CPU News |
Freitag, den 03.10.2008 |
AMD Phenom 8750 Black Edition Reviewed
AMD recently announced extension of its Black Edition processor lineup and as result dual cores K8 will be replaced with dual core and triple core K10 processors from 6000 and 8000 series. We got exclusive sample on test from AMD no more or less but triple core K10 from 8750 series with clock at 2.4...
Intel Atom 330 Dual Core CPU im Test
Intel will mit dem Atom-Prozessor den Markt der kleinen und leichten Computer bedienen. Seit September ist auch die Zweikern-Variante des Stromspar Chips verfügbar. PCGH macht den Test mit dem Intel D945GCLF2 Mini-ITX Mainboard, welches über einen aufgelöteten Atom 330 verfügt.
Intel Atom 330 on Intel D945GCLF2 Review
Review of the dual core Intel Atom 330 paired to a Intel D945GCLF2 motherboard. Last week, when going through the what's new list of a local supplier, I found a gem, an inexpensive mini-ITX motherboard with a dual core Atom processor. This little marvel, the Intel D945GCLF2, does not even show up on...
Intel Prozessoren im Overclocking Vergleich
Aktuelle PC Prozessoren bieten meist mit ein ansehnliches Übertaktungspotenzial. PCGH klärt bei zehn Intel CPUs auf, wie viel Mehrleistung sie wirklich erzielen können. Dabei haben sie sich nicht nur auf High-End Prozessoren konzentriert, sondern auch Einstiegsprozessoren getestet, bei denen Overclo...
Intel Nehalem Architektur - hardware-infos.com (D)
Sonstige News |
Donnerstag, den 02.10.2008 |
Festplatte partitionieren und formatieren Anleitung
Anleitung zum Festplatten partitionieren und formatieren. In Zeiten in denen Festplatten die Terabyte-Grenze mit Leichtigkeit knacken, wird die Festplatte dank ihrer hohen Verfügbarkeit immer billiger. Das neue Medium Blu-ray-Disc hat es somit schwer in den Markt der Datensicherung vorzustoßen, da d...
Sans Digital MobileSTOR MS2UT+B Review
I'm not entirely convinced of the usefulness of the extra RAID levels in Sans Digital's 7 modes, without the ability to use them with USB, I don't see much point. I also don't like the RAID selection dial and key to open the drive sleds. Everything else, I like. The finish, the LCD, compact size. 17...
Soyo Pearl Series 24 inch Widescreen LCD Monitor Review
Earlier this year we took a look at Soyo's Topaz S 24-inch display, which we found to be a pretty good consumer display. It was not that flashy and didn't have the extras that many other displays had, but it was affordable. Soyo has sent us their new Pearl Series 24-inch display, which we hope is an...
Seagate FreeAgent XTreme 1TB Review
We've been thoroughly impressed with the FreeAgent XTreme 1TB during our time with it. The exterior styling has been dramatically improved over the previous incarnations of the FreeAgent, and the new white backlit design looks fantastic and understated - exactly what you want from an external deskto...
Microsoft Windows Vista Tipps und Anleitungen
Diesmal haben wir uns auf nur 4 Tipps und Anleitungen beschränkt, da diese etwas umfangreicher als sonst sind. 3D Animationen mit Photosynth erstellen, Windows Defender konfigurieren, Webdav einrichten und das Mojave Experiment.
Verbatim 500GB Portable Hard Drive Review
For many years, Verbatim is one of the leading names in the data storage industry. They are mostly recognized by their high quality and remarkably designed products. This time, we got Verbatim 500GB Portable Hard Drive for testing. Yes, 500GB means that it has 500GB of disk capacity. Packaging of th...
Hardware-Mag siebter Geburtstag Gewinnspiel
Auch in diesem Jahr möchten wir uns wieder bei allen Lesern und Mitgliedern für das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen und die Treue bedanken. Zu diesem Anlass veranstalten wir wiederum ein kleines Gewinnspiel mit verschiedenen Sachpreisen rund um das Thema Hardware. Zu diesen Preisen gehören aktuelle Graf...
