Sonstige News |
Montag, den 25.05.2009 |
Microsoft Windows Vista, XP und Office 2007 Tipps Erweitert
Die Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP und Office 2007 Tipps wurden erweitert. Mit dabei sind die wichtigsten Shortcuts für Vista, WGA Prüfung in Windows XP weiter verschärft, Outlook 2007 zurücksetzen, mit Metadaten arbeiten, was macht die winresume.exe ?, zusätzliche Uhren/Zeitzonen anzeigen, Feh...
CyberSnipa Stinger Maus im Test
Wir haben heute das Vergnügen, euch eine Maus aus dem Hause CyberSnipa vorstellen zu dürfen. Die CyberSnipa Stinger lässt schon durch ihr Design erahnen welche Zielgruppe angesprochen werden soll.
Asus W90VP Notebook im Test
Hands-On Test des ASUS W90 Notebooks mit Intel Quad Core Prozessor und CrossFire Grafiklösung. Die versprochenen 15.000 3D-Mark 06 Punkte wurden nicht erreicht. Die erzielten 12476 Punkte sind dennoch keine Blamage. Das Asus W90VP ist eine potentielle Gaming-Maschine im Business-Design. Leider enttä...
Acer Aspire One Linux Netbook Reviewed
Review of the Acer Aspire One Linux netbook. One of the most affordable netbooks on the market today is the Acer Aspire One lineup, particularly when you look at the lower end of the scale. While its specs won't best some of its more expensive compatriots, the cheap Aspire One is just as capable of ...
Honeywell Airlite 740 Bluetooth Headset Review
Review of the Honeywell Airlite 740 Bluetooth Headset. With bluetooth headsets becoming nearly as common as the cell phones they are designed to complement, it can be easy for a good product to be lost among all others. With that in mind, Honeywell CE has recently released the Airlite 740; a stylish...
Trendnet TV-M7 Wireless Internet Camera Upgrades Announcement
TRENDnet announced new upgrades to the first-to-market 7-inch Wireless Internet Camera and Photo Monitor, model TV-M7. Upgrades now allow users to connect to TRENDnet security cameras over the Internet and to default the device's login screen to the IP camera selection page. The 7-inch Wireless Inte...
HP Pavilion DV2 AMD Neo Notebook Testbericht
Getestet wurde das HP Pavilion DV2 AMD Neo Notebook. Das HP Pavilion DV2 gehört zu den ersten Notebooks mit der neuen Yukon Plattform und dem AMD Neo Prozessor. PC Games Hardware hat das HP Pavilion DV2 getestet und verrät Ihnen wie schnell Neo im Vergleich zu Intels Atom ist.
Ipevo Kaleido R7 Wireless Digital Frame Review
The IPEVO Kaleido R7 digital picture frame is immediately an eye-catcher, because it doesn't look too conventional with its assymetical design. It's not a regular picture frame digitized; it's a lifestyle piece that was designed with digital content in mind from the beginning. Oh, and it's quite the...
HP HDX 18t Premium Series 18in Notebook Video Review
HP's HDX 18t Premium Series Notebook is a mammoth 18-inch desktop replacement machine with a wealth of multimedia-targeted features and capabilities on board. With a stylish, glossy exterior, large keyboard area with touch-sensitive illuminated buttons, a TV tuner and remote control, this machine sc...
Grafikkarten News |
Sonntag, den 24.05.2009 |
ATI Radeon HD 4770 CrossFire im Test
Sein Name ist RV740, er wird gefertigt im 40nm-Prozess und nimmt letztlich auf der Radeon HD 4770 seinen Platz ein. Die Rede ist vom aktuellen Mainstream-König aus dem Hause ATI. Bereits im letzten Test konnten wir uns über die Leistung des aktuellen Preisleistungskracher nur wundern, so gelang es, ...
Sapphire Radeon HD4890 OC Grafikkarten Test
Aus dem Hause Sapphire wollen wir euch die erste OC Variante eine Radeon HD 4890 vorstellen. Diese ist mit 900 2000 MHz übertaktet und kostet zu unserer Überraschung nur minimal mehr als eine normal getaktete 4890. Mehr zur Performance und Übertaktbarkeit findet ihr im Artikel.
