Sonstige News |
Donnerstag, den 14.05.2009 |
takeMS p.view 10.2 Zoll Digitaler Bilderrahmen im Test
Selten hat ein Produkt so schnell den Markt erobert wie das digitale Foto. Die gute alte Analog Kamera hat im besten Falle nur noch Sammlerwert. Die digitale Foto Welt ist bereits zu unserem Alltag geworden. Wer seine digitale Bildersammlung nicht nur auf dem heimischen PC-Bildschirm präsentieren mö...
I-Rocks RF-6572 Review
Review of the I-Rocks RF-6572 wireless RF 2.4 GHZ keyboard and mouse combo. I-Rocks got back to basics with this wireless keyboard mouse combo and I must say they did a great job. This is the kind of product that will appeal to a wide range of computer users not only because of the excellent build q...
Cyber System i17 Notebook im Test
Ohne Frage, Cyber Systems i17 ist das stärkste Notebook, das bislang unseren Test-Parcours absolvierte. Dank des Intel Core i7 965 Extreme Prozessors 3,2 GHz, den 8 GByte DDR3 RAM und den 3 Festplatten im RAID0 Verbund, verfügt es über brachiale Leistung.
Covington Creations Earbud Yo-Yo Review
The Earbud Yo-Yo is a simple solution to tangled earbuds. If you are getting frustrated with trying to untangle earbuds every time you stuff you mp3 player in your pocket, this is the perfect solution for you. Using the Earbud Yo-Yo really does clean up the clutter of tangled earbud cords. The Yo-Yo...
AirLive WMU-6000FS Review
The AirLive! WMU-6000FS is not just an access point wireless router. It can also hold a 2.5 inch hard drive and has USB ports to function as print server or network storage device. An interesting device for people wanting to share their documents on a home network without creating a cable mess or ha...
SteelSeries QCK+ Team Gaming Surfaces Review
SteelSeries are one of the most successful companies in the world when talking about gaming accessories and they have a huge line of products ranging from headsets to gaming mice. We've had the opportunity in recent months to look at a few of their accessories such as the WoW Gaming Mouse, Ikari Las...
Mainboard News |
Mittwoch, den 13.05.2009 |
Zotac Ionitx-A Tested
Review of the Zotac Ionitx-A nVidia Ion based motherboard. Today though, we're going to take a look Zotac's brand new Ion-based motherboard. What makes this product interesting to us is that it's the first one designed for the do-it-yourself crowd looking to assemble their own small form factor syst...
Gigabyte E7AUM-DS2H Mainboard Test
Mit dem Gigabyte E7AUM-DS2H präsentieren wir nun unseren ersten Test eines Mainboards mit dem NVIDIA 9400 Chipsatz. Das Board wendet sich hauptsächlich an den immer weiter wachsenden Kundenkreis , der sich Multimedia- und HTPC-Systeme für das Wohnzimmer aufbaut. Wir zeigen, wie gut es sich in diesem...
ASUS P6T SE Motherboard Review
So what differentiates this board from the many other ASUS P6 motherboards on the market? The P6T SE is one of the few X58 motherboards currently available on the open market, which does not support SLI out of the box. Balancing that out is the lesser pricing on the board compared to other X58 board...
Gigabyte GA-MA790FXT-UD5P AM3 790FX Review
Hot on the heals of our recent AMD platform showdown, it was decided that we take a closer look at some of the individual components that make up these systems. We've already gone over the Asus M3A78-T, which represents the transition from socket AM2+ to socket AM3, and came away impressed with the ...
Asus Rampage II Gene Review
After Rampage II Extreme motherboard ASUS engineers couldn't sit still and they surprised us with another top-quality motherboard but in many senses completely different from its predecessor. Since high-class users and overclockers were covered by Extreme edition this time ASUS created something ver...
XFX X58i im Test
XFX ist als Mainboard Hersteller bisher nur im Lager der Nvidia Chipsätze angesiedelt gewesen. Nun versucht man sich mit einem eigenen X58 Brett auf dem Markt durchzusetzen.
