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Mittwoch, den 18.04.2007 |
Canon Powershot TX1 digital camcorder Review
The new Canon Powershot TX1 is one of the smallest camcorders we have seen, and it records video in beautiful high-definition.
Samsung GX-10 digital SLR camera Review
The GX-10 is a 10.2 megapixel high performance digital SLR aimed at the enthusiast or semi-professional photographer. It has a number of advanced features, including built-in moving-sensor shake reduction, a two-part anti-dust system to help keep the CCD clean, a strong weatherproof body with enviro...
Microsoft Windows Vista Backup und Systemwiederherstellung FAQ
Microsoft Windows Vista wurde im Vergleich zu Windows XP in vielerlei Hinsicht aufgebohrt, so auch im Backup Bereich, wo sich neben der altbekannten Systemwiederherstellung auch Neuerungen entdecken lassen, mit denen man vielleicht auf den ersten Blick nicht unbedingt gerechnet hätte.
Saitek GH50 Surround Sound Headset Review
The Saitek GH50 may look quite normal at first glance and even though it is very light, the headset packs quite a punch. As soon as the SRS is turned on, you may never want to go back to using those normal stereo variants. We try the GH50 with games, movies and music after taking a close look and le...
Acoustic Energy AE29-06C Bluetooth Speaker Review
Measuring 387 x 155 x 130mm, the speakers are made up of two drivers and a centre console all clad in matt black plastic. The front of the centre console features a large silver volume/power dial, with a status light just below and Bluetooth connection button below that. On the back are the AC conne...
Logitech diNovo Edge Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard Review
When you make a statement saying you have the World's most advanced keyboard, you better be able to back it up. When Logitech said they had the world's most advanced mouse in the MX Revolution they were able to back it up. The diNovo Edge features Bluetooth technology, a stylish sleek design, chargi...
Grafikkarten News |
Dienstag, den 17.04.2007 |
Neoseeker XFX 8600 GTS Review
One of the most exciting feature of the new 8600 and 8500 is a completely new video processing engine (VP2 + BSP + AES128 Engine) which offloads 100% of Blu-Ray and HD-DVD processing from the CPU. While the previous G80 core did come equipped with PureVideo HD functionality, the new core archi...
Sparkle nVidia 8600 GTS DirectX 10 Grafikkarten Test
Heute stellt NVIDIA ihre Mainstream Varianten 8500 GT, 8600 GT sowie 8600 GTS der Öffentlichkeit vor. Volle DirectX 10 Tauglichkeit zu einem echten Mainstream Preis zwischen 100,00 und 220,00 Euro. Etwas „beschnitten“ in der Leistungsfähigkeit ihrer größeren Brüder 8800 GTS und 8800 GTX, schauen wir...
Point-of-View GeForce 8600 GTS Preview
Everyone must surely remember the introduction of the GeForce 8800 series on the last quater of last year by NVIDIA. Well, about 6 months later it is time to reveal again a new product range from NVIDIA which is focussed towards the mid-range graphics card market. They have successfully introduced t...
Club 3D GeForce 8600GTS, 8600GT und 8500GT Produktvorstellung
Club 3D stellt heute gleich drei neue Grafikkarten basierend auf Chipstzen aus dem Hause NVIDIA vor. Die neue Generation an DirectX 10 Grafikkarten findet somit auch Einzug im Mid-Range und Einsteigerbereich. Die Club 3D 8600 GTS basiert auf dem aktuellen G84 Chipsatz von NVIDIA. Die Grafikkarte hat...
MSI and BFG 8600 GTS Review
The products that Nvidia and its partners are launching today is designed to bring DirectX 10 features to the mainstream market, in addition to this – this range introduce some quite astounding new video features which are not present on even the top end 8800 series. Top all this with an updated dri...
nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS and 8600 GT Roundup
Today is the day NVIDIA chose to officially announce the new DX10-class GeForce 8600 GTS, 8600 GT, and the rest of the mainstream GeForce 8 family of products. We pulled together a few GeForce 8600 GTS and GT cards, tested them with some popular games and benchmark tools, and have posted our thought...
Club3D 8600GTS 256 MByte DirectX 10 Grafikkarte im Test
Am heutigen Dienstag stellt NVIDIA drei neue Grafikprozessoren für die Mittelklasse vor, die allesamt DirectX 10 und das Shader Modell 4.0 unterstützen. Grafikkarten auf Basis dieser neuen Chips sollen den Preisbereich zwischen 100 Euro und der GeForce 8800 GTS 320 MByte abdecken. Angesichts von ein...
nVidia GeForce 8600 and nVidia GeForce 8500 Preview
Today nVidia announced their latest new graphics processors of the GeForce 8 Series. The new cards are called GeForce 8500 GT, 8600 GT and 8600 GTS. In our preview we examine the differences between the products and how they stack up against the last generation GeForce 7 products.
GeForce 8600 und 8500 Serie im Detail
Seit einigen Wochen wurde bereits heftig über die anstehenden Nvidia Mainstream Grafikchips auf Basis der GeForce 8-Architektur spekuliert. Nachdem im Vorfeld auch das offizielle Launchdatum durchgesickert war, vollzieht Nvidia am heutigen Dienstag den 17. April, pünktlich um 15.00 Uhr MEZ, wie erwa...
