pentium E5200 is a good CPU. It performs well, does not get subjectively very hot, outperforms a lot of more expensive older processors - Intel Core 2 Duo E4600, for example. With its price tag, Pentium E5200 is certainly a much better choice than other Pentium dual-core processors.
Intel Core i7 920 Core Disabling Performance Analysis
So, while I was there pondering around with the options, I wondered what would happen if we started disabling cores. How would that affect 3D performance? What I really wanted to know is how many cores we really need; one, two, three or four? Sure, there have been articles that compare a dual core b...
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