The newest offering from Scythe is the Yasya and it has a couple new features as part of its design. Most noticeable is the very unique looking fin profile the Scythe, the T.M.L.F or Trident Multi Layer Fin structure. The Yasya also has 6 heat pipes in an unparallel arrangement. The triangle fin structure and the offset heatpipes allow for maximum air flow and heat dissipation. The Yasya comes with the new Slip Stream 120mm PWM adjustable fan. With the fan being adjustable it can run as low as 470 RPM at 7 dBa to as high as 1,900 RPM at 37 dBa depending on the combination of fan control settings and what the CPU is calling for. So the Yasya has a setting that should suit just about any user's taste.
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