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Montag, den 20.05.2013 |
Cooler Master N200, N300, N400 und N600 Gehäuse Neuvorstellung
Cooler Master kündigt eine neue Gehäuse-Serie für Luft- als auch für Wasserkühlungen an, die Cooler Master N-Series mit dem N200, N300, N400 und N600. Alle Modelle, auch das Micro-ATX-Gehäuse N200, bieten ausreichend Platz für mindestens einen großen 240-mm-Wasserkühlungsradiator. Charakteristisch f...
Speicher News |
Montag, den 20.05.2013 |
Plextor M5 Pro Xtreme 256GB SSD im Test
Getestet wurde die Plextor M5 Pro Xtreme 256GB SATA3 SSD. Heute haben wir eine Xtreme schnelle SSD zum Test in die Redaktion ocinside.de eingeladen, die Plextor M5 Pro Xtreme 256GB. Die Plextor M5 Pro Xtreme 256GB SSD basiert wie die zuvor getestete Crucial M500 480GB SSD auf dem Marvell 88SS9187-BL...
OCZ Vertex 3.20 120GB SSD im Test
Die namentlich als OCZ Vertex 3.20 geführte Frischzellenkur, setzt weiterhin auf den bewährten SandForce-Controller, bedient sich jedoch moderner 20 nm NAND-Flashspeicher zuvor 25 nm, was durch den Namenszusatz .20 entsprechend kenntlich gemacht wird. Das Ziel dieser Entwicklungen ist eine SSD für d...
Toshiba THNSNH 512GB SSD Review
Review of the Toshiba THNSNH 512 GB SSD. Toshiba recently released new solid-state-drives based on their own 19 nm flash chips and a rebranded Marvell controller. In our testing we see amazing real-life performance results that easily beat drives from other well known vendors like Samsung, Corsair a...
Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD Review
The Samsung 256GB 840 pro SSD is one of the newest storage devices in the Samsung lineup. With this revision Samsung has included their triple-core MDX controller into the 840 line. The three cores allow the 840 and 840 pro drives to execute multiple instructions at a time improving performance unde...
Kingston HyperX 10th Anniversary 2400MHz 16GB Review
Kingston as a whole has been around a long time, but they created the HyperX brand when they realized there were people that wanted to push the limits of their system memory in order to increase performance. That was a long 10 years ago and the kit we have today is a special celebratory kit showing ...
Crucial M500 960GB SSD Review
Today we see Crucial attempt to drive the SSD market forward with the introduction of a SSD which has a capacity up to 960GB (so the best part of 1TB) while maintaining a price point which competes with 512GB models from the likes of Samsung and OCZ. Can the new M500 compete in performance as well a...
Sonstige News |
Sonntag, den 19.05.2013 |
Sony Xperia Z im 4 Wochen Härte Test
Das Sony Xperia Z im 4-Wochen-Härtetest. Vier Wochen lang war das Flaggschiff aus Japan immer dabei: Es musste Eiseskälte in Bayern überleben, der Messe in Barcelona standhalten und Kamera-Ersatz im Prag-Urlaub spielen. Und so sieht das Fazit aus.
Gigabyte Aivia Osmium Review
Review of the Gigabyte Aivia Osmium MX Brown Gaming Keyboard. Not long ago, we received the Aivia Osmium keyboard from Gigabyte for reviewing. Imagine our surprise when we received another Aivia Osmium with almost no difference in the presentation, aside from having white illumination instead of blu...
Rosewill Ultra-Slim HDMI RedMere Cable Review
Are you looking for HDMI 1.4 cables are thinner and more flexible than standard HDMI cables? Rosewill recently launched a line of Ultra Slim HDMI Cables with RedMere technology. Each of these Rosewill cables have a RedMere chip inside to ensure that you receive the absolute best picture quality in a...
Datacolor Spyder4Elite Monitor Calibration Tool Review
Review of the Datacolor Spyder4Elite monitor calibration tool. Today we're going to be looking at the Datacolor Spyder4Elite, a display calibration tool that uses a sensor suite to correctly adjust your display to your surroundings. The Spyder4Elite works on a wide range of displays too – monitors, ...
Asus Orion Pro Gaming Headset Tested
Review of the ASUS Orion Pro Gaming Headset . The Republic of Gamers ROG was established by ASUS in 2006 in order to be the organization's entity that focused solely on the needs of PC gamers. Since then, the ROG has not only produced great gaming hardware, but it has developed into a gaming communi...
Arion Foldable Bluetooth Headset Review
With mobile devices becoming more and more common it isn't surprising that we are starting to see different devices pop up that have built in support for them. From keyboards to headsets, the most common type of interface used to connect these devices is Bluetooth. Eagle Tech has kindly shipped us o...
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