Sonstige News |
Donnerstag, den 28.08.2008 |
Teufel Concept R 2 Heimkino System im Test
Heute wird das Concept R 2 Heimkino System von Teufel etwas näher vorgestellt und auf Herz und Nieren prüfen.
Travagans Green and Mini Speakers Review
Travagan's Green is a small headphone and speaker amp. It has an integrated DAC and can be hooked up to your PC via a USB cable. Besides the Green we also received a pair of 2 inch mini speakers. The set looks stylish, its main objective is to provide you with a good listening experience both with m...
USB Basketball Fidget Tested
The USB Basketball Fidget is a small basketball shaped button on a base that attaches via USB to your computer. There's software included with the fidget and once installed you've got a cool little mini game right on your desktop to help you waste a bit of time and have fun, it's an easy game to pla...
ichbinleise PC 352 LL Test
Alles in allem handelt es sich bei dem kleinsten System aus der ichbinleiseR Familie, dem PC 352 LL, um ein Desktop System, das im Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten durchaus überzeugen kann und zwar nicht nur in punkto Preis sondern auch in punkto Verbrauch und Geräuschentwicklung. Wer also einen preiswer...
Roccat Kave 5.1 Headset Vorschau
Anders als bei anderen Headsets wird der Raumklang bei dem Roccat Kave Headset Modell nicht simuliert, es befinden sich tatsächlich verschiedene Lautsprecher in den Ohrmuscheln. Auch sonst waren wir vom Tragekomfort und der Kabelfernbedienung, mit der sich die Lautstärke der Kanäle einzeln steuern l...
Razer Piranha Gaming Headset Review
Everyone that is a gamer knows that having the freedom to game whenever you want is severely limited to who you are living with or next to. Other than some special situations, both will actively object to you disemboweling your adversary with a gattlin gun at 3am in the morning with you 5.1 speaker ...
TomTom One GPS Review
Today I will be looking at the TomTom One GPS unit, which features a 3.5-inch touchscreen, 1GB internal memory, built-in Bluetooth, and preloaded maps of the US and Canada. One piece of technology that has really made it into the hands of most consumers is the GPS. Some people really rely on GPS uni...
Gehäuse News |
Mittwoch, den 27.08.2008 |
Enermax Phoenix Neo Midi-Tower Test
Getestet wurde der Enermax Phoenix Neo Midi-Tower. Pünktlich zur aktuellen Games Convention in Leipzig bringt Edelhersteller Enermax ein neues Midi-Gehäuse für alle Gamer und Modding-Fans heraus. Das schlichte fast komplett in schwarz gehaltene Stahlgehäuse wird durch eine elegante Aluminiumfront un...
Lian Li XB01 Xbox 360 Case Preview
Yes, the first after-market case Lian Li XB01 for the Xbox 360 has arrived, ready to rescue us from a world of painfully noisy cooling, red rings of death and overheating. At least, we hope. We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of our review sample of the Lian Li XB01 for a few weeks now and were...
Zalman GS1000 Tower Case Review
We've got the slick and sophisticated new Zalman GS1000 case on our bench and give this a run through the labs. Earlier Zalman cases lacked some finishing touches and the GS1000 tries to make up for those and more. It comes complete with Hot-Swap SATA HDD bays and a lot more. Overall, I'm pretty hap...
NZXT Sentry LX Review - bjorn3d.com (E)
Silverstone KL01 Computer Case Review
This Silverstone KL01 full size ATX case comes designed with lots of extras and has a sleek aluminum look while retaining the strength of a steel case.
Apevia X-Sniper Case Review
Today we have a new mid-tower to take a look at, dubbed the Apevia X-Sniper. It's always exciting to see what new chassis designs they come up with, one common factor among them all is the ability of Apevia to produce a quality, stylish case at a very good price.
CoolerMaster Cosmos S RC1100 Gehäuse Test
Bei CoolerMaster Cosmos S RC1100 Gehäuse handelt es sich um den Nachfolger des RC1000. Das Gehäuse glänzt mit einigen Features und einem sehr großzügigen Platzangebot. Welche Details CoolerMaster an dem Gehäuse gegenüber dem Vorgäger aber alles verändert hat, zeigt der CoolerMaster Cosmos S RC1100 T...
