Sonstige News |
Sonntag, den 16.09.2007 |
Microsoft Windows Vista Tipps
Folgende Tipps für Windows Vista wurden aufgenommen: Vista ohne Produktkey installieren, Vista kann zippen, NTFS Dateisystem unter Vista, Datenausführungsverhinderung DEP blockiert Windows-Installer msiexec.exe, Ordner individuell anpassen, Digitale Identität - Windows Card Space und Vispa Antispy f...
Netzteil News |
Sonntag, den 16.09.2007 |
NesteQ E2CS Series ECS6001 600 Watt Netzteil im Test
Heutzutage ist es schwer noch elementare Neuerungen im Netzteilbereich zu präsentieren, höchstens im Bereich des Stromverbrauchs und durch kleine Schmankerl versucht man Kunden zu gewinnen. NesteQ, ehemals ElanVital, ist vor allem durch sein semipassives Netzteil bekannt geworden. Wir hatten die 400...
Antec True Power Quattro 850 Watt Netzteiltest
Was aussieht wie ein Rennwagen ist Antec's neues High-Eng Netzteil mit 850 Watt und horcht auf den Namen True Power Quattro 850. Wie es sich für einen richtigen Boliden gehört, hat man ordentlich Power unter der Haube zur Verfügung.
Tagan ITZ 1300 Watt Power Supply Review - bjorn3d.com (E)
Seasonic S12II 500W Power Supply Review
Seasonic, the first company to produce an 80 PLUS certified power supply, has a new line of consumer-level power supplies called S12II. S12II is the next generation of its S12 line, and is aimed at the business and home use sector. Besides the 80 PLUS certification the S12II features over power and ...
Seasonic S12 II 500W Review
As the predecessor of the widely successful Seasonic S12, nothing short of excellence would suffice. As we have seen today, Seasonic's S12II 500W has lived up to its expectation. Priced only slightly more than $100, the S12II 500W is a great buy for those who are looking for a silent high end power ...
Kingwin ABT-800MA1S Mach 1 800 Watt Power Supply Review
Kingwin, aka KWI Technology Inc, has been around since 1992, which makes them one of the oldest aftermarket hardware companies in the industry. They started out making CPU coolers and external HDD racks, and now are into liquid cooling, cases, high performance air cooling, power supplies and some pr...
Sparkle Action 700 Power Supply Review
Sparkle's history as a quality OEM manufacturer has really helped them put out an excellent first gamer power supply. The Action 700 power supply has all the right ideas in place; meshed cabling, easy use Molex connectors, plenty of SATA connections, dual CPU support, dual PCIE support and a small f...
Kingwin ABT-800MA1S Mach 1 800 Watt Modular PSU Review
Kingwin has a very solid performer here. Modular cabling, near silent running, and solid voltages all make for a winning combination. I liked the attention to detail, which is rare in the PSU market at this price point. The finish is flawless, the modular cabling is solid, without that sloppy feelin...
SilverStone ST1000 1000W Modular Power Supply Review
SilverStone is known for making great power supplies. The last 2 power supplies we reviewed from them received 10 out of 10 scores, so I was happy when SilverStone said they were sending me another power supply. With the emergence of 1000W power supplies on the market it will be interesting to see h...
Targan TurboJet 1100 watt PSU Review
The TurboJet 1100 watt PSU is a premium line power supply designed to deliver consistent and reliable power to your sensitive computer electronics.
Antec TPQ-850 TruePower Quattro 850W Modular PSU Tested
Last year the Antec TP3-650 TruePower Trio was still making waves in the market, offering 650W of power for an unbeatable price. This year, Antec has returned with a newly designed and very improved power supply unit: the TruePower Quattro. Available to gamers and hardware enthusiasts in need of eit...
Tagan ITZ 1300w Power Supply Review
The ITZ series of power supplies has everything that a diehard gaming, rendering, or over clocker could ever dream for except for one thing. Modular cables have become an industry standard implementation and with this many leads on a power supply, I would expect that modular cables would be a given....
Corsair VX450W PSU Review
Corsair's new VX450W power supply comes with a maximum load of 450W. While this may not sound much it is absolutely sufficient to power most of today's systems. The PSU has a very high efficiency of over 83% which allows the fan to run slower because there is not so much excess heat to get rid of. I...
Sonstige News |
Samstag, den 15.09.2007 |
Ideazon MERC STEALTH Spiele Tastatur im Test
Die Firma Ideazon stellte Ihr neues Gaming Keyboard vor, das MERC STEALTH Illumination. Diese Spieler Tastatur wurde geschaffen um Logitech und Razer das Fürchten zu lehren. Konstruiert wurde die Zocker Tastatur speziell für Gamer. Der rechte Teil der Tastatur beherbergt das übliche Text- und Zahlen...
WolfKing Warrior Gamepad Review
For hardcore FPS players who don't mind un-learning a couple things about the traditional controls on a QWERTY keyboard, the Warrior will reward with a comfortable and ergonomically sound gaming experience. I can't say that it made me a better player, but let's be realistic - does anything other tha...
Asus U1F Subnotebook Testbericht
Das kleine Asus U1F war eines der Highlights von Asus auf der diesjährigen CeBIT in Hannover. Das kleine Subnotebook ist vor allem auf Business-Kunden ausgelegt, welche an Ihr Notebook hohe Ansprüche in Sachen Sicherheit und Optik stellen. Das Subnotebook bietet eine Webcam und einen Fingerprintsens...
Wolfking Trooper Gaming Mouse Review
The market for gaming mice is very competitive with big players on many sides. Today TechwareLabs takes a look at the Trooper Gaming mouse from Wolfking. The Trooper has a lot to offer in terms of functionality and a good gaming edge where every little bit helps. Take a look at our review for a grea...
Vadim Fusion LQX Intel-775G2 PC Review
There were only a few issues that we found with the machine. First is of course the aforementioned paintwork blemishes, which Vadim has assured us are because the paint job was completed in half the normal turnaround time. Secondly, the base plate on the BlastFlow Siberian waterblock gets pretty war...
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