Cooling your expensive CPU is an important task and the level of cooling you choose can either make or break your system performance. If you're overclocking, it can mean the difference between a minor OC and one that can give you major bragging rights. Air cooling has come a long way, but water cooling has come even farther. With CPU's running faster you get higher heat, and air is okay for some people, happy with a decent overclcok, but if you're going for the gusto, you might need a little more. In the never ending search for entry level kits that satisfy the cooling needs of the CPU and are easy to set up for the beginner, we obtained a Thermaltake Bigwater 780e ESA water cooling kit. We're going to run it on an Intel Q6600 Quad and see how high we can clock it, or at least until we break a decent sweat worrying about climbing temps.
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