Kühler News |
Mittwoch, den 11.04.2007 |
Enzotechnology Ultra-X Review
Stellar looks with performance to match. This cooler is gigantic, which makes it a little bit tough to get your fingers round the nuts but installation was a breeze with my socket 775 motherboard. It's weird to see that the Ultra-X does a good job keeping ahead of the Coolscraper, but as soon as I o...
OCZ XTC memory cooler Review
The OCZ XTC memory cooler has a lot of great and useful features. Starting with its chromed elegance and bright blue LEDs, this cooler has 'head turner' written all over it. But there is brawn behind those looks as well! With an eleven degree drop over stock installation without a cooler at load, th...
Gigabyte 3D Galaxy II Wasserkühlertest
Bei dem Thema Wasser im PC scheiden sich die Geister. Zum einen trauen viele Nutzer der Dichtheit solch einer Kühlung nicht, andere haben schlicht zu wenig Erfahrung, um sich ,im inzwischen sehr vielfältigen Angebot, eine Wasserkühlung aus Einzelteilen zusammenzustellen. Die Firma Gigabyte bietet mi...
Vizo Voyager Hard Drive Cooler Review
Vizo recently sent us the Voyager dual fan 3.5" hard drive cooler for review. Vizo, based in Taiwan is a manufacturer of computer peripherals with unique designs and has many products focused on the DIY crowd. The Voyager as mentioned earlier is a hard drive cooler. Of the many ways to cool you...
Enermax Warp Lüfter mit Drehpoti im Test
Viele verbinden den Markennamen Enermax automatisch mit qualitativ hochwertigen und leistungsstarken Netzteilen oder schicken Gehäusen. Hersteller Enermax möchte mit seiner neuen WARP Lüfterserie nun auch den stark umkämpften Lüftermarkt erobern.
CoolerMaster Hyper UC im Test
Lange konzentrierte man sich bei CoolerMaster eher auf andere Dinge als auf CPU-Kühler, so dass die neuerliche Neuheitenflut eher überraschend kam. Neben einigen sehr mutigen Entwürfen wurden auch zwei eher für den Mainstreambereich konzipierte Kühler herausgebracht. Die Universalvariante Hyper UC h...
Coolermaster Notepal P1 Testbericht
Warm, wärmer, am wärmsten - manch eines der modernen Notebooks scheint sich ganz danach zu verhalten. Das Coolermaster Notepal P1 soll hitzegeplagten Anwendern bei der Bändigung ihrer digitalen Schmuckstücke unterstützen.
Corsair Nautilus 500 Test - eiskaltmacher.de (D)
MagiCool Xtreme Quad 480 Radiator Testbericht
Bei dem MagiCool XTREME QUAD 480 Radiator handelt es sich um einen 4fach Wasserkühlungsradiator der Extremklasse von Eastar Trading GmbH, der jedoch nur unter dem Namen MagiCool vertrieben wird. Bei der Fertigung hat man auf eine für Super-Silent-Lüfter ausgerichtete Kupferlamellenform optimiert, um...
Arctic Cooling PWM Series Test
Heute schicken wir die aktuellsten Lüfter aus dem Hause Arctic Cooling auf unseren kleinen Testparcours und werden untersuchen, ob sich die neue Lüfterserie namens PWM Series auch für Silentsysteme eignet. Dafür haben wir alle drei erhätlichen Modelle in den Größen 80mm, 92mm und 120mm genauer unter...
Arctic Cooling Accelero S2 Kühler für ATI und nVidia Grafikkarten im Test
Frisch von der Cebit 2007 haben wir den brandneuen Grafikkartenkühler Accelero S2, aus dem Hause Arctic Cooling, mitgebracht. Der passive Heatpipe-Kühler soll nahezu alle Mittelklasse-Grafikkarten ganz ohne zusätzlichen Lüfter zuverlässlich kühlen. Wie sich der preisgünstige Lamellen-Kühler in unser...
CoolIT PCI Cooling Booster Review
Looking to cool all of PCI cards in your computer but can't get a fan mounted in the right place? We might have come across the answer, in the form of CoolIT's PCI Cooling Booster. CoolIT, makers of a wide range of cooling products, has impressed us in the past with their innovative cooling solution...
Antazone AS-H1000 Heatspreader Test
Mit dem Voranschreiten der Computertechnik geht ein allgemeines Problem daher. Alte Rechner verliert immer schneller das Rennen gegen die Entwickler von Programmen und Spielen und werden darum für aktuelle Anwendungen unbrauchbar. Dennoch haben viele User mit Sicherheit noch alte Hardware zu Hause, ...
Sonstige News |
Dienstag, den 10.04.2007 |
Fujifilm FinePix Z5fd digital camera Review
In design as well as decor the Z5fd is born for the clubbing lifestyle. Measuring a trim 92.8 X 55 X 19.4mm and weighing only 148g it’s small and light enough to qualify as ultra-compact, and will slip unobtrusively into a handbag or shirt pocket. When not in use the lens is protected by a sliding c...
