Grafikkarten News |
Sonntag, den 15.02.2009 |
Asus GeForce 9800 GTX+ Dark Knight TOP Kurztest
Die GeForce 9800 GTX+ wird ohne Zweifel unterschätzt, erst recht im Vergleich zur ohne Zweifel starken Radeon HD 4850. Wir prüfen, was eine spezielle Version von Asus zu bieten hat. Dazu haben wir die GeForce 9800 GTX+ Dark Knight TOP von Asus in unser Testlabor eingeladen, die neben höheren Taktrat...
Zotac GeForce GTX 295 Video Card Review
GeForce GTX 295 is based on two GPUs running at the same clock specs as GeForce GTX 260, but having more processing cores - 240 against 216 or 192, depending on the version. Zotac's model ZT-295E3MA-FSP runs with the default clocks set by nVidia.
nVidia 182.05 Beta Grafikkarten Treiber im Benchmark Test
Getestet wurde der nVidia 182.05 Grafikkarten Betatreiber. Mit dem Geforce 182.05 Beta verspricht Nvidia deutliche Leistungszuwächse in diversen Spielen.
Sapphire HD 4670 GDDR4 Review
Sapphire has a track recorded of taking the reference designs from AMD/ATI and pushing them up a notch or two. The Sapphire HD 4670 512MB GDDR4 is another fine example of their hard work.
Edel-Grafikkarten Geforce GTX 285 Performance Edition Test
Mit der Geforce GTX 285 hat Nvidia am 15. Januar dieses Jahres nach etwa sechs Monaten den Nachfolger der produktionsteureren GTX 280 vorgestellt. Schon jetzt bieten zahlreiche Nvidia Partner entsprechende Modelle an, darunter auch erste Silent und OC Karten. Die folgende Geforce GTX 285 verspricht ...
Zotac GeForce GTX 295 1792 MB Tested
Zotac's GeForce GTX 295 comes with two NVIDIA GT200b GPUs sandwiched together in one graphics card. The card can successfully defeat ATI's HD 4870 X2 in our benchmarks and offers plenty of overclocking headroom beyond that. Thanks to the 55 nm GPU design and clever power saving methods the card even...
ASUS Matrix and Sapphire Toxic Radeon HD 4870 and 4850 Compared
ASUS recently announced a new line-up of video cards under their Republic of Gamers brand, the Matrix series, and we will be evaluating the new 4850 and 4870 offerings in this article. We'll also be evaluating Sapphire's take on a pumped up non-reference 4870, which is a member of their premium Toxi...
Nvidia GeForce 182.05 Beta Treiber Test
GeForce 182.05 heißt der neueste Beta Treiber aus dem Hause Nvidia, der die hauseigenen Grafikkarten verbessern und beschleunigen soll. Wie schlägt sich der Treiber gegen den Vorgänger? Wir testen ihn auf einer GeForce GTX 280 mit Hilfe unseres ausführlichen Testparcours. Dabei achten wir nicht nur ...
BFG GeForce GTX 285 OCX Review
Today we put BFG's GeForce GTX 285 OCX under the microscope. We already know what Nvidia's new flagship single-GPU - not to be confused with its dual-GPU single videocard - solution brings to the table, and BFG looks to up the ante by overclocking its card beyond the reference design. Not only that,...
EVGA GeForce GTX 295 Plus Tested
A few weeks back, we took an in-depth look at the dual-GPU powered NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295. Just to recap a bit; the GeForce GTX 295 is NVIDIA's current flagship graphics card that couples a pair of 55nm GT200 GPUs with 1792MB of frame buffer memory, culminating in what is ultimately the fastest, sin...
XFX 4870 1GB X GFX Review
Due to their levels of excellence XFX have received more DriverHeaven gold awards in the last few years than any other company which is quite an achievement. Not content with being known for great Nvidia based products XFX recently announced a range of Radeon graphics cards and Intel motherboards, a...
