Sonstige News |
Mittwoch, den 14.10.2009 |
Mionix Saiph 3200 und Mionix Alioth 400 im Test
Wir haben heute die Mionix Saiph 3200 sowie das Mauspad Alioth 400 bei uns zum Test. Mionix ist eine noch recht neue und unbekannte Firma mit Hauptsitz in Schweden. Zum Team zählen erfahrene Spieler welche bei der Entwicklung von neuen Produkten ihr Wissen mit einbringen. Bisher ist das Produktportf...
Auzentech X-Studio im Test
Getestet wurde die Auzentech X-Studio Soundkarte. Nachdem wir uns bereits der ASUS Einsteiger-Karte Xonar DS gewidmet haben, die mit einer, gemessen am Preis, hervorragenden Performance aufwarten konnte, wollen wir uns nun dem zweiten großen Aufsteiger der letzten Monate widmen: Auzentech. Nachdem d...
EyeClops Mini Projector Review
Today I am going to look at the EyeClops Mini Projector. The product is exactly what it sounds like, a very small projector that can be used to project video and other content from a variety of sources onto walls or ceilings. The device is aimed at kids, but mom and dad might find the EyeClops Mini ...
Skooba Checkthrough Rolling Laptop Case Tested
Instead of just talking about the bag, we went to the airport to ask a few TSA agents at the Los Angeles International Airport what they thought about the Skooba Checkthrough Rolling Laptop Case and if it would indeed help with getting through security.
Grafikkarten News |
Dienstag, den 13.10.2009 |
ATI Radeon HD 5850 Crossfire und HD 5870 Crossfire Test
Getestet wurden Radeon HD 5850/5870 Crossfire versus Geforce GTX 285 SLI. Was leisten je zwei Radeon HD 5870 respektive HD 5850 im Crossfire Verbund Test? AMDs Radeon HD 5870 und HD 5850 schlugen sich in unseren Tests beachtlich.
HIS ATI Radeon HD4770 Graphics Card Review
Today we have an ATI HD4770 to review from the popular company named HIS. HIS are one of the leading manufacturers of ATI graphics cards. To see how this budget monster performs, we'll be comparing it to a card just 20 GBP more expensive. Time to see how this RV740 GPU video card performs.
PowerColor PCS+ HD 4890 Battleforge Edition Grafikkarte im Test
Nach einigen ab Werk übertakteten Radeon HD 4890 Grafikkarten von ASUS und Sapphire ist jetzt ein Modell von PowerColor an der Reihe. Die PowerColor PCS+ HD 4890 Battleforge Edition besitzt neben höheren Taktraten auch einen eigenen Kühler und in dieser Variante wird die Vollversion des Spiels Battl...
XFX Radeon HD 5870 Review
The wheel has now come full circle: AMD, once content to leave the high end of the graphics processor market to Nvidia, is lording over its rival with a GPU that's not only supremely powerful, but reasonably affordable, too. Then again, affordability lies in the eye of the beholder, and you might no...
Sapphire HD 4650 AGP Reviewed
Somehow though some twist of fate, AGP seems to just keep going. Despite the old standard being replaced by PCIE - currently being replaced by PCIE 2.0 there never seems to be a shortage of AGP cards. Up to this point there really hasn't been an extremely good AGP card. The ATI X1950 and Nvidia 7950...
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 260 Super Overclock Tested
NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 260 is not a new card. In fact, it's been available for over a year in its 216 Core form. So is it even worth a look at today? Where Gigabyte's Super Overclock version is concerned, yes. Although it costs less than a stock GTX 275, this new card beat it out in almost every singl...
Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 1GB Overclocking Tests
We most always start articles like this one the same way. It tends to start with something along the lines of why would you bother overclocking something that is already so fast? - There's always a simple answer; because we can. With the recent launch of the card, however, we've seen a few people lo...
PowerColor und ASUS ATI Radeon HD 5870 im CrossFireX Test
Getestet wurde die ATI Radeon HD 5870 von PowerColor und ASUS als CrossFireX. Diese Gelegenheit konnten wir uns natürlich nicht entgehen lassen und haben gleich mal beide neuen High-End-Grafikkarten per CrossFireX parallel laufen lassen.
Sapphire Radeon HD 5850 1GB Video Card Reviewed
We love the HD 5870s and that's a problem for ATI because we expect to feel that same kind of passion for the HD 5850. If we don't there will be heck to pay, heck I tell you. Today marks the day of our first HD 5850 landing in our labs. The first company to make it out of the gates? Well, it was the...
ATi Radeon HD 5850 CrossFire Testbericht
Zwar präsentierte ATi zeitgleich mit der Radeon HD 5870 die Radeon HD 5850, ein Testsample gab es von der kleineren Karte aber nicht. Dieses hat uns ATi nun in doppelter Form zur Verfügung gestellt, sodass wir die Karten auf Herz und Nieren prüfen konnten. Der 3D-Beschleuniger stellt dabei den derze...
ATI Radeon HD 5850 im Test
Wie gut schlägt sich die Radeon HD 5850 im Test?
AMD ATI Radeon HD 5850 Performance Review
In our coverage of the official launch of the Radeon HD 5870, we also revealed AMD's plan to release a more affordable, pared-down version of the card, with a shorter PCB, lower core and memory frequencies, and sans a few stream processors and texture units, dubbed the Radeon HD 5850. Unfortunately,...
