Sonstige News |
Sonntag, den 21.05.2006 |
Vizo Gemini Wireless Mouse Review
Being a gamer I've never really liked using wireless mice, they just never seem to be as responsive as a traditional mouse. But today I'll be doing just that, Vizo has been kind enough to send over their new wireless mouse for testing. Can the Gemini compare to a standard optical mouse of the same D...
Apple Mac mini Intel Core Mini-PC Bericht
Der neue Mac mini ist Apple's coolster Mini-PC, besonders weil er seit der Umstellung vom Motorola/IBM PowerPC Prozessor G4 auf Intel's neuste Core Duo Technologie 4-mal so schnell wie das alte Modell ist. In einem kompakten Gehäuse von gerade einmal 16,5 x 5 cm Höhe stellt der Mac mini alles zur Ve...
X-Micro MusePod Review
After the iPod Video release, we knew the market would be flooded with copycats – devices that would try hard to compete with Apple’s new object of desire. The problem with X-Micro’s MusePod is that the trying is not that hard at all. The company has released a good enough 20 GB MP3 player/recorder/...
Sharkoon Home Digital Wireless Keyboard RF im Test
Um den Computer bequem vom Sofa aus zu steuern, bietet Sharkoon das "Wireless Keyboard RF" an, in das neben der Tastatur noch ein Trackball und zwei Maustasten integriert sind. Im folgenden Test wird diese Tastatur genauer unter die Lupe genommen und zeigt, was diese Art der Fernbedienung ...
Finally! Finaly Fantasy 7 Advent Children Review
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is a movie sequel to the game Final Fantasy VII. If you are unfamiliar with FFVII, buy it off of Ebay and spend the twenty hours it takes to beat it. You will be hopelessly lost without the background, and believe me; the movie is well worth the time. FFVII for the...
Warpad Desert 1 Präzisionsmauspad im Test
Wer kennt das nicht?! Das Mauspad fängt an Wellen zu schlagen und ein spielen wird unmöglich. Bei kostenlosen Werbemauspads ist das leider so, sie hängen, oder reagiert im Schneckentempo? Diesem Graus möchte das folgende Mauspad Abhilfe verschaffen, hier nun ein professionelles Gamer-Mousepad. Heute...
Grafikkarten News |
Samstag, den 20.05.2006 |
ASUS AGEIA PhysX P1 Card Review
Today Legit Reviews has the ASUS PhysX P1 card on the test bench, which adopted Ageia's all-new PhysX Processing Unit (PPU) that hopes to take gamers to a completely new level of video realism. Read on and see what the card does, how much power it consumes, what games will be supported, and our gene...
Point of View 7900 GT SLI Review
Wie die 7900 GTX basiert auch die GT-Version, die als Nummer 2 in nVidias Grafikchip-Portfolio zu betrachten ist, auf dem G71-Chip, welcher die 7800er Serie ablösen soll. Die 7900 GT wird mit 450 MHz GPU und 660 MHz Speichertakt ausgeliefert. Die 256 MB 1.4 ns Samsung GDDR3-Speicher sind mit einem 2...
HIS X1600 Pro IceQ Turbo single and Crossfire Review
It's a card for people who don't have a lot of money to spend on their video cards but still want to be able to get decent performance in games. The card in question is the HIS X1600 Pro IceQ Turbo with 128 MB DDR3 memory. With a low price, decent performance, low noiselevel and the ability to use i...
XFX 7600 GS PCIe Video Card Review
The NVIDIA SLI-Ready GeForce 7600 graphics processing units (GPUs) unleash silent gaming and video on the PC. Today Legit Reviews takes a look at the XFX GeForce 7600 GS Extreme Edition video card and tests drive it like you would. After playing current game titles, benchmarking the card, and overcl...
BFG AGEIA PhysX Review
I got hold of CellFactor near the end of the test, and at this time my expectations were far from satisfied. A possible conclusion could have been that we would probably have to wait and see what kind of effects future games such as Unreal Tournament 2007 could show off, but CellFactor quickly chang...
HIS X1300 IceQ Turbo and Dual DVI Review
Without a doubt, both cards performed relatively well. The IceQ is also a card not to overlook if you need a cheap card with ample performance. H.I.S. has once again come up with another diverse family. For anyone on a tight budget, H.I.S. has you covered with a high performance budget card to the f...
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