ATI Catalyst 8.12 vs Catalyst 9.1 Quick Comparison
There's not much new in the latest Catalyst release for gamers really, so I decided to grab a couple games and run a comparison of 8.12 and 9.1 releases, and not do a whole bunch of games and benchmarks. I wasn't expecting much of an improvement and didn't really get any either, so no disappointment...
Sapphire Radeon HD 4670 GDDR4 Test
Die Radeon HD 4670 ist nun schon eine Weile auf dem Markt. Bisher wurde beim Speicher stets auf GDDR3 gesetzt, doch hat Sapphire jetzt erstmals eine Radeon HD 4670 mit GDDR4 in das Sortiment aufgenommen. Ebenso wurde bei diesem Modell auf den üblichen Referenzkühler verzichtet und stattdessen eine e...
Sonstige News |
Samstag, den 14.02.2009 |
Cyber E Sport Orbita Freestyle Mouse Reviewed
Today for review I've got a quite interesting and innovative new mouse from Cyber E Sport, it's called the Orbita Freestyle Mouse and it looks nothing like your standard mouse. The Orbita is round and puck shaped, there are buttons on the side and the top, and the entire mouse spins for scrolling. I...
6 Jahre Meisterkuehler Gewinnspiel
Happy Birthday, 6 Jahre Meisterkuehler ist natürlich ein schöner Anlass, ein Gewinnspiel anlässlich des Jubiläums zu organisieren. Insgesamt werden 19 Preise im Wert von 700 Euro unter allen richtigen Einsendungen verlost. Das Gewinnspiel von Meisterkuehler startet am Freitag den 13.2.2009 und der E...
Griffin Streamline Armband Case for Apple iPhone 3G Tested
With more and more iPhones being sold every day, and the rumors that Walmart might be getting into selling the phone, the iPhone accessory market is a lucrative place to be these days. Today I'll be reviewing the Streamline Armband Case for the iPhone 3G. Griffin Technologies has sent us an armband ...
BlackBerry Curve 8900 Reviewed
New BlackBerry model that was launched by Research In Motion - RIM in last week of January, belongs to Curve series although it is actually similar to BlackBerry Bold . Maybe there will be someone that won't agree with the fact that Curve 8900 also known as Javelin is better than Bold 9000, Curve 89...
Plantronics GameCom 777 Surround Gaming Headset Review
Plantronics has developed their GameCom 777 Gaming headset, which is used by professional gamers at least that's what I saw at their booth at PAX 08. This gamingheadset features Dolby Headphone technology, which not only allows gamers to experience positional sound in games, but listen to music and ...
Elitegroup MD100 Mini-PC mit Intel Atom im Test
Getestet wurde der Elitegroup MD100 Mini-PC mit Intel Atom Prozessor. Der 30 Watt PC. Wirklich neu ist der Atom nicht mehr, entsprechende Computer sind schon seit längerem verfügbar und entern langsam auch den Desktop-Markt. Wir haben uns einen solchen Atom-basierten Computer besorgt und getestet, o...
Cyber Sport Orbita Freestyle Wireless Mouse Review
For those who spend their day scrolling through line after line of a spreadsheet or page after page of a document or website, the Orbita mouse can make life a whole lot easier. Rotating the entire mouse to scroll instead of using a wheel sounds cumbersome, but actually doing it proved to be a quick ...
Synology DS209+ 2-Bay Disk Station Review
Synology has become well-known over the years for producing some of the highest-quality NAS boxes on the planet, some of which we've taken a look at in the past, and the new DS209+ is no exception. Though expensive, it has a huge feature-set and superb performance to back it up, which makes it a goo...
Grafikkarten News |
Freitag, den 13.02.2009 |
2006 bis 2008 Grafikchips im Vergleich
Seit jeher entwickeln AMD und Nvidia pro Grafikkartenreihe rund drei bis fünf Grafikchips, um die jeweiligen Marktsegmente - klassischerweise Low-End, Mainstream und High-End - abzudecken. Durch unterschiedliche Taktraten - der Speichertakt variiert auch häufig durch unterschiedliche Speichertypen -...
