Review of the Bladerunner Black Ghost Helicopter, Fieldrunners for iPhone, Mass Effect OST, Akasa All in One 2 and Icy Dock MB672 SATA Enclosure. Card readers are a generally quite boring product. They're all the same as one another, with hardly any innovation and each one with the same boxy design to them. Fan controllers are pretty dull en masse too, especially when it comes to reviewing them - there's only so many jokes you can make about turning the knob to make it go faster before your review starts getting blocked by Internet filters. Combine the two together though - a fan controller and card reader in one - and you end up with something that's so jaw-dropping that you'll need to wear a chinstrap to even look at it. OK, maybe not, but the Akasa All in One 2 or All in Two 1? is still a pretty useful piece of kit that could suit the needs of almost anyone. In fact, if you too-often find yourself using different external card readers or if your case doesn't have front or top-mounted USB slots and the like then the All in One 2 could be worth its weight in plastic and copper wiring.
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