ATI Radeon HD 5850 CrossFire Video Card Review
At just 259 USD the ATI Radeon HD 5850 is ready to give any graphics card on the market a run for its money.
Zotac GTS 250 AMP Review
The G92 core has been around for a while now with Nvidia utilising the GPU in a number of different cards making sure to keep renaming though so as give the illusion of a new product altogether. The core has evolved from the 8800GT to the 9800GTX+ right up to the GTS 250. This latest card uses a 55n...
Kühler News |
Dienstag, den 13.10.2009 |
4 GTX 295 Wasserkühler im Vergleichstest
Wer mit dem Originalkühler seiner GTX 295 nicht zufrieden ist, kann auf einen der vielen Wasserkühler zurück greifen, die angeboten werden. Wir haben 4 Kühler verschiedener Hersteller gegeneinander antreten lassen und Montage, Zubehör, Layout und Kühlleistung miteinander verglichen. Als Modelle wurd...
Evercool Buffalo CPU Cooler Review
Due to the low retail price of the Buffalo CPU cooler I wasn't really expecting much in terms of performance, so when I started the testing I had to do a double take when I saw the temperatures of the Buffalo cooler. At idle temperatures there is a couple degrees cooling improvement, however at full...
Arctic Cooling Accelero LP2 Pro Kühler Test
Mit dem Accelero L2 Pro bricht Arctic Cooling die vorherrschende Tradition. Normale VGA Kühler sind nicht nur riesengroß und von einfacher Bauart kann man meist nicht sprechen. Der L2 Pro ist dagegen klein, kompakt und wirkt auf den ersten Blick eher wie ein CPU Kühler. Hauptaugenmerk liegt hierbei ...
Aerocool Touch 2000 Touch Screen Fan Controller Review
With the Touch 2000, AeroCool has produced a worthy successor to their popular line of bay fan control devices. This device is feature rich, user friendly has a bright, vivid touch screen that just begs the user to tweak their fans for optimal cooling or minimal fan noise.
Thermalright T-Rad2 GTX im Test
Thermalright ist bekannt für leistungsstarke und perfekt verarbeitete Kühllösungen. Im Juli des letzten Jahres stellten Thermalright den T-Rad 2 vor, welcher im Vergleich zum bisherigen Grafikkarten Kühler, dem HR-03, bedeutend flacher war. Vor kurzem wurde nun eine überarbeitete Version des T-Rad 2...
NZXT Cryo S Laptop Cooler Review
Last year we took a look at the Cryo LX notebook cooler from NZXT and we were very impressed as it kept our notebooks here nice and cool. While the Cryo LX was a great cooler it was not for everyone as it was quite large, fitting laptops up to 17-inches. So NZXT decided to make another version that ...
Cooler Master Hyper TX3 im Test
Cooler Master löst mit dem TX3 den beliebten Hyper TX2 ab und fügt bei dieser Gelegenheit gleich ein paar weitere Neuigkeiten seinem Programm hinzu. Welche das sind und wie sich der Hyper TX3 auf unserem Teststand schlägt, zeigen wir in unserem Test.
Xigmatek Bifrost VD1065 Testbericht
Getestet wurde der Xigmatek Bifrost VD1065 Kühler.
Kingwin HTC XT-1264 CPU Cooler Review
Today we are going to take a look at a budget minded cooler from them, the Kingwin XT-1264 HTC. The XT-1264 HTC falls in the 120mm class of heatpipe coolers. Will the XT-1264 HTC be able to keep up with the likes of the Titan Fenrir or Cooler Master Hyper N620?
Scythe Samurai ZZ im Test
Dass Scythe nicht nur Kühler für 120 mm Lüfter herstellt ist spätestens seit dem Kühler Monster Orochi bekannt. Dass Scythe aber auch sein Portfolio an Kühlern erweitert, welche auf 92 Millimeter große Lüfter setzen, wissen nicht mehr ganz so viele. Der neuste Spross aus diesem Lager ist der Samurai...
Spire TherMax Pro CPU Cooler Review
CPU cooling is a highly competitive market. Over the past 10 years we have seen a multitude of cooling innovations and breakthroughs in how to draw heat from our processors. It seems that lately all the newer coolers are getting bigger and some cases just don't have room for them. Lately I have seen...
Intel LGA1366 CPU Cooler Q3 2009 Compared
Best CPU Cooler Performance LGA1366 Q3-2009. Overclockers and performance enthusiasts both share the same desire to cool their processor with the best possible hardware solution, but they each have different needs. Cogage TRUE Spirit, CoolAge FO-X120TF Wind Tunnel, Corsair H50 CWCH50, Dynatron G950 ...
Spire TherMax Pro CPU Cooler Review
Today I will be looking at the Spire TherMax Pro CPU cooler, a 90mm cooler that fits pretty much every CPU built in the last four or so years including LGA 1366 and 1156. It has three heatpipes and uses Direct touch heatpipe technology. It includes a UV-reactive fan, built by Spire as they build the...
Titan Skalli CPU Cooler Review
CPU cooler is one of the common hardware when people are planning to upgrade their PC besides HDD and DIMM as lowering down the CPU temperature will ensure system as reliable as possible. Today let us have a quick look on Titan Skalli CPU cooler which is pretty similar with what we have reviewed pre...
Thermaltake ISGC-400 CPU Cooler Review
We have reviewed three Thermaltake's ISGC series coolers, ISGC-100, ISGC-200 and ISGC-300, with results varying from one to the other. Lets see how the fourth cooler, ISGC-400, will perform?
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