Review of the Corsair Dominator DDR3 1600 CDM4GX3M2A1600C8. Along with Core i5/i7 LGA 1156 came different requirements for RAM than previous platforms. The predecessor to LGA 1156 was core i7 LGA 1366 and it needed low voltage DDR3 in the triple channel flavor. The LGA 1156 platform needs Dual Channel DDR3, and it has the same 1.65v low voltage requirement as the previous platform. When LGA 1366 hit the streets memory vendors were scrambling for low voltage memory IC's and the manufacturers of the low voltage controllers couldn't keep up. Kit's were slow in appearing because of the lack of an adequate supply of memory IC's that fit the bill for voltage. Our first kit was a triple channel kit that ran at 1066MHz and we were glad to have it because prices were extremely high at the time. When Core i5/i7 launched vendors were ready for it and memory in every speed and flavor was ready for the shelves, which means that one of our favorite brands was ready to ship. Corsair sent us a 4GB kit of Dominator 1600MHz with timings of 8-8-8-24. Let's run the Dominator a few different ways and see how far we can drive it before it screams for mercy.
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