Grafikkarten News |
Dienstag, den 16.05.2006 |
ATI Radeon X1800 GTO 256MB Review
For the X1800 GTO preview back on March 9, I only had time to run 4 cards through 3 games. I’ve been benchmarking around the clock until just last a couple weeks ago and now have 11 cards to compare in 8 games spanning multiple genres (9 if you count 3DMark, which I don’t…). One of the cards I’ve ad...
X1900 GT face-off
The GeForce 7900 GT is a very good overclocker, while the Radeon X1900GT looks to be a bit of a mixed bag at the moment. If you're looking to overclock, we feel that the GeForce 7900 GT is the better deal if you find one at a good price. However, if you're planning to run your video card at stock sp...
PNY Verto GeForce 7900 GTX Review
Extreme HD gaming and video is a growing trend this year for enthusiast PC systems. Thanks to the new, thinner tech process and the optimised design of the pixel processors nVidia has come up with a top-end graphics chip which is the smallest and most economical in the industry. And PNY’s Verto GeFo...
Sapphire TOXIC Radeon X1900 XTX Review
The reference cooler ATI equipped their Radeon X1800 XT and Radeon X1900 XT/XTX with is effective, there's no doubting that. Cools the chip well, actively cools the memory; job is indeed a good'un, as they say. Shame it's the sonic equivalent of a punch in the face, then.
AEGIA Physx and Ghost Recon Review
NVIDIA stalwarts BFG Technologies is the first to retail with AGEIA's PhysX PPU card. We grabbed Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - the first AAA title to support it - to see whether it lives up to the pre-launch hype. It's all very positive for the future but it is hard to recommend that anyone rush...
BFG PhysX Accelerator card Vorschau
Ursprünglich sollten erste PhysX-Karten bereits Ende 2005 erhältlich sein. Nach monatelanger Verspätung und den seit Ende März erhältlichen Komplettsystemen mit PhysX-Karte treffen nun eine Woche nach Ubisofts [i]Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter[/i], dem ersten größeren Titel mit PhysX-U...
BFG PhysX 128 MB im Test
Langweilige Computerwelt: Mit Mainboards, Prozessoren, Grafikkarten und Soundkarten kennt sich der Profi im Komponentenbereich gut aus. Aber jetzt gibt es ein neues Spielzeug, mit dem man sich auseinandersetzen kann: Physikbeschleuniger. Mit der PhysX-Karte von Ageia ist die erste Physikbeschleunige...
Sonstige News |
Dienstag, den 16.05.2006 |
Grafikkarten Übersicht
Eine Übersicht über die wichtigsten Grafikkarten der letzten Jahre mit Eckdaten wie Chiptakt, Speicherbandbreite, Slot usw. Außerdem ist eine Grafik mit dem Performancevergleich der einzelnen Modelle integriert.
Gehäuse News |
Dienstag, den 16.05.2006 |
ICY DOCK eSATA External 3.5'' Drive Enclosure Review
SATA has been implemented primarily inside the desktop and more recently in laptops. The benefits of SATA are the higher bandwidth (300MB/s) and thinner cable. Because of these benefits, it has been recently adopted so that it can also be used with an external connector. eSATA is slowly being added ...
Aspire X-QPack Review
The Aspire X-QPack is a unique case, which has everything the gamer is looking for. It is small and portable, thanks to the integrated handle and has all the room one could need. The small power supply still packs a punch and can power all the latest hardware with its 420W. But Aspire did not stop t...
AeroCool ExtremeEngine 3.0 case Review
You might have seen some of the talk about this case, if for no other reason than the sheer size of its side intake fan - If you thought 120cm side intake fans were big beans, how about a whopping 250mm side fan? The thing is so absolutely massive it looks more like a mini-turbine than a case fan.
iPod Nano Crystal Case im Test
Ob HipHop-Fan, Raver oder Klassik-Fan, keiner kann mehr ohne Ihn. Die Rede ist vom Kultobjekt des Jahres, dem Apple iPod Nano. Um seinen iPod gegen gefährliche Stürze und Kratzer zu schützen gibt es heutzutage zahlreiche Schutzhüllen und Gehäuse. Viele behindern leider die Sicht auf das schicke Desi...
HighSpeed PC Tech Station Review
The Large Tech Station is exactly was I was looking for to hold all of my gear that I have in my test bench. It allows me to have everything in one easy to access location, and gives me the peace of mind that all of my gear is safe and secure. The Tech Station was a very easy build, and should not t...
Unitek-Colors-IT ATX-L8029 Gehäuse im Test
Unitek schickte uns mehrere Gehäuse seiner neuen COLORS it-Serie ins Testlabor. Das hier getestete ATX-L8029 will besonders Nutzer ansprechen, die neben dem Design auch auf den Preis schauen.
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