Today we're looking at another kit of RAM from G.Skill and this one doesn't carry the new X tag at the end of the Ripjaws name, which means it isn't quite as hard core as the previous 2133MHz DDR kit we looked at. Instead, this kit carries with it a 2000MHz DDR clock, but is twice as large with the two modules coming in at 4GB each. This isn't the first time we've looked at a 2000MHz DDR kit on our new P67 platform; we recently looked at an OCZ kit and while the kit is indeed good, the divider options on the P67 mean that 2000MHz DDR can't be set without the BCLK moving. Of course, the P67 has also brought with it very limited adjustment when it comes to the BCLK, which on a whole has made overclocking a little different for most.
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