CPU News |
Montag, den 10.09.2007 |
AMD Quad Core CPU Barcelona Review
In just a short few hours AMD will officially launch its newest addition to is server processor lineup named Barcelona. Barcelona marks an important point in the AMD roadmap as it is AMD's first quad core server cpu. TechwareLabs have a first look at this new CPU and its performance for you, and we ...
AMD Barcelona Launched
AMD has officially taken the wraps off their new series of Opteron processors today and have released their first native quad-core processor to the wild. Welcome to the jungle Barcelona. In the pages ahead we cover specific architecture details, processor model numbering, speeds and feeds of the new...
Intel Q6600 G0 SLACR Stepping übertakten
Intels Quad-Core Prozessor Q6600 eröffnet mit dem aktuellen G0 SLACR Stepping und der erreichten Reduzierung der Wärmeentwicklung neue Möglichkeiten aus der CPU das Maximum herausholen zu können. Anhand des Einstiegs Quad Core Prozessors Intel Q6600 in Verbindung mit einer effektiven Luftkühlung sch...
Intel Core 2 Duo Performance L2 cache Compared
To elaborate further, you can remove all of the cache and make a really cheap processor. It will not only be very cheap, but also extremely slow. But how much does the second level of cache really influence and affect the performance of today's Core 2 Duo processors? NordicHardware have gathered thr...
Intel QX6850 Core 2 Extreme Quad Core 1333MHz Review
To boil it down, this processor will blow you mind if you ever personally witness it ripping through data and information like an F5 tornado through a Oklahoma trailer park. It is equally as awe-inspiring and you might just lose your house paying for it.
AMD K10 Architecture Tutorial
K10 is the name of the new architecture that new processors from AMD will be using, like the forthcoming Phenom and the Opteron based on the much expected Barcelona core. In fact, a lot of people are making a big confusion calling K10 architecture as Barcelona, while Barcelona is only one of the CPU...
Intel E6750 Core 2 Duo 1333MHZ FSB Processor Review
The people that will be taking advantage of this new processor will be the new system builders trying to get their best bang for the buck at the moment. Seeing this processor can be purchased for under USD200, it is a lot cheaper than the USD320 E6700 it is replacing. In my opinion, Intel is invitin...
Sonstige News |
Montag, den 10.09.2007 |
MS-Tech LV-370 Webcam Test
In Zeiten von Skype, ICQ und Co., wollen sich viele nicht einfach nur auf das "schreiben" oder "sprechen" beschränken, sondern viele haben auch das Interesse sein Gegenüber sehen zu können. In diesen Fällen sucht man eine Webcam, bei der auf Bildqualität, Kompatibilität sowie den...
Zykon H3 Gamer Headset im Test
Damit der Sound bei Games gut rübergebracht wird, braucht man ein gutes Headset. Wir testen heute das Zykon H3 Gamer Headset. Es handelt sich dabei um ein 5.1 Headset mit einer Verstärker Station.
Noisemagic NoVibes HDD Entkopplung im Test
Ein großer Störfaktor in einem leisen System ist meistens die Festplatte. Moderne geräte rotieren bei bis zu 10000 Umdrehungen pro Minute. Dadurch entstehen natürlich Vibrationen, die bei einer standardmäßigen Montage der Festplatte mit Schrauben oder einem Schnellinstallationssystem an das Gehäuse ...
Dremel Glue Gun Tested in Spanish
Dremel has launched the Glue Gun for those who love DIY cases. This is a sort of glue gun with different tips for different finishes. The design is quite typical from Dremel, and allows us for an efficient and easy use. Some of the accessories we could want to place onto our mod could be so small th...
Seagate Freeagent Pro eSATA and USB Storage Review
While adding storage devices inside the system is good, there is a limit to the amount of space inside a case, and internal connectors are finite. External storage thanks to USB, Firewire and e.SATA makes perfect sense, as the amount of devices you can connect is increased as well as moving the stor...
