Sonstige News |
Mittwoch, den 30.04.2008 |
Futuremark 3DMark Vantage Performance Roundup
Wieder einmal bringt Futuremark eine neue Version des 3DMark, den 3DMark Vantage für Vista und DirectX 10, heraus. Wir haben die aktuellen Grafikkarten mit dem Benchmark durchgetestet und stellen den 3DMark Vantage natürlich auch vor.
Futuremark 3DMark Vantage Performance Report
Der neue 3DMark Vantage soll einmal mehr die Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems für Spiele beurteilen. Wir hatten schon vor der Veröffentlichung die Chance, einen Blick auf den Benchmark zu werfen und präsentieren erste Eindrücke. Darüber hinaus rufen wir in bekannter Manier zum Testen auf, um in kurzer...
Futuremark 3DMark Vantage Testbericht
In unserem Artikel zu 3DMark Vantage werden wir Ihnen die einzelnen Test Suites vorstellen, die verschiedenen Versionen erläutern und aufzeigen, welche Abstriche der Benutzer in der frei erhältlichen Basic Edition machen muss. Erste Benchmarks halten wir ebenfalls bereit. Bereits über zwei Jahre lie...
Futuremark 3D Mark Vantage Bericht
Nach langem Warten und unzähligen Gerüchten rund um die neueste Generation von Futuremarks enorm beliebter Benchmark-Serie 3D Mark, kommt heute endlich die erwartete jüngste Generation Vantage auf den Markt. Lang erwartet wurde Vantage deshalb, weil es die erste 3D-Mark Version ist, die nativen Dire...
Futuremark 3DMark Vantage Tested
Few benchmarks have had such an impact amongst gamers as the 3DMark benchmarks from Futuremark. Whether it is to verify that you are getting the expected performance out of your system or to brag about how fast your system is, 3DMark has always been the benchmark to use. As the last version came out...
Futuremark 3DMark Vantage Artikel
Alle Jahre wieder kommt nicht nur das Christkind sondern auch ein neuer Benchmark aus dem finnischen Espoo, dem Sitz von Futuremark. Nachdem zuletzt 2006 die Fangemeinde des 3DMark in einer neuen Kombination von Sequenzen um Punkte benchen durfte, gibt es am heutigen Montag nun den 3DMark Vantage zu...
Futuremark 3DMark Vantage Test
Es sind mehr als zwei Jahre vergangen, seitdem FutureMark das letzte Mal mit einem neuen Gamer's Benchmark für Furore sorgte. Am heutigen Montag bereitet man dieser Leerlaufphase ein Ende und präsentiert der Öffentlichkeit den 3DMark Vantage, der nicht ohne Grund auf die Jahreszahl verzichtet und se...
Futuremark 3DMark Vantage Overview
Futuremark has just officially unveiled the latest version of their 3DMark benchmark suite, 3DMark Vantage. Like PCMark Vantage which was released a few months ago, this latest version of 3DMark was designed for testing Windows Vista-based systems. This latest version of the 3DMark, however, is spec...
Futuremark 3DMark Vantage Test
Zum Launch des 3DMark Vantage gibt es natürlich auch bei uns einiges an Content zu dem Thema.
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 auf CD integrieren Anleitung
Mit dem Servicepack 3 liefert Microsoft nun das definitiv letzte Servicepack für Windows XP aus, womit wir mitten im Thema sind, denn es geht einmal mehr um die Integration des SP3 in eure XP-CD. Analog zu unseren schon vorhandenen Slipstream-Workshops werden wir euch detalliert erklären, wie man au...
Honeywell MT-SY-HWLM2216 22" LCD Monitor Review
Honeywell is brand new to the LCD monitor industry, which is why they called upon the expertise of SOYO. After making giant waves in the market with their 24-Inch DYLM24D6 ultra-affordable widescreen LCD, SOYO was put to work building an up-scale version with premium features. The end result of thei...
Edifier M1550 5.1 Speakers Tested
We have just taken a look at some entry-level 5.1 speakers from Edifier. We've got the M1550s on our bench and give these 60 USD set of speakers a listen. While they don't have stupid loud volume, we found they had excellent clarity and quality for such an affordable pair of speakers. These speakers...
Hypersonic AG2 12.1 inch Notebook Review
Today we are checking out an awesome thin-and-light notebook form Hypersonic called the AG2. This little notebook has tons of performance and power tucked into a small, compact design. The weight for the Hypersonic AG2 of 4.14 pounds makes it very portable and if it was a few ounces lighter it would...
MSI GX600 Laptop Review
MSI have long been known for their motherboards and graphics cards but more recently we have seen them come up with some unique features which set them apart from other manufacturers. Their Stirling engine based Northbridge heatsink (fan that uses heat and pressure to power itself, no electricity fr...
