Mainboard News |
Mittwoch, den 17.01.2007 |
ASUS Striker Extreme nForce 680i motherboard Review
We have been sent the extremely feature packed ASUS Striker Extreme motherboard based on nVidia's new nForce 680i chipset for our testing purposes - it falls into the "Republic of Gamers" series of boards from ASUS and it's the first for the Intel platform. We are today going to see how we...
Abit Fatal1ty AN9 32X Review
Abit needs no further introduction. Among overclockers and game enthusiasts it has always been a manufacturer you can trust because performance is high on the wish list. Through the years, Abit has manufactured motherboards that manage to deliver an outstanding overclocking.
Intel Bad Axe Rev. 2 Test
Mit dem Bad Axe 2 möchte Intel ein für Übertakter und PC-Enthusiasten optimiertes Mainboard auf den Markt bringen.
Asus P5N-E SLI Motherboard Review
Asus has long been a major player in the motherboard market in every segment you can think of. Their name has long been a favorite with the enthusiast crowd. Can they continue the trend with this motherboard? Can the ASUS P5N-E SLI motherboard compete with the top 680i SLI boards that are out? ASUS ...
Asus Crosshair motherboard Review
The first Asus Republic of Gamers board is known as Crosshair and it's based on NVIDIA's nForce 590 SLI chipset for socket AM2 Athlon 64's. So in all, for a pure gaming PC it offers a great performing, stable option for people looking for a machine based around socket AM2 with support for SLI. For a...
MSI 965P Platinum Motherboard Review
From a feature standpoint, between the MSI 965P and Abit AB9, the MSI board seemed like a more feature loaded product. There was more "stuff" in the package, but mostly the ability to run a CrossFire configuration could be a possible deal maker for those planning such a setup down the line...
DFI ICFX3200-T2R G AMD RD600 Motherboard Review
This left us wondering on the Intel front, would RD600 ever make it to the market potentially being an AMD owned chipset for an Intel CPU. First there were rumours of it being scrapped, but now we have finally seen the first board based on this chipset cross our path, and by the looks of it possibly...
ASRock ConRoeXFire-eSATA2 Test
Wir haben uns wieder ein neues Mainboard aus dem Hause ASRock etwas näher betrachtet. Es handelt sich dabei um das Modell ConRoe775XFire-eSATA2, das, wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, aktuelle Intel Core 2 Duo Prozessoren und auch den ATI-Crossfiremodus, also den Zusammenschluss von zwei Grafikkart...
Sonstige News |
Dienstag, den 16.01.2007 |
Sharp Aquos LC-32GD8E 32in LCD TV Review
Yes, the LC-32G8E lacks the balls-out glamour of Sharp’s upcoming new LCD stars, and no, its performance won’t give the very best LCD TVs in town sleepless nights. Yet placed within the context of its hugely reasonable sub-£600 price point, it’s a budget option that you’d be foolish to ignore.
Saitek GM 3200 Laser Mouse Test
Als gäbe es nicht genügend Mäuse am Markt die mit sämtlichen Funktionen und Eigenschaften winken, bläst nun auch Saitek jetzt zum Frontalangriff auf Logitech und Razer. Mit satten 3200dpi und modular wechselbaren Gewichten, will man sich unter den Marktführern etablieren.
Vodafone 710 Mobile Phone Review
The 710 is Vodafone’s first attempt to produce an own branded 3G handset aimed squarely at consumers. It isn’t available on Pay Monthly tariffs, only on Pay As You Talk, will set you back £72 and incorporates tri-band GSM.
Navilock NL-302U GPS Empfänger Test - Cold-Modding.de (D)
LG 50PC1D 50in Plasma TV Review
Its two HDMI inputs are in line with what most rivals are offering in the digital HD department these days, and they’re backed up by the component jacks demanded by the HD Ready spec list; a D-Sub PC input; a very healthy three Scarts; an RS 232C control/service jack; and even - remarkably for this ...
