ASRock Rack announced the 1U12LW-C2750 Intel-Red Hat Cold Storage Solution. There are literally millions of ways to manage and store data, each designed for diversified purposes. But if you are in pursuit of a reliable server system that is compact, smart, efficient and particularly favorable for co...
Getestet wurde der AMD FX-8370E Prozessor. Aber ist die CPU selbst wirklich effizienter und was passiert eigentlich, wenn man den Takt doch ein bisschen anhebt?
Today we get to take a look at one of AMDs new processors in our AMD FX-8370e review. We'll also throw in the FX-9590 as its just had a price cut, so well worth considering also.
Review of the Intel Core i7-4790K Devil's Canyon Processor. Haswell's successor is code named Devil's Canyon and it's here for us to check out today. And it turns out that the LGA 1150 socketed processor is compatible with both Z87 and Z97 motherboards which is great news for all enthusiasts. In sho...
Return of the Athlon, AMD Brings Kabini to the desktop. The Athlon brand holds a very special place in the tech industry, as it was the first processor to reach 1 GHz. Back in its days, the Athlon CPUs give the Intel Pentium processors some serious competitions. AMD has kept the Athlon brand for alm...
Mit dem reflecta DigiMicroscope Screen ist es möglich, mit einer exzellenten Auflösung unterschiedlichste Objekte unter 6-fach LED Beleuchtung mit einer bis zu 200-fachen Vergrößerungsleistung auf dem zusätzlich mitgelieferten LCD Display mit 2,7-Zoll Bildschirmdiagonale zu betrachten. Auf dem kontr...
Review of the SteelSeries Siberia RAW Prism. While I suspect the Siberia V3 and even the Siberia Elite Prism will get the most attention with SteelSeries introducing an entire new product lineup. They also slipped in a new product the Siberia RAW Prism. We already know that Prism represents the full...
Das Upgrade lief - wie immer -recht unspektakulär. Einfach per Link das Update als Download kaufen, im Konto von Acronis downloaden, und dann installieren.
Review of the Dune HD Connect Universal Media Player. Dune HD is without doubt one of the most popular media player manufacturers around if not the most popular and today we will be taking a look at their latest addition in their product line the Dune HD Connect Universal Media Player.
Nachdem der Hersteller Arctic vor einigen Wochen die beiden mobilen Lautsprecher S111M und S111BT präsentierte, haben wir es uns nicht nehmen lassen, beide Modelle in die Redaktion zu holen. Arctic hat uns den S111M in Weiß und das Bluetooth-Modell in Schwarz zukommen lassen. Beide Modelle sind aus ...
Review of the Netgear EX6200 AC1200 Extender. Today we take a look at the Netgear EX6200, their latest Extender which is designed to boost our 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks for those using B, G, N and AC Wi-Fi.
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