Bytescout Watermarking Software Review
Bytescout Watermarking Software is an easy to use and very inexpensive solution to most of your watermarking needs. There are many choices for styles of marking and numerous customizations options as well. For under 20 USD DSM can easily recommend you getting this product for quick and easy watermar...
LiteOn DX-20A4PU EZ-DUB External DVD Drive Review
We show you the testing, features, and performance of this mighty external DVD-RW Lite-On EZ-DUB drive DX-20A4PU that won't leave you burning drink coasters.
Grafikkarten News |
Dienstag, den 29.04.2008 |
Sapphire HD 3870 Toxic im Test
Die Sapphire HD 3870 Toxic, bereits ab Werk oberhalb des Referenzmodells getaktet, soll durch die Vapour Chamber Technology VCT mehr Effizienz bei weniger Geräuschentwickung bieten. Zudem soll dem Kunden trotz Werksübertaktung noch genügend Luft zum individuellen Übertakten bleiben. Sapphire hat sei...
Gigabyte GeForce 8800 GT Turbo Force Review
Gigabyte customized their Gigabyte GeForce 8800 GT Turbo Force Edition by increasing the clock speeds of key areas on the card, but they did not stop there. Ultra Durable2 is a fab process they use to increase the durability and longevity of their products. Ultra Durable2 is featured on both their g...
Grafikkarten Speicher Wahl
Bei aktuellen Grafikkarten hat man die Qual der Wahl zwischen einem Speicherausbau von 256, 512 oder sogar 1024 MB. Doch wie viel ist wirklich nötig? Diese Frage wollen wir anhand diverser Testkandidaten mit ATi- und Nvidia-GPUs beantworten. Dabei untersuchen wir nicht nur die Performance in Spielen...
Diamond Radeon HD 3650 1GB Graphics Card Tested
What's different about the Diamond HD 3650 from Diamond is that it carries with it a massive 1GB of memory. We're not really big on huge amounts of memory added to a mid-range card, but we'll have to see if Diamond is able to do anything with the HD 3650 here today that impresses us. Diamond does so...
Inno3D 9600 GT Hurricane Review
This 9600 GT is coupled with a Zerotherm Hurricane cooler and a factory overclock that gives this 9600 GT more merit than most. 811MHz on the core was an absolutely stellar gain. Even the naked memory gave us an extra 102MHz. Remember the reference specs for the 9600 GT are 650MHz on the core and 90...
ASUS Radeon HD 3850 X2 Testbericht
Derzeit klafft eine große Lücke im Grafikkartensortiment von AMD. Zwischen Radeon HD 3870 ca. 125 bis 200 Euro und der Dual-Chip-Lösung Radeon HD 3870 X2 ab ca. 290 Euro liegen immerhin mindestens 90 Euro Unterschied. ASUS wagt jetzt einen Alleingang und bringt für den Preisbereich zwischen 3870 und...
EVGA e-GeForce 8800GT Akimbo 1GB Review
The EVGA 8800GT 1GB Akimbo is an interesting card in many respects. The performance is not up to the 9800GTX but it is close being that the two cards share the same video chip just with 16 SPs disabled. The main selling point of this card is the AKIMBO cooling solution as it kept the card noticeably...
Asus 9600 GT TOP Videocard Review
We are going to compare the Asus 9600 GT TOP Videocard vs the 8800GT and Asus 3850 videocards to see what type of performance we can expect.
Sapphire Radeon HD3870 X2 Grafikkarten Testbericht
Mit einiger Verspätung hat nun auch die Sapphire HD3870 X2 unseren Testparcour durchlaufen, so daß wir unsere kleine ATI Exkursion bestehend aus 3870, 3870 Crossfire und 3870 X2 endlich finalisieren konnten. So ganz traurig waren wir über die Verzögerung nicht, denn inzwischen sind die Preise wieder...
HIS HD3850 IceQ Turbo 512MB AGP Video Card Review
The HIS HD3850 IceQ Turbo 512MB AGP Video Card comes action packed with powerful technology that will not let you down. And as much as we love a good hardware war, it's unfortunate that Nvidia is no longer building highend AGP cards for us to compare these results. With that said the question must b...
Asus EAH3850 X2 1GB Vorschau
Wir haben die HD3850 X2 von Asus einem ersten Hands-On-Test unterzogen. Zwischen der HD 3870 und der HD 3870 X2 klafft eine große Lücke - im Preis wie auch teilweise bei der Leistung. Bisher sah es nicht danach aus, dass dieser Missstand behoben wird. Doch der für kreative Eigenlösungen bekannte Her...
