Sonstige News |
Sonntag, den 08.04.2007 |
Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 4000 Review
Microsoft recently announced an update to their Wireless Optical Desktop 4000 with the primary difference being updates for Vista and also the inclusion of a Laser mouse. We are taking a fresh look at this updated product to see if it's worth your $80.
Logiwood 5.1 Speaker Set Mod
I was thinking of a new project, what to mod or build next after finishing the Embryo Zero case. I searched through the Internet to see what has already been done, and I realized that good worklogs about computer speaker modding do not exist. Logitech kindly supplied me with z-5500 5.1 system as a b...
Stellseries Steelpad QcK im Test
Wer kennt die Situation nicht, irgendwie hat das alte Mousepad ausgedient und man braucht mal wieder ein Neues. Aber welches soll man nehmen? Fast jeder Hehrsteller fabriziert heutzutage schon Mousepads, so das man leicht den Überblick verlieren kann. Heute nehmen wir einmal das STEELPAD der Steelse...
Shure SE210 Noise Isolating Earphones Reviewed
The SE420s employed a dual driver design and produced superb sound across a whole range of music. The SE310s were considerably cheaper than the SE420s, but didn’t quite blow me away in the same manner. In fact the problem with the SE310s is that the price wasn’t quite low enough when compared to com...
Apple TV Review
Last year, to much fanfare, Apple introduced the Apple TV (then called iTV) to the world. Breaking with Apple tradition, they announced it in September, long before the actual hardware release. The device is positioned as a set top box to hook up to your nice HD or widescreen TV. Six months after th...
ViewSonic VX2235 22" HD widescreen Monitor Review
ViewSonic is a name that when we hear it we think of monitors. One of my first monitors was a ViewSonic. Today we will be taking a look at ViewSonic's VX2235wm 22-inch HD Widescreen LCD Monitor. Any display you get these days should be widescreen, the VX2235wm is not only widescreen it offers a 5ms ...
Netzteil News |
Samstag, den 07.04.2007 |
Mushkin HP-580AP Modular 580W PSU Review
These results will prove if Mushkin's HP-580AP PSU is more marketing hype to draw you in, or if it is in fact a product worth the bragging rights which I can personally recommend. One thing is certain even before the testing begins, selling for $139.99, the Mushkin HP580-AP already offers the latest...
Seasonic S12-500HM 500 Watt Netzteil Test
Die 1975 gegründete, taiwanesische Firma Seasonic produziert schon seit 1980 Computer-Netzteile. Die bisher getesteten Modelle S12-500 und S12-600 hinterließen allgemein einen sehr guten Eindruck und führten lange Zeit unser Vergleichsdiagramm bezüglich des Wirkungsgrades an. Diesen Platz will Seaso...
Ultra X-Pro 600 Watt ATX Power Supply Review
There's little bad I can say about the XPro 600. For a media center PC, it would be an ideal choice, both in its power and size, and in its relative silence. Plenty of connectors for legacy devices is a nice touch, and one that I would like to see other PSU makers implement. Stable voltages make for...
Howto hot wire a PSU in five steps
Do you need to test your accessories but your worried what that water cooling system or TEC cooler may do once inside your case? Test it outside your case in 5 simple steps using our guide an a spare power supply and save yourself and your system needless problems by checking out that accessory firs...
Akasa and FSP 500W PSU Shootout
Probably the most important component in your system but often neglected, we take a look at two 500W PSUs from Akasa and FSP, respectively. Both boast competitive pricing and attractive features. Find out which one is better.
Thermaltake Purepower Express 250W Review
With each new generation of high-end video cards the demand for power just keeps growing. Not only does the separate video cards need more power, using two in SLI or Crossfire mode increases the power demand even more. It is of course possible to just buy a new more powerful PSU every time you upgra...
Silverstone Strider Series ST85F Netzteil Testbericht
Silverstone konnte sich in den letzten Jahren nicht nur als Garant für hochwertige Gehäuse profilieren, die Netzteilproduktion bewegt sich inzwischen auf ähnlich hohem Niveau, was sicherlich auch darin begründet ist, das man sehr eng mit Etasis zusammenarbeitet, einem der letzten noch selbst produzi...
North Q Pacific 400w Fanless PSU Review
If you want to build an entirely silent PC, you have to logically either take out or replace everything that generates noise. Every moving part inside a PC generates noise, mainly fans and hard disk drives. A common source of noise that comes from a PC is the power supply unit. These high power devi...
Corsair HX620W PSU Review
Today NordicHardware will examine a power supply made from a company that is mostly famous for its well performing RAM. I’m of course talking about Corsair. With a 620W strong power supply Corsair enters the power supply scene. Being a well reputed name on the RAM market, which falls under the categ...
Sonstige News |
Freitag, den 06.04.2007 |
SteelSeries S and S Professional Gaming Mouse Pad Review
It's not uncommon today for hardcore gamers to pump out $100 dollars on a mouse catered towards them. They offer everything from higher dpi, and more buttons to on the fly adjustments. But, are you going to get all of your money out of that brand new mouse when you're still using some foam mouse pad...
RantoPad Mammoth Test
Die Auswahl eines Mauspads, das man für Gaming und Office gleichermaßen nutzen kann fällt seit geraumer Zeit nicht mehr leicht. Viele Hersteller bringen Mauspads heraus, die es den Leuten ermöglichen sollen auf ihnen schnellere Bewegungen in Spielen hinzubekommen. Die Firma RantoPad die auch eine gr...
Actiontec MegaPlug 85Mbps Review
Actiontec is a leader in broadband connectivity and broadband-powered solutions. The recent release of the MegaPlug series broadband devices is an innovation that has amazing potential. When used together, the 85Mbps 4 port hub can extend a broadband network to the 85Mbps Ethernet adapter through co...
RevolTec Gaming Gear Review
One of the coolest features of this keyboard are the included "gaming keys". These extra keys can be swapped out with the standard letter keys. The included tool is very easy to use. Just slide it down over the existing key, then lift up. The key pops right out, allowing you to put the alt...
Microsoft Windows Vista Review
Many years in the Making, Vista has now been our for a couple of months in its final retail form. We take a concise look at Microsoft's new OS, uncover some bugs and give it a thorough shakedown. Is Vista ready to take over from XP as your PC's only OS?
Razer DeathAdder Test
Im Rahmen unseres aktuellen Specials darf ein Produkt des Traditionsherstellers im Bereich von Gaming-Equipment nicht fehlen. Bereits seit 1999 produziert Razer Mäuse speziell für Computerspieler. Das neueste Modell hört auf den Namen DeathAdder und soll den Ruf des Unternehmens gegen die immer größ...
Neue Tips zu Windows Vista online
9x Geheime Schalter, nützliche Einstellungen, mehr Speed, mehr Komfort. Zusätzliche Vista Funktionen einschalten, Anwendungskompaktibilität sicher stellen, alte Software unter Vista betreiben, Netmeeting mit Vista Teamarbeit, Snipping Tool - Screenshots erstellen, Energieoptionen konfigurieren, mit ...
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