Sapphire HD 4770 512MB Video Card Tested
Review of the Sapphire HD 4770 512MB video card. Everyone wants to know how far their money can go these days and that you want to make sure that you get the most that you can for it. Sapphire and ATI knows this and they have come up with their own stimulus plan by bringing out the new HD 4770 PCI-e...
nVidia GeForce GTX 275 896MB Review
This product fits between GeForce GTX 260 and GeForce GTX 285 in terms of performance and price. As we have already mentioned, the new card has been designed to oppose Radeon HD 4890, the most powerful single-GPU card from AMD. This corresponds to the 260 USD price tag - more expensive than GTX 260,...
Asus ENGTX260 Matrix Review
Review of the the Asus ENGTX260 Matrix video card. Luckily, we can still find a few companies willing to take time and invest some resources into designing slightly different graphic cards. Asus is just one of those companies. Asus, being the leading manufacturer in the computer industry, has produc...
Inno3D GTX275 OC VGA Reviewed
Inno3D releases an overclocked version of GTX275 with proper price and very good performance. In fact in most cases were somewhat slower than the more expensive GTX285, a perfect solution that won our Safe Buy Award.
ASUS GTX260 Matrix Graphics Card Review
Today we're going to be looking at the Asus ENGTX260 Matrix graphics card. The card is complete with a custom cooler and a comprehensive software application which allows for overvolting and overclocking of the card. The card is available for about 160 GBP and these features could easily give it a s...
Inno3D GeForce GTX 275 OC Graphics Card Tested
Today we're going to be looking at a GTX 275 from Inno3D which has that lovely overclocked word printed on the front of the box. What we'll do before we have a closer look at the card and its performance is see what Inno3D have done with the package and bundle. Let's not delay any longer and get str...
Gigabyte GV-R477D5-512H-B Videocard Review
We already know one Radeon HD 4770 graphics card offers great performance for under a hundred bucks, the real question is what level of gaming performance will two Gigabyte GV-R477D5-512H-B Radeon 4770's teamed up under Crossfire deliver?
Sonstige News |
Sonntag, den 24.05.2009 |
Fantec TV-LHD Media Player Full-HD 1080p Neuvorstellung
Der Fantec TV-LHD Media Player öffnen die Tür zur Wiedergabe von HD Filmen. Erleben Sie Kinofeeling in brillanter HD Qualität nun auch Zuhause. Gestochen scharfe Bildern und glasklarer Sound erwarten Sie. Der TV-LHD verfügt über diverse Schnittstellen und kann via USB - USB-Stick, externe Festplatte...
MSI Wind U200 Subnotebook Test
Getestet wurde das MSI Wind U200 mit Intel Celeron ULV Prozessor und Intel GM45 Chipsatz. Das MSI Wind U200 macht in unseren Augen einen guten Eindruck. Brauchbarer ULV-Prozessor - immerhin schneller als Intel Atom, robuste Verarbeitung und eine Chipsatz GPU, die HD-Medien unterstützt.
Samsung i200 Windows Mobile Smartphone Review
Today we have an interesting mix of smartphone meets slimphone, brought to us by those stylish engineers at Samsung. This is an interesting mashup we have here today, with part of the phone wanting to be a candybar style, regular numeric keypad phone and the software side nestling firmly in the boso...
Fantec HDRTV DVB-T Rekorder im Test
Getestet wurde der Fantec HDRTV DVB-T Rekorder. Als wir den Fantec MM-HDRL Media Rekorder getestet hatten, blieb uns nur zu sagen das ein TV Empfänger fehlen würde. Den hat Fantec nun in seinem Nachfolgemodell, dem MM-HDRTV DVB-T Rekorder spendiert. Nicht nur das er DVB-T TV empfangen kann, nein auc...
Mionix Saiph 3200 Gaming Maus im Test
Der schwedische Hersteller Mionix möchte seinem aktuellen Modell Saiph 3200 einen Großangriff in Richtung Razer und Logitech starten.
Brite Strike Blue Dot Series Illumination Tool Tested
The Brite-Strike Blue Dot Series Illumination Tool with Tactical Touch is able to release a remarkable 180 lumens. As a flashlight that was designed by police officers, for police officers, this light will stand up to anything.
Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard Review
Today we have the opportunity to check out the Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard. The G13 offers a customizable keyboard for any gamer. A natural contoured design is implemented into the 25 key setup. The LCD Display is yet another benefit of the G13. This display can show RSS Feeds, music, Xfire, CPU...
ASUS VH242H Display Review
ASUS is, obviously, trying very hard to make monitors that are nicely designed but, since there is no disputing about tastes, we will let you to decide if you like the design of ASUS. Bottom line is that you should first take a look at this monitor with its unusual design and only then decide if you...
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