Gainward 285GTX Graphics Card Review
The 285GTX is a nice update of the 280GTX. Sure, the core is about the same as the GT200 found on the 280GTX but the card runs cooler and the newer manufacturing technology used for the GT200b chip gives us some more headroom in clock speeds.
Sapphire HD 4650 Review
Review of the Sapphire HD 4650 video card. Nvidia and ATI keep pushing the envelope for what's possible with a graphics card. From GPU folding to ray tracing. What about if you're just your average Joe looking to play a game? Well, luckily for you there are plenty of options to choose from. Today, S...
ASUS GeForce ENGTX285 TOP Graphics Card Review
One thing I really can't stress enough about the TOP line-up of graphics cards from ASUS is that they are more than just a few extra MHz on the core and memory. Past experience has always shown that the clocks offered by a card carrying this marking are clearly above the norm. What's interesting, th...
Asus Radeon HD 4850 und HD 4870 Matrix Kurztest
Asus schickt mit der ATi Radeon HD 4850 sowie der HD 4870 in der Matrix Version zwei außergewöhnliche Grafikkarten ins Rennen. ComputerBase testet die beiden Individualisten. Was bieten die Karten, was das Referenzdesign von AMD nicht zu bieten hat. Und sind die Änderungen ihren Aufpreis wert?
Zotac GeForce 9500 GT AMP 512MB Reviewed
On paper and in tests, the 9500 GT is half a 9600 GT - there's a lot missing in that last 100. It's got half the shaders 32 half the ROPs 8 and half the bandwidth 128-bit. Adding insult to injury, everything is clocked lower; GPU, memory, even the shaders are slower. It's more like two-fifths a 9600...
Zotac GTX285 AMP Edition im Test
Die neue NVIDA GTX285 Grafikkarte will bei einer Verkleinerung des Fertigungsprozess auf 55nm die Leistung anheben. Unser Augenmerk in diesem Test liegt bei einem direkten Vergleich einer übertakteten XFX GTX280 und der ebenfalls vom Hause Zotac mit mehr Leistung ausgestatteten GTX285. Was sagt die ...
Sapphire Toxic HD 4870 512MB Video Card Review
Review of the Sapphire Toxic HD 4870 512MB video card. I have to admit, at first I thought that this card would be much like the rest with a slight performance increase and a better cooling solution. But through testing and benchmarking, this card has impressed me with a sizable performance increase...
EVGA Geforce GTX295 Grafikkarten Test
Nach den zahlreichen GTX260 Tests wollen sie euch diesmal nVidia's neueste Dual GPU Grafikkarte vorstellen, die GTX295. Als Sample stand die EVGA GTX295 zur Verfügung, die man gegen andere GTX Modelle verglichen hat.
ATI Catalyst 9.1 WHQL Grafikkarten Treiber Test
AMDs Grafikkarten Treiber ATI Catalyst 9.1 WHQL kam spät. Was lange währt, wird endlich gut?
HIS Radeon HD 4670 IceQ Tested
With that said though, picking up a mid range graphics card like the 4670 is always going to be something of a false economy. Sure you save a good 30 GBP opting for the Radeon HD 4670 over the Radeon HD 4830 or 9800 GT, but you're getting a whole lot less graphics card and we're certain the compromi...
Sapphire Radeon HD 4670 Video Card Tested
So you want to be a rock star huh? Well just like the Stones say, you can't always get what you want. Some of us realize we are just normal people and must settle for our daily mundane tasks. The same holds true for computer graphics cards, or does it? Today Benchmark Reviews will look at a mainstre...
BFG Tech GeForce GTX 285 OCX Review
BFG Tech has ticked most of the boxes on our checklist with its GeForce GTX 285 OCX graphics card - its clock speed increases are impressive, there's still headroom for overclocking, performance is excellent, the after sales service has a proven track record and it's the fastest single GPU graphics ...
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