Review of the NZXT Phantom 630 Full Tower Case. While many cases naturally favor air or liquid cooling, the Full Tower NZXT Phantom 630 actually manages to be an incredibly well engineered performance case for both. A unique modular HDD cage system allows the user to configure for optimal airflow, and also allows for components to be built around. Radiator mounts for 240/280mm in the front and bottom, 140mm in the rear and 240/280/360 on the top give liquid coolers vast flexibility. 200mm fans on the front, side and top coupled with a 140mm in the rear give air coolers all the flow they need, while and the modular cages allow for direct flow configurations. The three HDD cages can hold a maximum of six HDD, while two 2.5-inch SSD can be mounted on the rear of the MB tray.
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