SteelSeries Steelkeys 6G Gaming Keyboard Review
All of the past SteelSeries products that ThinkComputers has reviewed have all been geared towards the FPS gaming crowd. This time around the audience is different. The Steelkeys 6G Professional Gaming Keyboard was designed for hardcore RTS gamers. This isn't your fancy keyboard with macros or multi...
Saitek 1600DPI and 3200DPI Gaming Mice Tested
Saitek might not be the first name to come to mind when contemplating a gaming mouse purchase, but after taking a look at their 1600DPI and 3200DPI offerings, the message is clear: Saitek has the capability to be a real threat to the better known competition. These mice are not perfect, but we are o...
HP w2207 22" Widescreen Monitor Review
We evaluate the features, accessories, and performance of Hewlett Packard's relatively affordable w2207 22" Widescreen LCD monitor. Unlike most other 22" widescreens, the HP w2207 features a high-gloss BrightView screen coating for enhanced contrast and more vibrant colors and it's also co...
Western Digital RaptorX WD1500AHFD 150GB Review
If you want the highest performance Serial ATA hard drives available, there's only one manufacturer to turn to and that's Western Digital. Its enterprise class Raptor hard drives are a hit among computer enthusiasts. The Western Digital Raptor hard drive achieves its remarkable performance thanks to...
Kühler News |
Sonntag, den 09.09.2007 |
CoolIt Systems PCI Cooling Booster Review
Most PCI and other expansion cards do not generate alot of heat, and therefore are overlooked when cooling your computer system. Today's multimedia and home theater systems include high performance TV tuners, video capture, and high-performance sound cards that do tend to get quite warm, and could b...
Nanoxia CL95-AL1 CPU Kühler im Test
Vor kurzem hatten wir schon die Lüfterserie aus dem Hause Nanoxia im Test. Mit dieser gab der Neuling einen ordentlichen Einstand im Bereich der Computerkühlung. Diesmal gab man uns die Möglichkeit den neuen CPU-Kühler CL95-AL1 genauer anzuschauen, bevor dieser offiziell erhältlich ist.
CoolIT Systems RAM Cooling Fan Review
CoolIT Systems has recently burst onto the aftermarket computer component market with innovative products designed to cool your rig down. Their RAM Fan is intended to address the problem of hot memory while having over the minimum requirement of flair. The extra airflow doesn't just cool your memory...
Zalman CNPS8700 LED CPU Cooler Review
Over the past few years we've taken a look at quite a few cooling products from Zalman, and pretty much everyone of them have performed very well. When I first started to test this cooler I had pretty high expectations, and was hoping it wasn't going to be just another average cooler, thankfully Zal...
ZeroTherm ZT-100 Thermal Grease Review
ZeroTherm's newest foray into the field of thermal conductivity is the ZT-100 High Performance Thermal Grease. Entering an unforgiving market that is already inundated with all types and kinds of thermal pastes and greases, the ZeroTherm ZT-100 is up against formidable companies like Arctic Silver. ...
Zalman Reserator XT Water Cooling System Review - 3dgameman.com (E)
Scythe Kama Wing Speicherkühler im Test
In diesem Test geht es um die neuen RAM Heatspreader Kawa Wing, Scyths's erste Speicherkühler. Mit einem besonderen Layout will man den Kunden buchstäblich Flügel verleihen.
FluidXP Ultra Non-Conductive Coolant Review
It is interesting how all of the FluidXP formulas are indiscernible from one another when sitting in a bottle or upon physical inspection. The proof will be in the performance numbers.
Spire Fourier IV SP607B3C Heatsink Review
The Spire Fourier IV SP607B3-C is a heavy heatsink, so it installs with very secure mounting hardware that is quite inconvenient. The heatsink is compatible with socket 754, 939, 940 AM2 AMD Athlon64 processors and socket 775 Intel CPUs. In each case, the motherboard must be removed from the compute...
