Sonstige News |
Samstag, den 20.10.2007 |
Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000 und WD Caviar GP 1 TByte Testbericht
Das Besondere an dieser Western Digital Caviar GP GreenPower Festplatte ist die niedrigere Drehgeschwindigkeit der Platte, die das Modell auch etwas leiser macht. Verglichen wurde die neue WD WD10EACS Platte mit der schon länger erhältlichen Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000 HDS721010KLA330 mit ebenfalls 1 TB...
Envision H190L 19" LCD Monitor Review
There are lots of LCD monitors out there, and while most gamers opt for widescreen LCDs nowadays, many home and office users opt for standard-ratio LCD monitors like the Envision H190L 19" display. This display performs excellently for its budget-level pricing and connection options, but it cer...
GE E850 8MP Camera Review
The GE 850 is an 8 Megapixel camera featuring a 5X optical zoom and 3-inch LCD display.
eDimensional AudioFX Pro 5+1 Headset by BenHeck Video Review - 3dgameman.com (E)
Computer Building Guide
This is the first of a two part series on how to build a computer. Part one provides general tips for choosing components for the new computer. Part two goes through the steps of integrate these components together into a computer.
InFocus IN76 Projector Review
It's not quite as good as its more expensive IN78 sibling, but then that's to be expected. All that really matters about the IN76 is that it doesn't just outperform every rival in its own price bracket; it completely outclasses them.
Logitech z-5300e THX certified 5.1 speakers Tested
One product vying for your home entertainment dollars is Logitech, who have been developing quality PC accessories for years. Their previous generations of computer speakers have won many awards, and one of their most proven sets is the Z-5300e THX Certified 5.1 Speaker System. THX certification mea...
Gehäuse News |
Freitag, den 19.10.2007 |
Hiper Anubis Case Review
Today, we'll be taking a look at Hiper's very first foray into the Mid-ATX chassis industry. Boasting solid 6063 T5 aluminum alloy construction throughout the enclosure, and more features than you can shake a stick at, Hiper is putting its reputation on the line with the introduction of an ambitious...
AeroCool AeroEngine-Plus ATX Case Review
The overall build was disappointing as I expected more from this case. The trademark structure of the "engine" was probably the cheapest of the overall case as it was loose and seemed like it could break. What really shocked me was the fact the included case fans aren't even Aerocool fans,...
TechSolo TMR-700 Festplatten Gehäuse im Test
Wir freuen uns heute ein echtes Multitalent vorstellen zu dürfen. Das Festplattengehäuse TMR-700 der Firma Techsolo verbindet gleich drei Sachen in einem: HDD-Gehäuse, USB-Hub und Kartenlesegerät. Sehr angenehm nur noch einen "Kasten" auf dem Schreibtisch stehen zu haben. Das kann vieles e...
APEX Computer Technology PC-346 ATX Mid-Tower Review
When I received the case, the box had the name Super Case written all over it. After a little bit of digging, it seems like APEX doesn't actually manufacture their case lineup, but instead, imports them from SuperCase International Corporation and sells them under the APEX brand.
SilverStone SG02 Sugo Testbericht
Nachdem sich PCs von der grauen Office-Kiste zu leuchtenden und blinkenden Spiele- und Multimediasystem entwickelt hatten, wurden die Stimmen nach einem Rechner laut, der sich eher unauffällig neben den Fernsehr ins Wohnzimmer gesellt. Und wäre es nicht schon schwer genug ein kleines, unauffälliges ...
Kingwin Z1 Hard Drive Enclosure Review
Kingwin has a solid performer in the Z1. Ease of use, good looks, and choice of colors adds up to a winning combination. I had no problems installing a drive, and it was immediately recognized by Windows.
Rosewill R6AS5 PC Case Review
To those of us computer enthusiasts that are more on the snobbish side, Rosewill is a brand that is often overlooked. You know, in most aspects of my purchasing life, I buy the generic or the cheapest.but when buying computer hardware, I nearly always buy the "big name" or proven products....
Apevia X-Jupiter JR G Mid Tower ATX Case Review
The Apevia X-Jupiter JR G may not be the king of mid range, mid-tower cases, but is it truly a prince? Read on to find out just what we thought of the Apevia X-Jupiter JR G. The X-JUPITER JR is a mid tower that shares the same look and some functions of the X-JUPITER Full Tower but with a much more ...
Thermaltake Mozart iP iPod HTPC Case Review
From a functional side of things. An easy access iPod dock opens up new dimensions for iPod owners; quick charge point, easy access to download music to the player or simply play music from it. The system the end user selects to install in the case to power their iPod ready HTPC can also include ful...
Zalman Z-Machine GT1000 case Review
The GT1000 comes in two different colors: titanium and black. The case features two 92mm intake fans in the front and one 120mm rear exhaust fan. The titanium model features blue LED fans, and the black one sports red LED fans. We have the black model on our bench today, and a quick glance reveals t...
Lian-Li V350 micro ATX chassis Review
The V350 is a tough case to adopt a final position on and it's not made any easier by the fact that there isn't any pricing info available until the case launches in the next month or so. The V350 is a good looker which is both inoffensive and stylish, something which is a bit of a rarity for fashio...
Moneual Labs MonCaso 932P Platinum HTPC Enclosure Review
Several things instantly stand out on the specs list, most notably the fact that you can install a standard ATX system in this case. Many HTPC cases restrict you to Micro-ATX only systems, which really limits the type of hardware that you can use. A 7" LCD touchscreen is something you certainly...
