Already a force to be reckoned within the gaming mice niche as the previously reviewed G9 mice can attest, Logitech is trying its hand on the gaming keyboard market – for the second time. Their G15 gaming keyboard is being re-released with a new design, fewer programmable keys and more support for popular games like World of Warcraft. It's a hybrid product – to use the word that's making waves in the automobile industry – since it can be used either for gaming or for serious work, without the need of changing keyboards each time you want to play or have to do some spreadsheets. The programmable keys can be assigned to gaming functions (spellcasting, changing weapons, and invoking powers) or to open media players and check the email. And the LCD display is back from the previous version, allowing the user to see relevant gaming information (health bar, ammunition capacity) and which MP3 is being played.
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