MSI GeForce 8600GTS Review
Today the GeForce 8600GT and 8600GTS arrive and bring with them DirectX 10 support for people on a relative budget. But how much of that G80 magic remains, and what other changes has NVIDIA made to ensure it succeeds in this most crucial of market segments - the sub 150 pound sector?
nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS SLI und 8600 GT Vergleich
Die neue Mid-Range-Generation von nVidia mit Direct3D-10-Unterstützung ist da: Die 8600-Serie in Form der GeForce 8600 GTS und GeForce 8600 GT. Was können die neuen Pixelkünstler? Wir haben Karten von Club3D, Point of View sowie zwei übertaktete 3D-Beschleuniger von XFX zu einem großen Vergleich ein...
XFX 8600GT and 8600 GTS Edition Video Cards Reviewed
Based on the GeForce 8800 series GPUs, the GeForce 8600 series finally brings DirectX 10 to the masses at mainstream price points. The Geforce 8600 GTS is the successor to the 7600 GT, which was one of the best value DirectX 9 graphics cards of 2006. Read on as we compare the XFX 8600 GT and 8600 GT...
Foxconn GeForce 8600 und 8500 Serie Grafikkarten Neuvorstellung
Foxconn stellte heute seine Grafikkarten der NVIDIA GeForce 8600GTS, 8600GT und 8500GT Serien vor. Die neue GeForce 8600 Grafikkarten-Serie von Foxconn unterstützt NVIDIAs DirectX10 Technologie für neue Level der grafischen Darstellung und Performance. Zudem präsentierte Foxconn übertaktete Grafikka...
XFX GeForce 8600GTS Review
New graphics cards are great, especially when they are in the "affordable for most people" range. nVidia's GeForce 8600 and 8500 series has been a long waited product. Why? Most importantly it's the first affordable DirectX 10 capable graphics card from any company and nVidia even have Win...
ATi RADEON X1900XTX Video Card Review
To get a feel for where the X1900XTX stands on the market, it was created shortly after the X1800 series to compete with nVidia's 7800 series. Specifically, the X1900XTX would compete with the 7800GTX. The X1900XTX, however, blew the 7800GTX out of the water and is more aptly compared to nVidia's 79...
XFX GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB X Edition Video Card
NVIDIA has added some new spice to the plate with their introduction of a new value-priced GeForce 8800 GTS video card featuring a 320MB video frame buffer. Built on the exact same high performance platform as the previous 640MB version, this new edition to the family offers all of the same great pe...
XFX 7950GT Review
When buying a gaming card, two names spring to mind - nVidia and ATi. One of the higher end cards from nVidia is the 7950GT. Not the most expensive card on the market today, but certainly more than capable of dealing with the most demanding games out there, we’ll get to this later. But it manages to...
Sapphire X1950 Pro Dual video card Review
Sapphire's X1950 Pro Dual is the world's first video card that uses two ATI RV570 GPUs on a single PCB. The board comes with 2x 512 MB of GDDR3 memory for a price of $399. In our testing the card shows that it has to potential to narrow the performance gap to NVIDIA's lineup until R600 is released.
Inno3D GeForce 7950 GT iChiLL Accelero S1M Review
At around 140 pound to 150 pound (inc VAT) it's not too expensive and it's more powerful than the PowerColor we reviewed recently for around the same price. However, like the PowerColor, this card unfortunately isn't available to buy yet. This means that you've still got the chance to check out how ...
Sonstige News |
Dienstag, den 17.04.2007 |
Gateway FPD2485W 24" LCD Review
Gateway is new to the high-end LCD business... While they've been selling LCDs with their computers for a while, only recently have they been selling the larger displays under their own name. Today on the review block we have Gateway's FPD2485W 24" LCD monitor, so we'll see just how well it per...
V-MODA Vibe Red Roxx Earphone Review
Though designed as an audiophile headphone, the V-MODA Vibe was also specifically designed to be used on the go while moving: at the gym, heading to the venue, or walking down the street. Legit Reviews took the Vibe Red Roxx out for a test spin and found the Vibe to be one of the best sets of earpho...
Logitech Harmony 895 Universal Remote Control Review
Logitech is soon to release its top-of-the-range Harmony 1000 unit, but while I wait to get my hands on one of those I thought I’d take a look at the next one down – the 895. What this offers over the 885 is RF – making it possible to use even without line of sight. A RF base extender is provided an...
Revoltec FightMouse Review
Revoltec has a new range of gaming peripherals. I've already taken a look at their Gamepad Precision Advanced and Precision Pro mousepads and in this review I'm taking a closer look at their FightMouse Advanced. This is a mouse designed for gamers, it features a cool design, a blue illuminated botto...
Icemat Siberia In Ear Headset Review
Anyone who has a portable device requires quality earphones to truly appreciate the audio. The alternative is to listen to poor audio, which is not something most of us like doing. Some prefer to have large headphones which offer the best sound, but that's much too bulky for most. The Icemat Siberia...
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