Nuke-Z Z8 Mousepad Review
The Nuke-Z mouse pads come packaged in a black plastic tube, making it look like it houses some radioactive material. The Z8 has the same logo printed on it. It it thick and features a smooth surface. The 270g weight and 3.9 mm thickness may not be liked by some and loved by others. We take our mice...
Titan EZ Sound Mini 2.1 und Titan EZ Sound 2.1 Travelling Speaker Test
Der taiwanesische Hersteller Titan, bekannt für CPU-Kühler, Lüfter und Netzteile, stellt erstmals Lautsprecher in seinem Produkt-Portfolio vor. Mit dem dem EZ Sound Mini 2.1 Speaker und dem EZ Sound 2.1 Travelling Speaker ringen damit gleich zwei portablen Stereo-Lautsprechersysteme für MP3-Player, ...
Saitek GK200 Tactile Gaming Keyboard Review
The Saitek GK200 may look like a normal keyboard, but it is geared toward gamers, who are on a budget and would like a normal sized input device. The gaming keys are a great feature while the Audio and USB 2.0 connector round up for a well balanced gaming keyboard - all for the price of a normal one...
Nova Raider Gamepad im Test
Das Nova Raider Mauspad ist speziell für Gamer entwickelt worden und vereint die Killer- und Winner-Serie des Hauses. Mit einer 6000 dpi Präzision, einer besonderen Rutschfestigkeit, einer angenehmen Gleiteigenschaft und einem ergonomischen Design will der Hersteller mit diesem Pad ein Zeichen setze...
Western Digital 320GB USB FireWire My Book Review
Right away it's clear to see where the name of the product comes from - it looks like a book! The front of the My Book has two clear rings. The inner ring is lit with a blue LED to show the remaining free space on the drive. The outer ring also has a blue LED and acts as an activity light, flashing ...
Gehäuse News |
Montag, den 09.04.2007 |
Galaxy TVisto Multimedia External Hard Drive Case Review
One of my favorite features of the TVisto is the ability to play .ISO files directly. This means that you can rip a DVD and have the TVisto play the .ISO file as if it were the actual DVD, complete with menus, special features, etc. This is a great way to back up your DVD collection and take it with...
Aerocool Zero Degree ATX Computer Case Review
The Aerocool Zero Degree case has a nice clean outside appearance and a functional inside design that will easily accommodate water cooling setups if one should choose to go that route in the future. The 0.8mm SECC steel that is used for the Zero Degree was found to be strong and leaves you with a h...
Ultra MicroFly MX6 Case with 600 Watt XVS PSU Reviewed
The Ultra MicroFly case is one of the most common SFF Small Form Factor cases on the market. It allows for the mounting of a full-size ATX PSU, while other SFF cases have to have to run a smaller PSU. We originally took a look at Ultra's MicroFly back in July of last year. Today we are going to look...
Antec Veris Fusion Review
The Antec Fusion is a fully featured HTPC case that includes a 430W power supply. The case looks more like an A/V receiver than a case. This fact makes it by far the best fitting HTPC we had the pleasure of testing so far. It completely blends in with the big volume knob, VFD and beautiful white LED...
Antec Nine Hundred Computer Case Review
The Antec Nine Hundred is one very hardcore black gaming case that is well worth the look. This case is designed to be used with high end gaming hardware that produces a lot of heat, as the case has been built for maximum cooling. With a perforated front bezel, three 120mm fans and a top-mounted 200...
Thermaltake LANBOX SFF Case Video Review - 3dgameman.com (E)
3R System M-Station HT-4000 Review
3R System offers a full range of cases and quite a few HTPC variants. The newest such case is the HT-4000, which is a mid tower. This may be quite unusual for high quality HTPC cases, but everything found in such cases can also be found here - including the LCD, card reader and remote control. 3R Sy...
Ultra Grid Computer Case and XVS 700W Power Supply Review
When I see a computer case bundled with a power supply, I'm often suspicious of the quality of the power supply, since many times you'll get a cheap supply that barely meets your power needs. Ultra, makers of a wide range of computer accessories, offers an industrial looking case called the Grid, wh...
Thermaltake Soprano DX Computer Case Review
Even though there's nothing really cutting edge about it, Thermaltake has a good thing going with the Soprano Dx. The lightweight but sturdy aluminum construction along with two locks makes it practical for transporting a system to a LAN. It has a stylish look with the blue LED bar on the front pane...
NZXT Adamas Aluminum ATX Case Review
You can't win the hearts of computer enthusiasts, system builders, and hardcore gamers by simply releasing one good product and calling it quits, so it's a good thing that companies such as NZXT have built a reputation based on releasing one great new product after another. In this review, the brand...
Cooler Master CM Media 280 Enclosure Review
With support for enough devices for a good HTPC, and the convertibility to be a good Mid-tower as well make this one case to not overlook. The CM Media 280 has sharp looks and the option for the built in VFD display with media control buttons and IR Receiver solidify its place in the HTPC case secto...
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