Sonstige News |
Samstag, den 14.10.2006 |
Vizo UFO 4 Port USB Hub Review
As we look at computer accessories so many of them are USB devices. Keyboards, mice, card readers, hard drives, they all use USB now. With so many USB devices you may not have enough USB ports to support them all. That is where a USB hub comes in, you can use the hub to connect many more USB devices...
Logitech Harmony 1000 Universal Remote Review
When you think of a consumer focused remote control which doesn't require an installer to put in, what comes to mind? A $20 universal remote from Radio Shack? Logitech is hoping you'll think outside of the box with the recent unveiling of their latest Harmony remote control called the Logitech Harmo...
OCZ Roadster USB2 Flash Drive Review
While there are countless USB2 flash drives on the market, few are as compact as the OCZ Roadster USB2 Flash Drive though. One impressive feature is it's foldable, which protects the drive and looks cool. If you don't have a USB2 flash drive, you are one of the very few. With flash drives so inexpen...
Corepad Victory Mousepad Review
The front of the Victory is a plastic surface. I played with all kinds of mice and noticed no difference when switching between a laser, optical or old fashioned ball mouse. Each one of the mice I used worked great and seemed to glide over the Victory with ease. Cleaning the Victory was very easy. I...
O2 Ice Mobile Phone Review
The Ice, exclusive to O2 is, as you may have gathered, white. In fact, I’d describe the colour as pure brilliant white – like the paint. It is tall and thin, and I have to say, rather elegant in design. The phone tapers at both the top and bottom edges, which makes a nice change from blockier handse...
Hitachi 55PD9700 55in Plasma TV Review
As anyone who’s ever looked into getting their hands on a truly enormous flat TV knows only too well, such home cinema dream machines don’t come cheap. In fact, stepping above 50in in the flat TV world will usually set you back upwards of seven grand. Yet today we find ourselves confronted by a 55in...
Neue Casemods in der Galerie
Wieder sind einige einzigartige Unikate in die PC-Galerie aufgenommen worden. Alle Casemods sind bebildert und ausführlich beschrieben. Bewundern Sie so ausgesallene Ideen wie den Alufelgen-PC oder die Steambox.
Kühler News |
Freitag, den 13.10.2006 |
Evercool Red Scorpion 140mm fan Review
At first sight, the Red Scorpion is a beauty, with transparent red blades enclosed in a dark-grey outfit. This fan is also a great performer under the hood. The airflow is up to date with what overclockers need and is also very quiet for those who want a silent computer.
Zalman VF700-CU graphics card cooler Review
Today, I'm looking at the Zalman VF700-BP01, which is a copper graphics card cooler. I have chosen the Inno3D 7300GT to fit this to. The cooler I replaced was hardly bad, as it did a good job of cooling in a quiet manner, and in reality it's not one I would go out of my way to replace, but this card...
Enermax WARP UC-12AEBS im Test
Enermax hat sich in der Computerbranche mit erstklassigen Zubehörteilen einen Namen gemacht. In diesem Review wollen wir Euch die neue Lüfterserie vorstellen, die Enermax auf den Namen WARP getauft hat. Hierbei handelt es sich aber nicht nur um eine simple Neuauflage, Enermax hat konsequent weiteren...
Cooler Master NotePal P1 Notebook Cooler Review
The Cooler Master NotePal P1 does do one thing quiet well, and that is create a very comfortable, ergonomic typing angle. I found it to be much more relaxing to type with the NotePal P1 in place, and could go much longer without feeling like I had to take a break... The problem is that its primary f...
Vigor Gaming Monsoon II HSF Heatpipe and Peltier Cooling Review
Vigor Gaming is a smaller company founded by hardcore gamers with the intent of putting out a product line that will take your enthusiast rig to the next level. Given their background, they have a working knowledge of what it takes to make an extreme system and try to give you the best possible solu...
Zalman CNPS9500 LED Heatsink Review
This is when I saw where the reputation for the hot Prescott cores came from, I had problems keeping this chip from setting off alarms. I thought it might not be set properly so I removed it, cleaned it and reset it, and still was getting high temps. Letting this one stay on there a week for the AS5...
Noctua NF-S12 120mm Lüfter im Test
Im März dieses Jahres stellten wir unseren Lesern mit Noctuas NH-U9 und NH-U12 zwei Hochleistungs-Heatpipekühler aus Österreich vor. Damals schickte der Hersteller noch Lüfter der Firma Coolink mit, nun bietet Noctua auch Lüfter unter eigenem Namen an. Mit einem Rotor im neuen Noctua Straight-Blade-...