Antazone AS-N1000 Northbridge Kühler im Test
Antazone beschäftigt sich intensiv mit der Entwicklung neuer Kühler für den CPU- und Northbridgekühlerbereich. Mit dem AS-N 1000 bringt Antazone einen schönen Moddinglüfter auf den Markt der aber auch ein durchdachtes Kühlsystem vorzeigt.
D-Tek Fuzion GPU and Uni-Sink Review
Before the next generation of GPUs is released, we must deal with NVIDIA's flag-ship card, the 8800 Ultra, and the massive amounts of heat it produces. There are several air cooling options available, but enthusiasts will surely select water cooling. The D-Tek Fuzion GPU block offers versatility, an...
LC-Power Cosmo Cool Kühlertest
Der Name des chinesischen Herstellers LC-Power wird in erster Linie mit leisen und preiswerten Computer-Netzteilen in Verbindung gebracht. Nun hat man sich im Hause LC-Power daran gemacht, eigene Prozessorkühler anzubieten. Die drei Kühler der Cosmo Cool- Reihe sind vom Aufbau identisch, unterscheid...
Thermalright IFX-14 Testbericht
mit dem neuen IFX-14 versprach Thermalright eine um 2 Kelvin bessere Kühlleistung gegenüber aktuellen High-End CPU Kühlern. Der Inferno Fire eXtinguisher soll dies durch Verwendung von bis zu vier Lüftern und mit Hilfe einer Extrakühlung für die Unterseite des Mainboards erreichen. Erstaunlicherweis...
Xigmatek HDT-S1283 Exposed Copper Heatpipe CPU Cooler
Heatpipes have not been an integrated part of the CPU heatsink for very long now, but the tall design with a fan fixed to the front has already been done several times over. Copper heatpipes, and later copper bases, helped reach the coolest temperatures available from air cooling, but enthusiasts di...
Kingwin Gladiator Hybrid Liquid CPU Cooler Review
Who here hasn't wanted a water cooled CPU, but was too worried about leaks or pump failures ruining their systems? Well, I know that back in the day I wanted such a setup, but cost and lack of experience held me back. Fast forward to today, and we now have a simple, self-contained, compact, water-co...
TTIC Micro Flow Intel S775 Water Block Review
TTIC has been around since the late 90's, though it's only since few years that they jumped into the desktop CPU cooling market. Because of their advanced knowledge of heatpipe technology they have already accomplished quite a bit, now TTIC is exploring a very new world, water cooling. Two new produ...
Thermaltake Tai-Chi M+ Notebook Cooler Review
As notebooks become more powerful, they are also getting hotter. Many of today's gaming notebooks are made with high performance CPU, dedicated GPU, and a fast 7200 rpm hard drive. These components offer excellent performance but also generate tremendous heat, something you don't want to find on you...
SilverStone FM123 fan Review
SilverStone recently released a couple of new fans, the SST-FM and SST-FN series. The first series features adjustable fan speeds while the latter ones have fixed fan speeds. In this review I'm taking a closer look at the high-performance SilverStone FM123 120mm fan which comes with a small fan cont...
Zalman CNPS 8700 LED Kühlertest
Zalman gilt mit der CNPS Kühlerserie als Mitbegründer des leisen Desktop Prozessorkühler Trends, konnte seit dem CNPS 7000 aber keine ernsthafte Führungsposition mehr unter der starken Konkurrenz ergattern. Der CNPS 8700 LED greift nun das erfolgreiche Design der 7000er-Serie auf und krönt es mit zw...
Nanoxia Gehäuse Lüfter Vergleich
7 Gehäuse-Lüfter eines brandneuen Konsortiums namens Nanoxia. Die Grundidee der von Deutschland aus operierenden Firma ist die optimale Verknüpfung deutscher Ingenieurskunst mit der Qualität international anerkannter Hersteller. Genauer gesagt handelt es sich bei den Produkten um drei 80er, zwei 90e...
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