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Freitag, den 07.09.2007 |
Kensington Ci70 Wireless Desktop Set im Test
Brandneu aus dem Hause Kensington ist das Ci70 Wireless Desktop Set. Die extrem flache Tastatur und die dazugehörende Maus sollen nicht nur Platz sparen sondern auch noch schön aussehen. Eine pfiffige Idee, wird die Tastatur nicht benötigt lässt sie sich hochklappen und wird zum Bilderrahmen.
GC 2007 Bericht
Wir konnten auf der GC unter anderen mit Intel, AMD, Commodore, Greycomputer, Hiper und anderen Firmen reden und wollen diese Ergebnisse natürlich auch präsentieren.
Logitech MX Air Review
Day after day, more and more computers move to living rooms, with more and more users using their computers from the comfort of their armchairs and couches. Logitech always had something to offer to such users, mainly products like universal remote controllers and wireless keyboards/mice. The MX Air...
ASUS Xonar D2 Ultra Fidelity Sound Card Review
Over recent years, ASUS has left a firm mark on the consumer pc market with a strong and ever growing list of reputable and reliable products, these including some of the best notebooks and graphics cards out there. Now they are extending their portfolio even further by throwing the gauntlet down to...
Creative Inspire T 3100 im Test
Nachdem wir ein 2.1 System der Einstiegsklasse getesten haben wollten wir ein zweites 2.1 System testen, diesmal jedoch aus der Mitelklasse. Entschieden haben wir uns für ein Modell der Marke Creative, den Creative Inspire T 3100.
Fujitsu Siemens LifeBook T4215 UMTS Tablet PC Tested
Go-anywhere broadband connectivity is a strong point of the Fujitsu Siemens LifeBook T4215 Tablet PC, thanks to an embedded UMTS card. But is that enough to justify its GBP 1,350 price-tag and isn't the PC just a little too porky for comfort?
Ideazon BF2142 Limited Edition Fragmat Tested
Most of the time spent with the Ideazon Fragmat up to this point has been spent with the Logitech G5 while using applications such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver while surfing the web and general day-to-day stuff. I have done a bit of gaming though and I can say with confidence that the Fragmat is one...
Apple MacBook Pro rev 3 Review in Spanish - chilehardware.com (T)
Lenovo ThinkPad R61 14.1" Laptop Review
Earlier in the year Lenovo announced a few new models to their ThinkPad line, the R61 was one of them. R-Series ThinkPad's were considered more of a value notebook than anything. People who could not afford the pricey T-Series ThinkPad's would get an R-Series instead. The new R61 features a 14.1 inc...
Netzteil News |
Donnerstag, den 06.09.2007 |
PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W Quad CF Tested
PC Power and Cooling is without doubt one of the best power supply manufacturers out there. Recently they have been bought by OCZ and we are now seeing the first products which are geared for the masses. The Silencer 750W Quad CF comes with an ATI CrossFire certification and boasts four PCI-E power ...
Corsair VX-450W Netzteil Test
Wenn man in diesem Jahr über die Messen schlenderte, lagen überall die polierten 1000Watt-aufwärts-Boliden in den Vitrinen und die Netzteile mit wirklich angemessenen und sinnvollen Dimensionen doch eher in den Schubladen. Es spricht ja grundsätzlich nichts gegen Innovationen, aber wir empfinden max...
PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W Review
Today we will examine PC Power & Cooling's most powerful unit of the Silencer series, the 750W Quad. The PC Power & Cooling 750W Quad unit is being marketed as high performance and reliable, but also ultra-quiet. An ultra quiet unit cooled by a single 80mm fan. Ever since the company's birth...
Antec 850w Quattro Power Supply Review
Is the Antec 850 Watt TruePower Quattro power supply the ultimate 850 Watt power house? If you want that answered based on looks and appearance, the answer will depend on you. If you base that answer off of exceptionally stable rail voltages all the way to 100% load, then the answer is a very clear ...
NesteQ EECS 6001 600 Watt Netzteil im Test
Heutige Rechner benötigen immer mehr Power. Wo früher noch 150 Watt Netzteile ausreichten, versorgen heute kleine Kraftwerke mit 600 oder 700 Watt die heimische Hardware mit Energie. Eine noch recht junge Marke im hart umkämpften Netzteil-Markt ist der Hersteller NesteQ. Dieser möchte mit seiner top...
Ultra X3 600 Watt Modular Power Supply Review
The Ultra X3 600W power supply has a lot to recommend. Its fully modular design and FlexForce cabling system are very unique and will be a boon to users who like to have neat, tidy installs. The cable assortment is complete and provides the user with plenty of connectors supporting a wide variety of...
Ultra X3 600w Power Supply Review
There are a lot of power supplies out there today boasting a variety of features. Between modular power supplies and super silent ones, it can be really hard to find exactly what you need. Ultra Products is trying to make this decision an easy one with their X3 Power Supplies. They really set their ...
Tripp Lite Smart1000LCD UPS Tested
Most users these days know to at least protect their PCs with a surge protector, but in truth, that is not nearly enough. Surge protectors do not protect against blackouts, brownouts or dirty power, but an interruptible power supply can. Today we takes a look at the Smart1000LCD UPS from Tripp Lite....
