Sonstige News |
Donnerstag, den 03.05.2007 |
Creative Xmod externe Soundkarte im Test
Nach der Vorstellung der ersten X-FI Produkte im März 2006, legte Creative vergangenen Oktober nach und präsentierte mit der Xmod eine externe Soundkarte, die komplett ohne Treiber auskommt. Wir haben die Lösung getestet und verraten wie gut sie wirklich ist.
Microsoft Windows Server Longhorn Beta 3 Review
Most IT administrators are familiar with Windows 2000 and 2003 server. Server 2003 is relatively new and was a leap in technology over 2000 server offering significant advances in terminal services and Active Directory support over its older Windows 2000 brother. Window Server code name "Longho...
Sharkoon Netfocus Webcam Test
So unterstützen immer mehr Messaging-Programme so genannte Video-Unterhaltungen, bei denen die Teilnehmer nicht nur miteinander reden, sondern sich auch in die Augen gucken können. Wir haben uns einmal die Kernkomponente einer Video-Unterhaltung angesehen. Die Firma Sharkoon hat uns dazu eine Webcam...
Apple iPod and Microsoft Zune compared
iPod or Zune? Did Microsoft kick the pod where it counts or is the mighty whitey still the king of the ring? Each player is loaded with features, flashy video capabilities and music storage galore. What one should you take home? Well, I can't tell you exactly which one you should rush out and buy. B...
ASUS Lamborghini VX2 Review
ASUS has returned though with an update, appropriately called the VX2. It includes revamped styling, a much more appropriate video card, a fingerprint reader and high-end webcam. If you've been holding out for a revision, you will be glad you did.
Samsung 275T Monitor Review
Some people say big may not be necessarily better. I guess they haven't had the luxury of working with a 27" LCD monitor. In this case, big has definitely been a huge plus in my book. Samsung once again brings a smile to my face and makes friends envious of the toys I get to play with.
Revoltec Fightmouse Review
At first I wasn't satissfied with the software Revoltec provided, I had to adjust the scroll speed every once in a while but Revoltec updated their software with V1.11 and the problem is gone. With the software you can easily adjust the dpi setting from the presets for each mode to your likings, and...
TRENDnet TEW-631BRP Review
The TEW-631BRP offers a quartet of switched Fast Ethernet LAN ports and its RJ-45 WAN port means you’ll be needing a separate cable or ADSL modem equipped with an Ethernet port. ADSL users who don’t want to incur the extra expense might want to check out Netgear’s DG834N, which comes with an integra...
SteelSound 3H Headset Review
Whether a frequent LAN goer or the family computer happens to share the bedroom, there are plenty of reasons why a good quality headset might be needed. 105mm Howitzer fire going off at 1am on a Monday morning with your window wide open and your neighbor's bedroom about ten feet away would be an ide...
Gigabyte CB-91 Mini Barebone Testbericht
Nach dem weniger erfolgreichen Gigabyte gopc CA2 hat Gigabyte nun wieder ein Barebone im Angebot, allerdings wurde diese Modell schon auf der CeBIT vor 2 Jahren vorgestellt und kann daher nicht mehr als wirklich neu bezeichnet werden. Das Barebone wird mit dem Intel 915 Chipsatz ausgeliefert, da man...
CoolIT Systems PCI Cooling Booster Review
If you have a couple of video cards that have dual slot cooling fans on them, the PCI Cooling Booster is probably not going to do much for you. If you happen to run a system with a single slot cooler, or if you are running a passively cooled card, then this would be a viable option for you.
Hewlett Packard iPAQ 514 Voice Messenger Review
I have been very clearly briefed by Hewlett Packard that the iPAQ 514 Voice Messenger is a smartphone primarily for business users, and not a phone aimed at those who like to have the very latest features at their fingertips. Yes it runs Windows Mobile 6, which makes it something of a rarity at the ...
SteelSeries SteelPad 5L Review
The SteelSeries SteelPad 5L is the newest pad from SteelSeries that combines the smoothness of a cloth pad with the durabilty of a hard plastic pad. SteelSeries has put together the 5L using 5 different layers of materials that culminate into a very nice pad. Although there is a cloth component in t...
Titan NB-201 2.1 Traveling Speakers im Test
Der geht Trend bewegt sich zurzeit immer mehr in Richtung Mobilität. So steigen mittlerweile die Umsätze zum Beispiel für Laptops, MP3-Players usw. So schön wie der mobile Einsatz ist, so gibt es meistens auch einen Nachteil, die Lautsprecher wie sie unter anderen in Laptops verbaut werden taugen me...
RaidSonic ICY BOX IB-861-B Multi-Port Panel Review
RaidSonic, storage solutions without limits is a well know company dedicated to deliver high quality storage solutions. As a manufacturer RaidSonic has direct influence on the product design, both in the quality and in the optical Design. With portable media players, digital cameras, cell phones and...
Grafikkarten News |
Mittwoch, den 02.05.2007 |
nVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra Grafikkartentest
Die GeForce 8800 GTX stellte einen Geschwindigkeitsrekord nach dem anderen auf. Die GeForce 8800 Ultra soll dies noch toppen und den zukünftigen ATi-Grafikkarten das Fürchten lehren. nVidia konnte uns ein Modell des Nobel-Beschleunigers zur Verfügung stellen, welches wir auf Herz und Nieren getestet...
nVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra Review
There’s nothing more to really say about GeForce 8800 Ultra without repeating ourselves. It’s definitely not a graphics card for everyone, but if you’re looking for the fastest graphics card on the planet and have a monitor that can show the benefits of its power, you don’t need to look much further...
