When it comes to high performance, high DPI mice for gaming, Razer is on top of the list for gamers to use. Unfortunetly when it comes to the left handed people, it has been a long and hard road to find a mouse that is both high quality, and have the high DPI capabilities. Normally Left handed users had to use ambidextrous gaming mice which feel clumsy, or they had to resort too using crappy mice that did qualify as gaming mice. Razer, has come up with a mouse that is designed specifcally for left handed people. This mouse carries a 5 button configuration, has on the fly DPI adjusment up to 3500 DPI and on the fly profile switching. This mouse also contains Razers very own 1000 mhz polling rate - 1ms reponse time and it finally contains a 3.5g laser for all of your left handed precision mousing needs.
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