Aliph Jawbone 2 Review
The reputation of the Jawbone is one of superior sound quality and stylishness. Aliph took the original version and slimmed it down while keeping many of the features of the original. It still includes the military grade noise reduction technology known as NoiseAssassin. Plus, it keeps its minimalis...
Crucial 32GB SSD Drive and External 2.5 inch Drive Storage Kit Review
Solid State Drives have been out for a little while now, but still are not affordable enough to make your primary storage solution, especially since SATA drives are extremely cheap now. The main application we have seen them in has been notebooks. Well today we will be taking a look at a 32GB solid ...
Ultimate Ears Superfi 5 Earphones Review
Ultimate Ears just released a completely new earphone dubbed the Super.fi 5. It is aimed at budget conscious earphone users looking for a good sounding, decent looking set of in-ears. The new radical design is a major leap forward compared to the old Ultimate Ears design.
HP Debranded DVI Widescreen LCD Monitor Review
Today more and more change monitors to the latest LCD monitors on the market, even the 19 inch screens are soon to small as the people choose the bigger 22 and 24 inch monitors to have enough work area. Geeks has a huge selection of various LCD screens and today we are going to look at a Debranded H...
TechSolo TG-40 Wireless Game Controller im Test
Wer das echte Konsolen feeling auch am heimischen PC genießen möchte, kommt um die Anschaffung eines entsprechenden Game Controllers nicht herum. Wer zudem noch eine kabellose Variante sucht, der sollte sich evtl. mal das Modell TG-40 aus dem Hause techsolo anschauen. Mit einem Straßenpreis von unte...
Mainboard News |
Mittwoch, den 01.10.2008 |
ASRock 4Core1600Twins-P35D Mainboard Test
Getestet wurde das ASRock 4Core1600Twins P35D Mainboard. Schon im letzten Jahr stellte Intel den Intel Bearlake aka P35 vor, der den P965 Chipsatz ersetzen soll. So werden mit diesem Chipsatz die FSB1333 CPUs unterstützt, ebenfalls gibt es erstmals eine Unterstützung für DDR3 Speicher. Im Februar di...
ASRock AOD790GX 128M AMD 790GX Motherboard Review
This chipset was so successful that AMD decided to design a new chipset based on it, giving it a higher clock speed, sideport memory, and upgrade to ATI 3300 integrated graphics. Along with the new NB, AMD has also built a new Southbridge, known as the SB750, which not only adds RAID5, but has added...
Gigabyte GA-EG45M-DS2H Sockel 775 Mainboard Test
Das Gigabyte GA-EG45M-DS2H erweitert das Portfolio. Intel will mit dem G45 auch ins Lager der Chipsätze einziehen, die HDTV beherrschen und die CPU von der schweren Aufgabe, die HDCP verschlüsselten Bilder zu dekodieren, entlasten. Aber nicht nur die Renovierung der Grafikeinheit steht auf der Agend...
Asus Maximus II Formula Motherboard Review
The short answer is that this is one of the best boards you can buy in terms of style and features for real enthusiasts - opposed to fake ones. There are other companies who try to come close but the complete package from Asus makes it all worthwhile. It might even sway some DFI people, but for the ...
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard Tested
This Biostar product starts a new series of TPower motherboards for Intel processors - the next step in the evolution of the Mid-End T-Series. The manufacturer highlights the following features: stability, high performance doubtful though, excellent overclocking capacity.
Intel DG45ID Media Center Motherboard Review
We're taking a look at Intel's first attempt at a full-featured media center motherboard, the DG45ID. It's also our first look at their new G45 Express chipset, which promises to finally bring DX 10 support and hardware-accelerated HD video playback to their integrated graphics offerings. Can the DG...
Abit AN78GS Motherboard Review
Does the Abit AN78GS deliver and will it work well for you?
Asus P5Q Deluxe Motherboard Review
Asus introduces the P45 market with the P5Q Deluxe, a motherboard that will cover all your needs, from amateur to overclockers with many features and superb overclocking. We didn't found any major drawback so this motherboard earns our Editors Choice Award.
