Sonstige News |
Donnerstag, den 11.10.2007 |
Panasonic ToughBook CF-52 Semi-Rugged Notebook Review
A well designed and more affordable ToughBook, if you want ruggedness but think the full fat varieties are little too much, then the CF-52 is a great option.
Titan EZ Sound Review
I must say that I enjoyed the EZ Sound's performance. For a set of small portable speakers, I expected it to sound like a tin can but I was pleasantly surprised. The subwoofer is not the best but it does provide a certain depth to the bass that I don't get even from a set of regular 2.0 speakers. Ae...
Fantec LD-H35NSU2 NAS im Test
In der heutigen Zeit ist es Gang und Gäbe, dass die heimische PC-Armada nicht nur ein oder zwei Geräte umfasst. Da wäre der Spiele-Rechner, der Surf- und Stromspar-PC und nicht zu vergessen der HTPC für das abendliche Filmvergnügen. Das wären alleine drei Rechner, die selbstverständlich am heimische...
Nokia 5700 XpressMusic Tested
The 5700 MusicXpress is a nice phone for music fans, a less nice one for photographers, and the bottom line is that other handsets are better at both things.
Super Talent Vidego24T MP3 and MP4 Player Review - hardwarelogic.com (E)
SIM2 Grand Cinema HT3000E Projector Review
It costs an arm and a leg, there's no denying that. But if you happen to have an arm and a leg to spare, you really could do worse than trade them in for what's comfortably the finest projector we've seen to date, and the very epitome of a high-end dream machine.
Logitech Kinetik 15.4 Briefcase Review
Now if you are trying to find a laptop bag you will notice it is a jungle out there. I have seen so many types and shapes that that don't even make sense at all. I got a bag from Logitech though that we are going to test today. The Kinetik case is available in both briefcase and a backpack so it wil...
Acer AL2002W 20-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor Review
LCD monitors are becoming ever more popular, especially widescreens. A few years ago it was uncommon to see someone at a LAN party with an LCD monitor. Now you can find that most people will bring their widescreen LCD monitor because it's a whole heck of a lot lighter than a CRT and most of the time...
Razer Diamondback 3G Gaming Maus im Test
Das bekannte Gewand der Razer Diamondback wird bald mit neuem Innenleben auf dem Markt veröffentlicht. Ob die Verbesserungen wirklich noch den Erfolg der weit verbreiteten Gamermaus toppen können?
Netzteil News |
Mittwoch, den 10.10.2007 |
NZXT Precise Power 1200W Modular Power Supply Review
Today we are looking at the NZXT Precise Power 1200W, which features six 12V rails, an Active PFC, and a badass gun metal finish. NZXT is really not known for power supplies. They have made some of the best cases we have seen recently in the Lexa Blackline and the Adamas both of which received our E...
NesteQ E2CS 5001 Netzteil im Test
Vorbei sind die Zeiten, als dem Netzteil kein einziger Blick gewürdigt wurde. Netzteile müssen mittlerweile mit mehr als nur einer stabilen Spannungsversorgung überzeugen. Zunehmend gilt es auch, dem Anwender möglichst sinnvolle Extras und ein ansprechendes Design zu bieten. Mit der E2CS-Serie biete...
PC Power and Cooling TurboCool 1KW-SR PSU Review
In almost every PC Power and Cooling PSU review we see the same accolades, a few of which get stuck in my semantic craw. In fact I've already used a universal quantifier in the term above every. Although I modified every with almost we all know where universal quantification can lead; Other Possible...
NesteQ E2CS ECS 5001 500 Watt Netzteiltest
Netzteile sind die wichtigste Komponente in einem Computer. Ohne sie ist es nicht möglich auch nur eine Lampe, im Computer, zum Leuchten zu bringen. Daher hat uns unser Sponsor NesteQ sein 500W-Model, ECS 5001, aus der E2CS-Serie zukommen lassen.
Corsair HX620W Power Supply Tested
Corsair has been known among PC enthusiasts as one of the best suppliers of high performance memory products for many years. Many companies are starting to broaden their product lines to include their own brands of power supplies, cases, and other equipment. To this end, Corsair has partnered with S...
Enermax Infinity 720W Power Supply Review
Enermax is power supply brand that differentiates itself on features and appearance. Both are good qualities, but power efficiency is something it should improve upon. A power efficient PSU that is difficult to use isn't much good, and the same rings true for a unit which has all the physical qualit...