ASUS EN8800GTX AquaTank Review
ASUS partners up with Thermaltake to launch the ultimate GeForce 8800 GTX. The best in the business or a design that could have been executed better?
eVGA GeForce 7600 GS 512MB Video Card Review
The EVGA 7600 GS 512MB represents a great value in add-in card graphics with a good gaming experience, great warranty, excellent build quality, and the option to upgrade the card within 3 months if you feel the need.
nVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra Benchmark Preview
Wir haben die GeForce 8800 Ultra Benchmarkergebnisse auf Basis bekannter Werte in unserem Preview errechnet und bieten so einen Ausblick auf die reale Performance der Karte.
Asus, Albatron, Leadtek, Calibre Geforce 8800 GTS 320MB Compared
We continue our Geforce 8800 320Mb tests with the additional of models from Asus, Albatron, Leadtek and the TEC cooled Calibre, comparing gaming performance, overclocking potential and cooling capability with the previous tested cards. This roundup will help you decide what card to get; read on if y...
nVidia GeForce 7600 GT im Test
Heute wollen wir uns mit einer Standard 7600 GT Version von nVidia beschäftigen. Wir schickten die Karte ebenso durch alle Benchmarks und wollten sehen wie sie sich die Karte im Testfeld etabliert.
Zotac GeForce 8500 GT Review
Zotac is a new player in the NVIDIA video card business and one of their first new cards is the GeForce 8500 GT which is based on NVIDIA's brand-new G86 graphics processor. Unlike the reference design Zotac's card is factory overclocked to a GPU clock of 700 MHz which gives the card a healthy perfor...
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 Geforce 8600GTS Review
There are many Geforce 8600GTS models to pick from, and to be honest these videocards are virtually all re-branded nVidia reference cards. This is good, it ensures quality and reliability, but it does make standing out a little tougher. The Foxconn 8600GTS-256 is a pretty plane example of what's ava...
BFG Tech GeForce 8600GTS OC Graphics Card Review
Maybe it's the great looking box or the fact that they come with a nice little overclock, all these cards seem to have something that shines, fortunately for BFG Tech it has both the box and the overclock and so much more. We had a look at the XFX come launch day and it had a lot going for it, with ...
ASUS EAX1950Pro CrossFire im Test
Das Interesse an der ASUS EAX1950Pro CrossFire ist nicht verwunderlich, denn verglichen mit NVIDIAs GeForce 8600 GTS bietet ATis DirectX 9 GPU mehr Leistung für weniger Geld.
Sonstige News |
Dienstag, den 01.05.2007 |
Hiper Media-Center im Test
Schon längst werden PCs über die Grenzen des Arbeitszimmers hinweg eingesetzt. So genannte HTPC werden als kleine Multimedia-Station im Wohnzimmer benutzt, fielen durch die meist größeren Gehäuse jedoch sofort ins Auge. Ab sofort könnte damit Schluss sein, zumindest wenn es nach Hiper geht. Der Hers...
Logitech diNovo Edge Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard Review
We first saw the diNovo Edge at CES a few months ago, and we finally got one for review. It's no Optimus Maximus, but this is still one sexy keyboard.
Cyber Snipa SWAT Laser Gaming Mouse Review
In the world of computer gaming, the gaming mouse is becoming more and more specialized and customizable to give you an edge against your components. Cyber Snipa, makers of a wide range of gaming accessories, has released a new mouse, the SWAT Laser Gaming Mouse, which has some unique features that ...
Scythe Floppy Card Reader Combo im Test
Hätte uns Scythe ein normales Diskettenlaufwerk angeboten, wäre es sicherlich nicht zu einem Test gekommen, doch - wie der Name des Produktes schon sagt - kombinieren die Japaner ein Diskettenlaufwerk mit einem Kartenleser. Die Idee ist clever, denn sie spart Platz und kommt vor allem jenen Nutzern ...
Eureka LX351 Portable Media Player Review
The ZIO Eureka is a pretty impressive solution at its price range. The Eureka LX351 has a pretty basic and bland user interface. It uses about four shades of blue. Play back of video was smooth and as crisp as your TV will allow. We experienced one crash of the LX351 while watching a MP4 video clip ...
Hauppauge WinTV Nova TD TV-Stick im Test
Mobilität spielt in der heutigen Welt eine große Rolle. Viele Hersteller versuchen ihre Produkte so klein wie möglich zu halten und dennoch den vollem Funktionsumfang bereitzustellen. So ist es kein Wunder, dass mit der Einführung des DVB-T Standards einige Hersteller sich an die Arbeit gemach haben...
Thecus N2100 Y.E.S. Box Review
The Thecus N2100 is a small and simple to use network attached storage device that would allow everyone on the home network to access and share data. However, while simple in design, I quickly learned upon receiving it that it was actually very powerful when it came to sharing data. Features such as...
Terratec Master 5.1 USB-Headset Testbericht
Bei Headsets scheint sich verstärkt ein Trend hin zum USB-Anschluss abzuzeichnen. Immerhin erhielten wir mit dem Terratec Master 5.1 USB schon das zweite Headset mit dieser Schnittstelle. Vorteile gegenüber dem analogen Anschluss sind sicherlich in erster Linie die Unabhängigkeit von einer Soundkart...
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