Intel D945GCLF2 Atom 330 DualCore Mini-ITX Mainboard Test
Das Intel D945GCLF2 ist, wie der Name bereits vermuten lässt, der Nachfolger des Intel D945GCLF. Anstatt eines Intel Atom 230 kommt hier ein Intel Atom 330 zum Einsatz, sprich es handelt sich hierbei um das erste Mini-ITX Mainboard mit Dual-Core Atom CPU. Bei dem verbauten Chipsätzen hat sich hingeg...
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard Review
As chipsets go, the Intel P45 Express is largely identical to the P35 Express which preceded it, so if you're familiar with that platform the P45 will be a comfortable fit from the first boot up. The main difference is PCI Express 2.0 compliance, and to that end Biostar have equipped the TPower I45 ...
Gigabyte EP45 Extreme Evaluation
The Gigabyte EP45 Extreme has been a very mixed bag for me. While the packaging suggests something extraordinary what I found inside was only above average. Memory and HDD performance were not what they should be for a P45, and this was shown more than once by poor results from memory or HDD intensi...
Abit IX38 Quad GT Motherboard Review
Today we take a test drive on the IX38 Quad GT which sports a surprising number of features and expandability. We fire up the IX38 which gets the Quad inits name from its 4 video card slots.
Gigabyte UD3 Ultra Durable 3 Technology Examining
GIGABYTE is formerly taking the covers off its Ultra Durable 3 - UD3 motherboard technology here in Taipei at the famous Taipei 101 building, to a mass of international press and overclockers, who are in town for the 2008 GO OC overclocking event. Yesterday TweakTown was exclusively invited to the G...
ASUS Rampage Extreme X48 Motherboard Review
Asides from the simple act of operating as a motherboard, the ASUS Rampage Extreme looks like a work of art and could almost be a coffee table centerpiece. Factor in the incredible possibilitles available with TweakIt, the discrete audio X-Fi solution, and the massive overclocking potential, it's ha...
DFI ABS Auto Boost System Investigated
Well, it seems like DFI have finally decided to look into this and offer a solution that's going to cater to a wider audience. The thing about ABS, though, is there's more than what meets the eye. DFI haven't just created a process to make overclocking easier, but also a community to bring overclock...
ASUS Rampage Extreme Review
When the time came to design the Rampage Extreme, ASUS R and D went right to town. The X48-based board proves to be the most feature-packed one we've ever come across, and also one of the most overclockable. Aside from the robust design, water-cooled Northbridge and LCD Poster, the board even includ...
ASRock A770 Crossfire Motherboard Tested
We have just taken a look at ASRock A770 Crossfire motherboard. While it has two PCIe 16x looking slots, it supports 16x/4x or 8x/8x configurations thanks to a old-school PCIe switch card. This board comes with basic features such as 8-channel audio and lots of USB2.0 ports, but skimps on firewire a...
Asus M3N78 Pro Motherboard Review
It's been a while since nVIDIA introduced nForce 780a i.e. 750a chipset. These chipsets have GeForce 8200 IGP that offers good IGP performances but still a little bit below those that offer AMD 780G and 790GX chipsets. Also introduced is nForce 730a chipset, as derivative of those and with the same ...
Intel DG35EC Motherboard Review
It's a far nicer improvement over previous generation HTPC motherboards thanks to the newer processors and 800 MHz DDR2 support. You can find the DG35EC bundled with a Core 2 Duo E8400 processor for 270 USD at places like Tigerdirect. The Intel DG35EC m-ATX Motherboard has been seen around for about...
Asus M3N-HT Deluxe Mempipe Motherboard Review
Capable of Hybrid SLI and even Triple or Quad SLI, we are curious, is this board the magical wonder that we think it will be?
J and W MINIX 780G mini-ITX HTPC Motherboard Review
It's certainly not perfect - the BIOS is mostly there but it really needs some work, it still needs some airflow on its passive heatsinks, and the AMD drivers are temperamental but these are minor irritations or teething troubles only. Once it's up and running it works great - we ran at least half a...
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