Ultra ULT-HE1000X X3 1000 Watt ATX Power Supply Review
There was a time when a 1000Watt power supply would have not have even been considered something you might need for your computer, but times, they be a changing and depending on what types of power hungry components you have you might need that extra juice. Today for review I've got one of the newes...
FSP Blue Storm II 500W Netzteil Testbericht
Hauptsächlich konzentriert sich die Firma FSP auf den OEM bzw. ODM Markt. Beispielsweise wurde die Elektronik auch im kürzlich getesteten Nexus Netzteil verbaut. Von FSP Fortron Source Europa erhielten wir mit dem Blue Storm II ein blaufarbenes 500W Netzteil aus dem aktuellen Sortiment.
NorthQ Giant Connector 850w Power Supply Tested
Today we will review one of NorthQ latest and greatest power supply units clearly aimed towards enthusiasts, the Giant Connector 850W. The Giant Connector 850W is not only a powerful unit but it is also a modular one.
Ultra ULT33185 X-Pro 800W Aluminum PSU Review
Ultra has been in the business of producing good looking products which are known to perform well, and still not cost a fortune. We recently reviewed the Ultra ULT33186 Chilltec TEC CPU Cooler, which offered a unique blend of technologies into one product. Equally as unique is the Ultra X-Pro 800W A...
Ultra X3 600W Power Supply Review
Ultra has recently released a new 600W PSU, the X3, which they say they pulled out all the stops for. Will it prove to be a winning design?
OCZ ProXstream 1000w Power Supply Review
The best consumer available power electronics technology is implemented inside of the OCZ ProXstream 1000W, allowing it to significantly exceed the power specifications and efficiency of its predecessors. The 1kW rating is more than enough to power any hardware configuration right now, however the q...
Nexus NX-8050 500W Netzteil im Test
Von Nexustek erhielten wir ein schwarzes 500W Netzteil das mit leisem Lüfter und Kabel Management auf sich aufmerksam macht. Das Innenleben ist dabei identisch zu dem kürzlich getesteten FSP Netzteil.
Gigabyte ODIN 550W PSU Review
Power supply has never evolved much since the ATX days, except having a few more power connectors and higher power rating. In the past, you can’t do much with a power supply other than powering your hardware. Today, Gigabyte ODIN GT series of power supply is probably the smartest PSU in the market, ...
Sonstige News |
Donnerstag, den 06.09.2007 |
Logitech VX Nano Laser Mouse im Test
Mit der VX Nano Cordless Laser Mouse erweitert Logitech die Serie für Notebook Peripherie. Laser Sensor und extrem kleiner USB Empfänger sollen für hohe Präzision und Mobilität sorgen. Ob sich der Winzling aber damit auch durch den Test schleichen kann, zeigen wir Euch.
Zykon M1 Gamer Mouse Review
The Zykon M1 is a very cool looking mouse, featuring red LED lighting and a scroll wheel that can be seen from the bottom of the mouse. It is smaller and lighter than most gaming mice these days, which makes it great for low sensitivity gamers, especially with large cloth mouse pads.
Microsoft Windows Vista Internet Troubleshooting
Die Fehlersuche speziell bei Internetproblemen ist äußerst komplex, weil es einfach zu viele Möglichkeiten gibt, die auf diese oder jene Weise einen schnellen Internetzugang erfolgreich unterbinden oder negativ tangieren können und sei es einfach nur ein falsch konfiguriertes Windows Vista, das dann...
Zalman RS6F USB Surround Sound Headphones Tested
So, the Zalman’s are comfortable and fairly cheap, but looking at some of the alternatives unveils some other decent headphones in the same price brackets. The Sennheiser HD215s, for example, are the headphone-of-choice for two thirds of the bit-tech staff and will only cost GBP 40 in the UK or an e...
nVidia Forceware 163.44 Beta Performance Vergleich
Hardwareoverclock Austria haben ihren Forceware Treiber Vergleich aktualisiert. Neu dazu gekommen ist der letzte offizielle Beta Treiber 163.44, der auf Performance getestet wurde.
PowerMax Digital Antenna 4KMR-10A Review
If you are tired of dropped cell phone calls or a lack of any signal while in certain areas then you might wantt o invest into a cell phone signal booster for your car. The 4KMR-10A by Digital Antennas boasts a 20+ mile range extender as well as several other features which include a lack of physica...
15.000 Euro Gewinnspiel
Ein Luxus-PC mit High-End-Ausstattung, Preise im Gesamtwert von 15.000 Euro, 62 unglaubliche Bundle-Gewinne - der helle Wahnsinn! Ein solches Gewinnspiel hat es weder bei Technic3D, noch bei unseren Partnern von PC-Max je gegeben. Wie ihr die fetten Preise abräumt? Die Sache ist ganz einfach: Zwisch...
Games Convention 2007 Bericht
Auch dieses Jahr war das Team von PC-Max wieder vor Ort auf der Games Convention 2007 in Leipzig. Wir haben die alljährlichen Kuriositäten und natürlich auch die Neuigkeiten mit der Kamera festgehalten und wollen sie euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten.
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