In Win Metal Suit GunDam Case Review
Footsteps are heard outside, is it Godzilla? No, it's the In Win Metal Suit GunDam case.
Danger Den Tower-26 Acrylic Case Review
The Danger Den Tower-26 acrylic case looks to be a fantastic option for those wanting to showcase the great deal of time and money they've spent assembling the finest in hardware.
Icy Dock MB664US-1S Screwless External Enclosure Tested
It seemed like some time ago that external storage was the oddball for people. Times have certainly changed now that internal hard drives are so large that backing up to optical media is really an impossibility. More and more external drive enclosures are coming out to provide the need, but they are...
Zen HFX Mini HTPC Case Review
If you compare it to other passively cooled HTPCs on the market, like the Hush PC UK-E1200 or the Hoojum Cubit PCs then it is undoubtedly cheaper - if only by a few hundred pounds. Moreover by shopping around on eBay for the internal components you can knock off considerably more of that price. What...
CoolerMaster HAF 932 High Air Flow Case Review - planetx64.com (E)
Sunbeamtech Tuniq 3 Case Review
Sunbeamtech has left a clear presence in the hardware industry by developing a huge line of products and since a year or so they created a whole new premium series to offer cases and coolers. What we are looking at today is their Tuniq 3 casing which offers their patented 3D Core-Fan Bracket, tool f...
Sonstige News |
Dienstag, den 26.08.2008 |
Western Digital Caviar Green 750GB im Test
Geschwindigkeit ist nicht alles, aber ein wichtiger Faktor beim Kauf einer Festplatte. Western Digital berücksichtigt, wie die anderen Festplattenhersteller auch, das immer weiter steigende Interesse an Produkten, welche mit den nicht endlos vorhandenen Ressourcen sparsamer umgehen, als bisher. Die ...
Tension Labs EAP03 Earphone Audio Processor Review
Tension Labs EAP03 is the name of a brand new earphone audio processor that can boost your experience in a variety of ways. The EAP03 features a built in microphone and can sample it into the audio feed, providing you with the power to control the level of isolation you want from your earphones.
Microsoft Windows Vista Tipps Erweitert
Diesmal gibt es einige Tips zum optimalen Arbeiten mit Microsoft Windows Vista, Systemtuning, Netzwerk, Systemmanagement und Benutzerverwaltung. Wo ist der Nachrichtendienst net send geblieben ? TCP/IP Netzwerk zurücksetzen. Lieblingsprogramme per Tastendruck starten. Manche Dateien werden beim Such...
TechSolo TCB-15 Notebook Bag im Test
Getestet wurde der TechSolo TCB-15 Notebook Bag für 15 Zoll Notebooks. Selten hat ein Produkt so schnell den Markt erobert wie das Notebook. Heimische Desktop PCs werden immer mehr von den kleinen mobilen Alleskönnern verdrängt. Leider liefern nicht alle Notebook Hersteller ihre kleinen Rechner mit ...
Toshiba Satellite L300-11G Notebook Review
Beside Satellite A300 and P300 notebook series, Toshiba also released on market redesigned Toshiba Satellite L series. We will introduce you with all novelties through testing of model Toshiba Satellite L300-11G. L series didn't experience that much cosmetic changes like new A and P series did. We c...
QNAP TS-109 II Pro Turbo NAS Review
A little bit ago I took a look at the Thecus N3200 NAS box and it was a nice choice overall, but today for review I've got the TS-109 Pro II Turbo NAS from QNAP that personally I like much better than the Thecus. One of the main reasons is that it only uses one drive, the other reason is because of ...
WUSB Wireless USB Explained
Wireless USB - WUSB products are finally arriving at the market and in this article you will learn more about this technology and see some usage examples. The maximum theoretical transfer rate from WUSB is the same as USB 2.0 480 Mbps - 60 MB/s if the device is within 3 meters - 9.84 feet from the P...
Monster Beats by Dr Dre Headphones Tested
Monster Cable and hip-hop mogul Dr. Dre teamed up on the Beats design. The result: Noise-canceling headphones that look way cooler than high-end competitors from Bose and Sennheiser. Beyond the cool factor, these headphones perform admirably for all types of music, and they can serve as a wired head...
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