Es ist wieder soweit - die gamescom 2018 mit Caseking steht an. Und es wird spektakulärer als je zuvor, denn Caseking feiert sein 15-jähriges Jubiläum. Der Caseking-Stand C-030 in Halle 8.1 auf dem Messegelände in Köln wird vom 21. August 2018 Dienstag bis 25. August 2018 Samstag auf wahnsinnigen 45...
Die Unterhachinger Firma XLayer präsentiert vom 30. August bis 5. September auf der IFA in Berlin einen beeindruckenden Ausblick auf das kommende Portfolio mit Schwerpunkt auf vier Produktfamilien, die den Alltag mit Mobilgeräten noch flexibler machen: neue Wireless-Charging-Produkte, Solar-und Outd...
So you have had a shiny new 3D printer for a few months, your house now is full of little plastic tchotchkes. There are Little Yoda heads in the living room, some benchy boats in the bath, and an R2D2 on your desk. What's next? You can buy fancy filaments with metal powders embedded in them so you c...
Working in collaboration with Ninjas in Pyjamas, Xtrfy brings their H1 Pro gaming headset to the table that has been Optimized for gaming. It's really cool to see pros developing products that work best for them but with an initial release price of 149.99 GBP, you would expect more varied use than j...
Review of the Corsair Strafe MK.2 RGB Mechanical Keyboard. What is the main reason to spend money on a gaming mechanical keyboard vs a regular keyboard? With membrane based gaming keyboards, your purchase depends mainly on features that you can only utilize during gameplay. But with a gaming mechani...
In diesem kleinen Homematic OLED Statusanzeige Anlernen Tutorial für Neueinsteiger zeigen wir heute auf, wie man die Homematic HM-Dis-WM55 OLED Statusanzeige an die Homematic Zentrale anlernt und wie man die Funk OLED Statusanzeige einrichtet.
Today we test the Icy Dock FlexCage MB973SP-1B removable frame. Homeserver or self-built or finished NAS solutions are gaining popularity again. Almost all finished network attached storages have so-called hot-swap bays, which makes it easy to change the hard disks. But what if the performance of a ...
Aorus is of the same line of thinking, and for those willing to splurge on a high-end desktop replacement, it presents the 2,999 GBP X7 DT v8. The price tag alone will have most readers trembling in their boots, yet this is the going rate for a 17in system outfitted with top-tier parts from Intel an...
Review of the Corsair Gaming Lapboard for the K63 wireless keyboard. The CORSAIR Gaming Lapboard for the K63 Wireless Mechanical Gaming Keyboard is a great accessory for anyone who loves to play games on the move literally, mobile PC desktop gaming - For REAL.
The Timebox Smart Alarm Clock by Divoom may not be the perfect alarm clock but thanks to its 121 programmable RGB LEDs, 5W full-range driver with DSP and several built-in features it doesn't leave much to be desired.
In the spotlight today is a new gaming laptop which sits within MSI's newly created GV Series. GV tackles the lower end of the market and seeks to offer users with entry-level to mid-level options for those on a tighter budget. Today we'll be looking specifically at the GV62 8RE which takes advantag...
Der Mainboard Hersteller ASRock stellt die neue Mainboard Serie für den B450 Chipsatz von AMD vor. Die neuen Produkte verbessern sich in fast jeder Hinsicht gegenüber dem bereits leistungsstarken Vorgänger, dem B350. ASRock bringt all diese Verbesserungen - und noch mehr - mit dieser leistungsstarke...
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