Diamond HD 3870 1GB Video Card Review
Our testing at such a high resolution should have given the Diamond 3870 1GB a chance to shine. First and foremost, if you're playing at extreme resolutions of 2560x1600 a single ATI Radeon HD 3870 is clearly not going to cut it. It is able to provide playable frame rates in some situations but is b...
nVidia GeForce 9800 GX2 Review
The GeForce 9800 GX2 combines the two GeForce 9800 GPUs in a single graphics solution, which offers 256 processor cores and a frame buffer of 1 GB, 512 MB per GPU. It also allows a user to take advantage of the second-generation Quad SLI technology.
Asus Radeon HD 3850 X2 im Test
Asus möchte mit der Radeon HD 3850 X2 die Lücke zwischen der Radeon HD 3870 und der Radeon HD 3870 X2 schließen. Ein kühnes Unterfangen. Doch ist es auch erfolgreich? Wir werden darüber hinaus untersuchen, inwiefern die Grafikkarte gegen die Single-GPU-Karten von Nvidia bestehen kann. Hat Asus ein G...
ATI Catalyst 8.4 Analysis
Another month, another set of Catalyst drivers. Last month we saw some issues with the HD 3870 X2, but hopefully this month we see those problems disappear. There isn't much in the read me file and the majority of adjustments seem to be related to bug fixes. With the same test system that we've been...
Leadtek 9600 GT SLI Review
In this review we use two Leadtek 9600 GT Extreme cards and run our battery of game tests to find out what performance you can expect. With the Geforce 9600 GT pricing reaching new lows, it becomes interesting to see if pairing up two of them can get you more bang for the buck compared to the more e...
Sonstige News |
Montag, den 28.04.2008 |
Festplatten Lärmdämmung im Vergleich
Getestet wurde die Innovatek HDM Festplattenkühlung, der Scythe Quiet Drive Super Silent und der Silentmaxx HD-Silencer. Wem das Entkoppeln der Festplatte nicht mehr ausreicht und auch ein gut gedämmtes PC-Gehäuse keine Ruhe vor der Festplatte beschert, für den gibt es die sogenannten HDD Silencer, ...
Linux Working with Wireless Guide
However, many people will immediately say that Linux is simply not ready for the masses - and I agree with them. What bugs me is that when asked why, I'm hearing complaints from ages past treated as present-day problems: I don't want to have to work in a command line, and It's so hard to configure, ...
Western Digital VR150 300GB Velociraptor Review
The new WD Velociraptor is also very quiet running; you can barely hear it when engaged, always a good thing. Games were accessed faster, files transferred quicker and Music ripped seamlessly. It seems as if the folks at Western Digital have been working late night in their R and D department as the...
Head Direct RE1 Earphones Tested
Head-Direct has just released their RE1 earphones which are quite different compared to all the other in-ears on the market today. The special thing about them is that they are based around some very unique performing drivers that scale particularly well. The better your amplifier is, the better the...
Samsung SyncMaster 2263DX Dual Display Tested
The Samsung SyncMaster2263DX provides a more reasonable balance between screen size and price by offering an enormous 22-inch widescreen monitor coupled with a more modest 7-inch side display to handle the screen overflow. Like the heads-up display in a car, the 2263DX gives users a convenient way t...
Teufel Theater 1 Testbericht
Genauer gesagt handelt dieser Erfahrungsbericht vom Teufel Theater 1, welches allein durch seine Größe und Gewicht in einer anderen Liga spielt. Doch wer benötigt solch ein teures System überhaupt? Weil sich der Redakteur mit diesem Set selbst beschenkt hat, wollte er keinen standardisierten Bericht...
Alienware High Definition Media Server Review
The Alienware High Definition Media Server is not the Cadillac of media servers - it's more like a Maybach. If you have to ask how much, you probably can't afford it, but once you drive one everything else is pretty much crap. In a world that is moving towards complete home integration, Alienware ha...
Cable and DSL Compared
The two most prevalent technologies used today to access the internet are Cable and DSL. making the decision between one or the other can be difficult. We explain the technologies behind each, how they work, and the pro's and con's of each.
ASUS Eee PC 900 8.9 inch UMPC Review
Do you find traveling with your 14" notebook clumsy ? Do you need something that is more portable but is good enough for most of your work for documents, viewing youtube, editing some photos. If yes, the ASUS Eee PC 900 will probably be a good replacement for it.
Enhance Tech T4H CR External RAID Tower Review
Getting your hands on this device should solve your problems when it comes to flexible mobile storage with fail-safe protection. This is Enhance Technology's T4H CR. The unit comprises a very nicely built enclosure with handles for easy mobility, four HDD eSATA bays, a built-in LCD display for setup...
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