Yeong Yang YY-5605BK Gehäusetest
Graue Gehäuse sind out! Seit Jahren setzen Hersteller nicht mehr auf langweiliges und ödes Design, sondern vielmehr auf Eleganz. Von Anfang an dabei: Yeong Yang, welche nun auch wieder mit einem neuen Gehäuse im Servergehäuse-Stil überzeugen wollen.
Antec Performance One P182SE Case Review
Antec P182SE is a Special Edition version of their P182 case. Both cases belong to Antec’s most high-end family of cases, Performance One. What is special about P182SE compared to the standard P182 is the mirror-like finishing, external speed control for the top and rear fans, holes for ex...
Kingwin Z1 Drive Enclosure Review
Sliding the outer shell of the internal drive frame was tight but not so much so as to warrant complaint. With the internal frame all the way out, we see how our drive mounts in and slides back into the outer cover. One thing that struck me as odd was cooling; no cooling fan and no appreciable vents...
CM Media Desktop RC-260-SKN1 im Test
Der Computer hält nach wie vor Einzug ins heimische Wohnzimmer, wenn auch langsamer als von der Industrie gewollt. Nichts desto trotz gibt es eine immer größer werdende Anzahl von Desktop-Gehäusen, die speziell für solche Zwecke konzipiert sind. Um die Übersicht nicht komplett zu verlieren, testen w...
Revoltec Alu Guard USB 2.0, eSATA und LAN HDD-Gehäuse im Test
Bei Revoltecs Alu Guard 3,5-Zoll Festplattengehäusen hat der Benutzer die Wahl, wie er seinen Datenträger anbinden möchte. Neben dem traditionellen USB 2.0 stehen der schnelle und CPU-schonende Anschluss über eSATA sowie die Verbindung via LAN zur Auswahl. In unserem heutigen Test vergleichen wir di...
Gigabyte iSOLO 210 Review
The Gigabyte iSOLO 210 represents the company's newest mid-range product. At a price of just under 100 USD it comes with a very solid aluminum and steel front, a great design and a screwless installation system. There are round openings for watercooling, as well as plenty of space, even for large gr...
NZXT Duet HTPC Gehäuse Test
Ein hektischer Blick auf die Uhr, in 5 Minuten fängt das Eröffnungsspiel der Fußball-Bundesliga im TV an und man ist noch immer auf der Autobahn. Aufnehmen müsste man das Spiel können.und dann noch während der Aufnahme gucken. Zu Hause angekommen, wird sich darüber schlau gemacht, wie man dies bewer...
Tagan CS-El Diablo BM Case Tested
Tagan has added a new case to its A-plus product line called the El Diablo. The El Diablo two large fans, one 360mm on the side and one 250mm fan on the front. Each fan has separate VR fan speed controls, that will give you full control for optimal performance. With its tool-less design and great co...
Antec Fusion Black 430 Media Case Review
So you're into all sorts of media. Music, movies, TV, games, Internet, etc. The list goes on and on. You have your TiVo, your DVD player, your stereo and your computer for playing games and browsing the web. If there is any space left in that living room maybe you have a couch or perhaps your prefer...
Lian Li PC-A70 Tested
Today we'll take a look at the new PC-A70 from Lian Li and see if it's worthy of the Lian Li brand name. Ever find that you never seem to have enough room in your chassis? Then it's time to get a full sized tower. Lian Li has several large towers, and now they have a new one - the PC-A70.
Antec P190 PC Case Review
Antec makes some of the best PC cases and power supplies available today. As far as cases go their Performance One series has been at hit. We have seen the P150, P160, P180, and P182 cases. Now it's time for the "Big Boy" the P190. The P190 combines 2 Antec power supplies with the P190 cha...
NOX XTREME Moonlight Case Review
NOX XTREME Moonlight is the name of the newest case from NOX. This case is aimed at gamers looking for a light-weight performance midi-tower. Can a case from a relatively new company even begin to compete with offerings in the same class from established companies?
SilverStone TJ10 Case Video Review - 3dgameman.com (E)
Sonstige News |
Donnerstag, den 18.10.2007 |
Futuremark PCMark Vantage im Detail
In unserem Artikel zu PCMark Vantage werden wir Ihnen die einzelnen Test-Suites vorstellen und die verschiedenen Versionen erläutern, ebenso auch aufführen, welche Abstriche der Benutzer in der frei erhältlichen Basic-Edition machen muss. Erste Benchmarks und Informationen zur Prozessor- und Speiche...
Futuremark PCMark07 PCMark Vantage Bericht
Der PCMark Vantage verspricht einmal mehr die Leistung eines Rechners allumfassend zu beurteilen. Wir hatten schon vor der Veröffentlichung die Chance, einen Blick auf den Benchmark zu werfen und präsentieren erste Eindrücke. Darüber hinaus rufen wir in bekannter Manier zum Benchmarken auf, um in ku...
Futuremark PCMark Vantage Review
Futuremark's latest PC performance analyis tool is here. PCMark Vantage is the result of two-years worth of development and becomes a worthy replacement for PCMark 05. We take a quick look at what's new, what to expect and what you will be paying. Yes, we said paying.
Futuremark PCMark Vantage Review
Today Futuremark is releasing their latest PCMark benchmark, PCMark Vantage. This article will go through the various tests as well as add some scores that we've got from running the test on a couple of different systems. Even since the dawn of time mankind have been chasing more power and performan...
Futuremark PCMark Vantage Windows Vista Benchmark Download
Futuremark hat soeben das neue PCMark Vantage Benchmark Programm veröffentlicht und bietet die Trial Version zum kostenfreien Download an. Futuremark PCMark Vantage ist ein umfangreiches Benchmark Tool für Microsoft Windows Vista 32 bit und 64 bit.
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