Noctua NF-S12-1200 and NF-S12-800 120mm fan Review
A few months back we had the opportunity to review Noctuas excellent CPU coolers the NH-U12 and U9, and we were more then pleased with the results we achieved. Now it's time to have a look at another new product from Noctua; their 120mm fans: NF-S12-1200 and NF-S12-800.
Asus Silent-Square Pro CPU Kühler Test
Asus gehört zu den rennomiertesten Herstellern für Desktop- und Mobilehardware. Zu einem wirklich guten Retail-Prozessorkühler hat es bis dato allerdings trotz mehrmaliger Versuche nicht gereicht. Mit dem Silent-Square Pro starten die Asiaten einen erneuten Anlauf, die etablierte Kühlerschaft zu ärg...
Apack Zerotherm GX700 Aluminum Videocard VGA Cooler Review
The GX700 VGA cooler from ZEROtherm is an excellent example of what a well-executed heatpipe design can accomplish, even in aluminum. This is an excellent first effort at VGA cooling from a company we're sure to see more of in the future. ZEROtherm calls the GX700 their "main-stream" VGA c...
Aerocool Dominator CPU Kühler Test
Der neue Aerocool Dominator stellt ein wahres Monster unter den CPU-Kühlern dar. Als bisher erster CPU-Kühler harmoniert der Dominator mit einem 140mm Lüfter und bietet neben einer extrem großen Kühlfläche noch drei 8mm dicke Heatpipes, welche besonders schnell und effektiv die Wärme transportieren ...
CoolerMaster NotePal P1 Notebook Cooler Review
Of course laptop coolers of various forms have been around for years, from special insulating pads to stands to things with fins and fans, but for every different type you see there are a myriad of mixed reviews over whether they're actually very effective or not. I must admit I'm a bit of a skeptic...
OCZ Tempest und SilverStone Nitrogon NT06 im Test
Ein vernünftiger CPU-Kühler ist beim Betrieb eines Computers bzw. eines Prozessors gerade bei sehr hohen Raumtemperaturen, wie wir sie bis vor kurzem erlebten, so zu sagen lebenswichtig. Nur sollen diese Kühler zum einen gut kühlen, aber zum anderen nicht durch eine erhöhte Geräuschkulisse auffallen...
Sonstige News |
Donnerstag, den 12.10.2006 |
JBL Radial Apple iPod dock Review
Beautifully designed with an arch containing speakers the JBL Radial can make your iPod experience more enjoyable, and look good while doing it.
Everglide G-1000 Gaming Mouse Review
When it comes to gaming hardware, I always prefer performance over looks. Everglide, makers of gaming peripherals, offers a gaming mouse, the g-1000, which has an understated appearance that isn't going to win any beauty contests.
Lahoo Core 2 Extreme Crossfire System im Test
Es ist nicht jedermanns Sache, sich sein High-End-System selber zusammenzubauen. Teilweise ist die eigene Zusammenstellung zudem noch nicht einmal günstiger, als ein fertig konstruiertes Komplettsystem - vom Aufwand des eigenen Zusammenbaus ganz zu schweigen. Genau an diese Anwendergruppe richtet si...
Brando 32-in-1 Card Reader and USB Hub Combo Review
When it comes to peripherals, for most people, looks are just as important as performance. Brando's 32-in-1 card reader performs very well, but its looks are questionable. This card reader and USB hub combo is speedy, small, and most of all, extremely convenient.
Corepad Deskpad XXXL im Test
Das Unternehmen hat sich etwas besonders innovatives einfallen lassen; ein Mauspad, das den gesamten Tisch abdeckt und nicht nur für die Maus eine Unterlage bietet. Das neue corepad Deskpad XXXL trägt die Bezeichnung XXXL zurecht, denn es mindestens 2-3 Mal so groß wie ein gewöhnliches Gamer-Mauspad...
Steelseries SteelSound 5H v2 Review
Using a headset is becoming more of an everyday occurrence, with the increased popularity of MMOs and VOIP. Why not improve the experience with a high quality headset? Today we'll be looking at the latest headset from SteelSeries, the SteelSound 5H v2. We have reviewed products from them in the past...
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