EVGA X58 Classified Motherboard Tested
The X58 Classified motherboard steps into the ring with the ability to house 3-way SLI plus PhysX plus 1x PCIe at the same time, two 8-pin 12V connectors, 10 phase Digital PWM, and a nice bundle to get you going. Is this the motherboard to rule them all?
Gigabyte EX58-UD4P Motherboard Reviewed
Intel has certainly put a high price premium on the X58 IOH to its partners, which in turn causes the boards produced to be somewhat expensive. Coupled with the higher price of Core i7 processors, this means that we are stuck with a huge bill to build a capable overclocking gaming rig, or are we? GI...
Asus M3A78-T Motherboard Review
Today, we have a look at the Asus AM2+ motherboard, the M3A78-T, which is one of the higher-end motherboards from their AM2+ series. It comes with HD3300 onboard GPU which we overclocked to the limit and beyond, running Crysis at 1280x1024 at 30fps.
Jetway NF94-270-LF Motherboard Review
Review of the Jetway NF94-270-LF motherboard. Jetway is packing all sorts of goodies into a very small form factor that is highly suitable for a Home Theater PC or for a space saving desktop.
ASUS P6T6 WS Revolution X58 Motherboard Tested
When X58 was first announced there were rumours about its graphics card support. Would it get SLI approval from NVIDIA and would it still support Crossfire? - Originally NVIDIA specified that X58 would need to use an nForce 200 PCIe bridge chip to run SLI, but a lot of pressure was put on NVIDIA fro...
Sonstige News |
Mittwoch, den 13.05.2009 |
LG X120 Netbook im Test
Das absolute Lifestyle Netbook mit modernem Design. Leicht und mit großem, schnell aufladbaren Akku, große Tastatur und 10" Glare-Type Display mit hoher Helligkeit. Bluetooth vorhanden, UMTS im Modell X120-G.
Gateway P-7808u FX Gaming Notebook Review
Gaming notebooks are typically massive machines that you need to lift weights just to be able to carry it around with you on a daily basis. The large notebooks are typically associated with other things too, like high prices and short battery life. Still, gamers who like to frequent LAN parti...
Sony BWU-300S und LG GGW-H20L Blu-ray Brenner Vergleichstest
Nach dem Ende des High-Definition Formatstreits und dem Sieg über HD-DVD sind sowohl Blu-ray Geräte als auch -Medien immer günstiger geworden. Mittlerweile sind Blu-ray Brenner für den Einbau im PC schon für unter 200 Euro erhältlich. Ein Beispiel dafür ist der LG GGW-H20L, den Hartware. net aktuell...
Enermax Aurora Micro Wireless Keyboard Review
Review of the Enermax Aurora micro wireless keyboard. In the right situation this keyboard is absolutely a solid winner, and for my setup it solved a lot of issues I was having and let me take back control of my Windows Media Center MCE HTCP. I was able to work in the Windows Vista MCE environment, ...
Gigabyte GM-M8000 Ghost Mouse Review
Review of the Gigabyte GM-M8000 Ghost Mouse. When it comes to todays games we play, we need a mouse that can react fast, have smooth non jarring movements, be able to go from slow precise movements to extremely quick movements with ease, and not have to go into a control panal to do so. Lets face it...
Netgear Digital Entertainer Elite EVA9150 Review
Streaming standard-def movies from computers and remote hard drives to televisions has been old hat for years now. But for high-def connoisseurs looking to step up to the good stuff - pure 1080p digital content - extreme file size and bandwidth constraints have severely hampered streaming and storag...
LED Emotionalize your light Ideenwettbewerb
Der Online Ideenwettbewerb LED - Emotionalize your light lädt internationale Licht- und Designliebhaber dazu ein, ihre Ideen im Bereich Lichtdesign mit LED Technologie zu präsentieren und innovative sowie emotionale Lichtkonzepte zu entwerfen. Ziel des Wettbewerbs ist es darüber hinaus, realisierbar...
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