Ultra X3 600W Modular PSU Tested
The beauty of this Ultra X3 600W Modular PSU PSU is its finish. It's flawless. Being totally modular, even the 24-pin motherboard connector is removable for easy installation in almost any system. Ultra has provided a plethora of cables for massive amounts of connectivity with this unit. There is a ...
Silverstone Element ST50EF-Plus 500W PSU Review
In recent months 700 to 1000 watt monsters have been stealing the spotlight on the power supply stage. Many people may think the time of the 500 watt unit has come and gone, but that is just not the case. Believe it or not, 500 watt units can still hold their own and perform just fine on most system...
FSP Epsilon 700 FX700-GLN Netzteil Testbericht
Von FSP Fortron Source Europa erhielten wir mit dem Epsilon ein blaufarbenes 700W-Netzteil aus dem aktuellen Sortiment für einen ausgiebigen Test. FSP zählt weltweit zu den drei grössten PC Netzteilherstellern sowie zu den 10 grössten Netzteilherstellern überhaupt. Hauptsächlich konzentriert sich di...
Corsair VX450W CMPSU-450VX power supply Tested
Why is it that in order to get quality from a product you have pay through the nose for it? What ever happened to the days when quality came as a standard and you didn't pay extra to get it? I suppose when you spend close to 700 USD on a video card there are certain expectations of quality that come...
Zalman ZM360B-APS 360 Watt Power Supply Review
Not everyone needs an enormous 1000 Watt Power Supply. I mainly use my computer for Internet, some word processing, storing my digital pictures and on special occasions, play a video game or two. Finding any reviews on any low wattage power supplies is next to impossible these days. When I was given...
Chill Innovation CP-520A4 PSU Review
Chill Innovation is one of the manufacturers that have just recently entered the PSU business. This makes seeing how their new product performs even more interesting. Before power supplies, Chill Innovation have been manufacturing for example adapter cables for power supplies and anti vibration kits...
Sonstige News |
Dienstag, den 09.10.2007 |
Toshiba HD-A20 HD DVD Player Review
The Toshiba HD-A20 is priced at around 300 US dollars and comes loaded with features. Not bad for an HD DVD player.
WD, Hitachi und Seagate 750GB Festplatten im Test
Es wurden Festplatten von Western Digital Caviar SE16, Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 und Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000 mit 750 GByte Kapazität getestet. Letztere ist mit 32 MByte Cache ausgestattet, doppelt so viel wie die anderen beiden Kandidaten. Wie sich das auf diesen Dreiervergleich auswirkt, klärt der ...
Super Talent VIDEGO24T MP4 Series Player Tested
You might be more familiar with Super Talent as a system memory manufacturer and more specifically so for its overclocking products. Super Talent also produces a range of SSD drivers, USB drives, SD and MMC cards, and as it happens MP3 players and PMPs.
Hiper HCK-1S12A Aluminium Tastatur im Test
Die Hiper Group zeigte bereits auf der CeBIT ihre neuen sehr flachen Tastaturen. Hat das neue Alloy Keyboard HCK-1S12A das Potenzial zum absoluten Hype zu werden ?
BlueAnt Z9 Bluetooth Headset Review
The BlueAnt Z9 contains dual microphones to work in conjunction with its onboard DSP to provide clean and clear voice quality. With its propriety software and hardware implementation, the Z9 is able to suppress both noise, static and echo from the user essentially isolating the primary sound from th...
LG GGW-H10NI Super Multi Blue Optical Drive Review
The fact is we have had the LG GGW-H10NI Super Multi Blue drive in our hands for a couple of months now, however we did not know in full what to do with it. In one hand, the GGW-H10N is the most advanced optical drive you can get for the PC today, with the capacity of reading and rewriting Blu-ray d...
takeMS MEM-Drive Biometric Scanline im Test
Das Thema Sicherheit rückt immer mehr in den Vordergrund. Gerade die Sicherung mobiler Daten auf transportablen Datenträgern wie USB-Stick und Co. ist wichtiger denn je. Die neue Biometric Scanline aus dem Hause takeMS geht exakt diesen Weg und bringt mit dem Scanline MEM-Drive einen USB-Stick mit e...
Home Entertainment Server with Linux and MythTV Guide
We show you how to run your own home-entertainment server with Linux and MythTV. HEXUS details a step-by-step guide on building and configuring your own MythTV and Linux based home-entertainment server.
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