Outlook Express Backup Programm OEBackup in der Praxis
Der seit Jahren meistgenutzte E-Mail-Client dürfte wohl Outlook Express sein und so verwundert es wenig, dass wir immer wieder nach geeigneten Sicherungsprogrammen gefragt werden, mit denen man ohne große Schnörkel alles Wichtige sichern und bei Bedarf ebenso schnell wiederherstellen kann. Der graue...
Experience 1080p HD content now
These next generation movie formats bring six times the quality of that of regular DVD. How can this be achieved? It all comes down to the media used to store the movie data. HD-DVD and Blu-ray discs are able to store much more data than a regular 4.7GB DVD disc. In fact, the storage capacity of a d...
Amoi T333 Subnotebook Test
Mit dem T333 hat AMOI ein extrem schlankes und edles Notebook auf den Markt gebracht. Es liegt preislich in der Mittelklasse mit guter Verarbeitung. Trotz der federleichten 1.300 Gramm (mit Normalakku) hat das T333 die aktuellen, schnellen Intel Prozessoren und WLAN an Board. Es bietet eine 60GB Fes...
Grafikkarten News |
Montag, den 15.01.2007 |
XFX Fatal1ty 7600 GT Review
The card is pre-overclocked to such an extent that XFX claims that this is the fastest 7600 GT available. Not only that, but it also uses a passive cooling solution, making it completely silent. All this comes with a minimal increase in price (£5-£10) over standard spec cards, which certainly looks ...
Sapphire X1950 Pro Ultimate Test
Die von Sapphire kürzlich vorgestellte Radeon X1950 Pro Ultimate soll mit sehr guter Ausstattung, einem Zalman Heatpipe Kühler und etwas mehr Leistung die Ansprüche deutlich weiter nach oben setzen.
ATI Catalyst 7.1 Performance Analysis
You have to wonder what the boys over at AMD did over the New Year's break - did they fix a few minor issues in the drivers and put their feet up and relax for the rest or did they find some new way to squeeze some extra performance out of those Radeon cards? As we roll into 2007 and a new month we ...
Foxconn FV-N88SMBD2-ONOC GeForce 8800 GTS Review
One problem at the moment is that the card isn't available to purchase and current pricing estimates indicate that the card will cost around £350 including VAT. At this price, Foxconn's overclocked GeForce 8800 GTS sits right in between BFGTech's 8800 GTS (at around £300 including VAT) and a slew of...
nVidia G80 Image Quality Analysis
This article, part two of our NVIDIA G80 analysis, concerns itself with the chip's potential and realised image quality, from surface filtering to pixel output options and bits in between. The hardware does us a lot of favours, given its orthogonality in the ROP and filtering hardware, when explaini...
ATI Catalyst 7.1 Treibervergleich
Ab sofort steht der Catalyst 7.1, der erste Treiber im neuen Jahr, zum Download bereit. Unter anderem soll die Leistung in dem Game Dark Messiah: Might and Magic, bei den X1000 Grafikkarten, um bis zu 12% gesteigert worden sein.
ATI Catalyst 7.1 with Control Panel - ngohq.com (E)
Foxconn 7950 GX2 Testbericht
Die Einführung der GeForce 8800 GTX hat den Leistungshorizont der PC-User erneut erweitert. Schaut man jedoch auf die Verfügbarkeit der neuen Karte, sieht man sofort, dass diese nur schlecht erhältlich bzw. nur ab 550€ zu haben ist. Da ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sich das Gros der User immer no...
Gigabyte GV-RX195P256D-RH ATi Radeon X1950Pro Review
Finally, with the release of RV570 VPU, a.k.a. ATi Radeon X1950Pro, we are blessed with native CrossFire, which eliminates the resolution and Master/salve cards limitations; the VPUs are connected via the two CrossFire connectors found on the upper left hand side of the cards. In addition to the nat...
ATi Radeon X1950 Pro Test
ATis Radeon X1950 Pro kämpft im Mid-Range-Markt um die Performancekrone gegen die GeForce 7900 GS von nVidia. Wir haben ein GeCube- und ein PowerColor-Modell unter getestet. Dabei kommt die GeCube-Karte mit einem eigenen PCB daher, während die PowerColor X1950 Pro Extreme nicht nur den bekannten Arc...
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